

  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    Love this philosophy. I am easily dissuaded by long term high results goals. Today I'm doing the 200 crunches one day challenge; along with this weeks fitness plan. today is also upper body.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Geeze so much going on here!!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back CrazyQuilter!! Really good to see your face here! Good luck this week!!

    :drinker: bachooka & Suz:drinker:

    OMA ~ OMG
    :noway: WHAT WERE YOU THINKING????:noway:

    Flushing your pedometer sounds like something I would do!! HOLY COW GIRL!! if ya wanted a new pedometer, just say so!! I sure hope it was a cheapie. I have an expensive one with software! :-( I would cry!:sad:

    :smile: So glad you found your phone!! :smile:

    I had a dificult time sleeping last night cus hubby slept bad. I have been exhausted all day. :yawn: I am struggling today! I did do the Walk Away the Pounds since I couldn't walk! Had a HIGH SODIUM lunch :sad: and plan on napping for an hour. My list is going sloooooooooow today, But I will...................... STRIVE FOR FIVE!! :wink:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Love this philosophy. I am easily dissuaded by long term high results goals. Today I'm doing the 200 crunches one day challenge; along with this weeks fitness plan. today is also upper body.

    :flowerforyou: WELCOME MOREMARI
    Great to have you join us!! I feel the same way about looking at the short term goals. I have better success. Good luck this week, Jump in when you can or just use us to help keep you accountable. :love:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    It wasn't bad $20. but it was a really cool one! I've only had it a little over a week!!! Oh well. Live and learn, take pedometer OFF waistband BEFORE peeing!!!!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Oma, so sorry! Hard to find one you like too!! Mine clips to waistband then it has a string with another clipper. I broke that so I use a big safety pin, to double secure it. I lost too many in the past!

    I have an Omron Pocket Pedometer
    Model HJ-720ITC

    Guess there is no use sayig, I hope you find it so I will say, so sorry for your loss and hope you get another one. You earned a weeks worth of steps!!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I'm on my way to the store to get one in just a few! I can't even be mad cuz I feel so silly! Thank you!!!
  • IBelieve2
    IBelieve2 Posts: 12
    I'm in and new to this. I love the idea of the short term goal, my long term goal is soooo overwhelming that it stops me from starting anything.

    My weeks start on Mon. so today is my start and here it is 5:25 pm.

    Goal for the week is 20 min on glider daily.

    Increase water intake.
  • cdenham001
    cdenham001 Posts: 83
    Ok, so day one and I'm doing pretty good.

    1. Drank 4 glasses of water today. - That's up from 0-1 a day.

    2. Zumba Wii was done first thing this morning.

    3. I have logged everything I have put in my mouth today.

    If I keep this up....I'll be back on track and to where I want to be in no time.
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Report Day 2:
    1. Go to bed by 10pm every night. Definitely gonna be in bed on time tonight. As a matter of fact I'm probably going early!!
    2. Go to gym 3 days this week. overslept. no gym today. 5 more days to get them in though!
    3. Try out a different home workout program each day.Pulled out my old Tae Bo. Didn't finish it but I got about half way through!
    4. Walk 1/4 mile further each day from the day before. (this is not "exercise walking" I wear a pedometer all day to judge how much moving I'm actually doing.) today was setting baseline for the rest of the week. 2.27 miles plus whatever I missed by flushing my pedometer :grumble:
  • moremari
    moremari Posts: 119 Member
    Love this philosophy. I am easily dissuaded by long term high results goals. Today I'm doing the 200 crunches one day challenge; along with this weeks fitness plan. today is also upper body.

    So here're my goals for the week:
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?
    Sunday: elliptical, 60 mins.
    Monday: hike 60 mins :tongue: Actually did upper body today took bat 40 mins.
    Tuesday: Yoga, & Palates 60 mins
    Wed: circuit training + elliptical, each 30 mins
    Thurs: Abs & arms workout 30 mins :tongue: Switching w/ Tues.
    Fri: lower body workout, 30 mins
  • slimdownwj
    slimdownwj Posts: 7 Member
    My goal for this week is to log food and exercise every day this week! Seems small but really big for me. I usually fall off the wagon on the weekends. I put the app on my phone so I should be able to meet this goal!
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I'm in and new to this. I love the idea of the short term goal, my long term goal is soooo overwhelming that it stops me from starting anything.

    My weeks start on Mon. so today is my start and here it is 5:25 pm.

    Goal for the week is 20 min on glider daily.

    Increase water intake.

