Favorite vegetables and how to cook them



  • mpat81
    mpat81 Posts: 351 Member
    edited February 2016
    ^^^^ Sounds like we've got the same idea! <3 [/quote]

    Haha, yes I think so! I always call this a ratatouille, (probably inaccurate), it is sooo good!

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Braised red cabbage with sweet onions and apples (granny smith)
    Brussel sprouts roasted
    Asparagus sautéed or roasted
    Spinach or other greens wilted in a little olive oil
    Green beans blanched
    Green peas blanched
    Roasted carrots
    Roasted beets
    Broccoli steamed
    Broccoli blanched and then sautéed
    Cauliflower roasted
    Radish raw or roasted
    Zucchini or summer squash sautéed

  • miko482
    miko482 Posts: 21 Member
    edited February 2016
    The Kale recipe that I probably consume too much of:
    1/2 tablespoon olive oil and 1 clove chopped garlic, heat till garlic starts cooking
    add in kale - I usually go by the handful (but maybe 150-200 g for 2 people as a side?)
    cook/stirfy kale briefly so the oil and garlic are evenly distributed
    put in about 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup of water (I usually just guess at this, tbh)
    put lid on and steam for about 5 minutes
    remove lid and cook off water, stirring pretty regularly
    remove from heat and add vinegar of your choice to taste (white, apple cidre, or balsamic work well)

    This works really well with a kale/spinach mix too!
  • RebeccaSlabaughThitaram
    RebeccaSlabaughThitaram Posts: 7 Member
    edited February 2016
    I mix a can of creamed corn (make sure there are no added ingredients besides salt) shredded zucchini salted and sqeezed, then add a flour of choice, I use maybe a half cup of potato starch. I make little hotcakes in a nonstick pan. Season according to your tastes. They feel like a guilty snack, that's not too unhealthy.
  • freyjabibby
    freyjabibby Posts: 18 Member
    I have jumped on the 'zoodles' bandwagon - spiralized courgette/zucchini, little bit of oil and lightly fry it.
    I love sweet potato mashed up, mixed with whatever is around (lentils, grated carrot, mashed beans) and turned into burgers. Again lightly fry. They fall apart a bit, but taste lovely. I suspect that mixing it all together with an egg would bind it and give you more solid burgers but have yet to test the theory.
    Can never find them here other than at Christmas but sprout tops are beautiful (I hate actual sprouts), cooked in veg stock, but don't let them go mushy.
    I'm also a fan of roasting pretty much any veg. Very finely sliced potatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, butternut squash.
    Lentil soup (technically not a veg) is always a winner and super simple to make (and tastes soooo much better than it looks).
    Beetroot roasted with balsamic vinegar is lovely mixed up with some soft goat's cheese, plain yogurt and pickles (sounds like a really odd mix, but it is a delicious mix of sweet and sour flavours).
    Fattoush is lovely and a bit differnt to a regular salad (http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/fattoush).
    Avocado with a bit of lemon juice, some hummus (broad bean and asparagus hummus is my favourite) on bread/crackers/more avocado.
    My theory of veg is a bit 'throw it all together, see what works and try and remember for next time.

  • kate2004rock
    kate2004rock Posts: 223 Member
    Roasted Cauliflower with Cajun Seasoning. Cut up cauliflower, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with your favorite cajun seasoning (I like Tony Chachere). Roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. :)
  • hockeysniper8
    hockeysniper8 Posts: 253 Member
    Pizza is a vegetable right? Haha... I steam all my veggies and Spinach is my favorite!
  • lucys1225
    lucys1225 Posts: 597 Member
    Roasted Cauliflower with Cajun Seasoning. Cut up cauliflower, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with your favorite cajun seasoning (I like Tony Chachere). Roast at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. :)

    I do the same with green beans, also with Tony's
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I like baby bok choy. I add it to soups and stir fry's, or I just steam it and have it either with butter and pepper or soy sauce. Yum.
  • jcsgirl86
    jcsgirl86 Posts: 53 Member
    I've been in the same boat recently so I went on a search for new recipes. Here's some links to some recipes I've made lately that I have loved.