    :flowerforyou: WELCOME IBELIEVE2

    I believe I have a new BBF!! :love: Trust me when I tell you that I NEED short term goals, I NEED to lose a lot of weight & I NEED my friends here!!


    As you probly saw me mention many times, we are a great lil support group. All striving to be healthy and depending on each other along without own brains to getter done!! :drinker:

    Good Luck & Post when you can but DON'T GIVE UP!! Let us know if we can help you, ok? :smile:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I'm in!
    I've only been on here for one week, but loving it so far!

    My goals:
    1. go to my first Zumba class this week
    2. get up to do my 30day shred each day this week
    3. keep within 250 calories of my goal each day

    :flowerforyou: WELCOME STC :flowerforyou:
    I think I missed you earlier. Must have been those nice looking legs. :tongue:

    Great Goals for the week!! Good luck reaching them. keep us posted how ya do!!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I'm in for my first one week challenge. Two goals:
    Add 15 min. on the treadmill daily to the 30 min. on the elliptical.
    Practice Tai Chi every day.
    Wish me luck!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Hello all!!

    I had a great day... kind of work was rough. Other then that great day. LOL! I got up and did my workout :bigsmile: YAY! Got all my water in today. Now I'm cuddling with my puppy :happy:

    On a side note... I've been stuck at 45 pounds F-O-R-E-V-E-R. I'm really getting close to my next mini goal (getting under 170) and so close to hitting the half way mark. I really want to hit these, I really need to buckle down.

    Hope you all are having a good Monday. :heart: you guys keep up ALL the heard work. We can do this.

  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    My goal for this week is to log food and exercise every day this week! Seems small but really big for me. I usually fall off the wagon on the weekends. I put the app on my phone so I should be able to meet this goal!

    Hi there. I totally know what you mean about the weekends, I have made an art form of my falls off the wagon on the weekend.
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    Love this philosophy. I am easily dissuaded by long term high results goals. Today I'm doing the 200 crunches one day challenge; along with this weeks fitness plan. today is also upper body.

    So here're my goals for the week:
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?
    Sunday: elliptical, 60 mins.
    Monday: hike 60 mins :tongue: Actually did upper body today took bat 40 mins.
    Tuesday: Yoga, & Palates 60 mins
    Wed: circuit training + elliptical, each 30 mins
    Thurs: Abs & arms workout 30 mins :tongue: Switching w/ Tues.
    Fri: lower body workout, 30 mins



    I can only tell you that I plan to include some kind of exercise on top my daily walk. My brain only knows what it is the day of!! Or when I start rootin through DVD's! LOL Maybe that will be my next weeks goal, to plan the activity ahead of time. LOL Thanks for the boost!!

    :laugh: WOW!! You are already kikkin' Butt ......................MINE!! LOLOLOL:sad:
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Love this philosophy. I am easily dissuaded by long term high results goals. Today I'm doing the 200 crunches one day challenge; along with this weeks fitness plan. today is also upper body.

    So here're my goals for the week:
    What's your work-out schedule look like for this week?
    Sunday: elliptical, 60 mins.
    Monday: hike 60 mins :tongue: Actually did upper body today took bat 40 mins.
    Tuesday: Yoga, & Palates 60 mins
    Wed: circuit training + elliptical, each 30 mins
    Thurs: Abs & arms workout 30 mins :tongue: Switching w/ Tues.
    Fri: lower body workout, 30 mins

    I'm doing P90X lean program. So this week I have:
    Monday: Core Synergistics
    Tuesday: Cardio X
    Wednesday: Shoulders & Arms + Ab Ripper X
    Thursday: Kenpo X
    Friday: Legs & Back + Ab Ripper X
    Saturday: Yoga
    Sunday: X Stretch
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    My goal for this week is to log food and exercise every day this week! Seems small but really big for me. I usually fall off the wagon on the weekends. I put the app on my phone so I should be able to meet this goal!


    Great way to find a great program!! I love this website and all my friends I have made. Logging the food is half the battle and I love this food diary!!

    Good luck reaching your goals this week!! :smile: The phones are so impressive now days, and I still carry a tracphone :sad:
  • missdeehere
    missdeehere Posts: 420 Member
    I'm in for my first one week challenge. Two goals:
    Add 15 min. on the treadmill daily to the 30 min. on the elliptical.
    Practice Tai Chi every day.
    Wish me luck!

    WELCOME KAT :flowerforyou:

    I LOVE YOUR PIC!! Soooooo Cute!!

    Good luck reaching those goals I have a feeling you will mastr this. I would be dying because of my knees I can not do a treadmil or elliptical!! No Bike either :noway:

    Keep us posted!!