    Honey Maple Roasted Carrots

    Oil Free Rainbow Roasted Vegetables

    Roasted Garlic Parmesan Cauliflower
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    jcsgirl86 wrote: »
    I've been in the same boat recently so I went on a search for new recipes. Here's some links to some recipes I've made lately that I have loved.

    Honey Maple Roasted Carrots

    Oil Free Rainbow Roasted Vegetables

    Roasted Garlic Parmesan Cauliflower

    Oooo... I am so going to do that carrot recipe in a couple of weeks (I meal plan and grocery shop every 2 weeks). Also like the look of the cauliflower recipe so that will be a keeper as well. The only reason I will skip the oil free vegetable is because I can have vinegar.

    So many awesome new options here! Thank you all so much!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    I love eggplant! Roasted or sautéed! I make a vegetable tower with roasted egg plant, portable mushroom and redpepper with crumbles turkey bacon and low fat cream cheese sprinkled with sliced green onion or chives.
  • eileenmcpartlin
    eileenmcpartlin Posts: 10 Member
    I love going to the Asian market and getting greens and other things. Sometimes I have to Google items to find out what they are and if I'd like it and is it something I can prepare. The greens I lightly cook with salt and sometimes a little garlic or some type of Asian sauce that fits the flavor profile of my meal. There is so much deliciousness in that market :)

    Brussel sprouts with garlic roasted or cut in half and sauteed. Roasted root veggies. I eat potatoes, sweet and regular, often and just make sure to buy small ones (and weigh them) so the calories stay low. I'm often seen cutting part of a potato off so the weight fits my calories lol. The dog gets those odd pieces.

  • tladyrose
    tladyrose Posts: 5 Member
    My husband and I do a CSA share, which forces you to broaden your veggie horizon pretty quickly. Brussel Sprouts are delicious, carrots/parsnips go very well together, but I find that the parsnips cook a bit faster in the oven. I'd recommend buying one new veggie a week, and finding a healthy recipe for it. That's how I discovered my obsessions with Brussel Sprouts...Summer Squash or zucchini is also delicious roasted, hollow it out like a boat and roast it with seasonings, a bit of tomato sauce ( homemade is the best) and a dash of Parmesan and it's heaven.
  • pronetocrash91
    pronetocrash91 Posts: 125 Member
    Some good suggestions in here! Thanks as always guys!
  • attaboy74jp
    attaboy74jp Posts: 1 Member
    Asparagus spears cut in 3/4 in
    Mushroom halved then sliced
    Onion sliced
    1 Tbsp of butter/ sub olive oil and use 1/2 Tbsp
    Chipotle salsa
    Sauté onions and mushrooms when almost done add asparagus and salsa salt n pepper to taste.
    Great as a side vegetable medley
    Topping on pastas
  • NAbramovich
    NAbramovich Posts: 131 Member
    One way I like to get my veggies in is through soup:

    Thai Coconut Broccoli and Coriander Soup

    Cream of cauliflower soup (I tweak the recipe and use half of fat and use almond milk)

    Breakfast Salad! I second this. It's truly amazing how good greens, bacon, eggs and balsamic go together. I can eat this for any meal.

    jcsgirl: Thanks for the links. Dinner tonight is going to include roasted garlic parmesan cauliflower.
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    Last night was Luffa with egg and tofu in oyster sauce and garlic and snowpea shoots (greens) in abalone sauce....
  • mjwarbeck
    mjwarbeck Posts: 699 Member
    mjwarbeck wrote: »
    Last night was Luffa with egg and tofu in oyster sauce and garlic and snowpea shoots (greens) in abalone sauce....

    Looks like this dpumx8fct635.jpeg