I lost almost 30lbs and not a size yet, i noticed me stomach hasnt reallly gone down any, so i figured i need to make that more of a focus, soo with that said I need some advice to burn belly excercise? anything? i need help i should let you know i already walk a mile a day, and do zumba 3x's a week, i eat fruits and veggies, but any ideas will be helpful, thank you!!!:ohwell:


  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Our bodies are all individual in where the fat likes to hang on to and where it likes to fall off of. If you continue to lose weight, eventually your belly will start to get smaller.
  • iharpoonyou
    jogging! i heard it helps eliminate belly fat! :)
  • ktdid626
    ktdid626 Posts: 185 Member
    Add weight lifting...not tons but build up! It will help you burn those extra calories while you do whatever you do in your day to day life. It's not all about cardio.

    Also have patience! YOU HAVE ALREADY COME SO FAR! 30 LBS IS A LOT FOR SOME PEOPLE! So be proud of yourself and give yourself a break, but don't stop your amazing habits!

    ::big hug:: Keep it up girlfriend!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Jogging always helps. Any core exercises will also help.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I have heard it said that you can not target weight loss, and I'm sure that is true to an extent. But here is my need to start using some weights. You do a lot of cardio exercises (walking, zumba) but not so much to build muscle....which burns fat. Even if you dont belong to a gym, get yourself a variety of dumbells and start lifting weights....and doing some abdominal exercises. It will be hard at first, but it WILL WORK!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I lost almost 30lbs and not a size yet, i noticed me stomach hasnt reallly gone down any, so i figured i need to make that more of a focus, soo with that said I need some advice to burn belly excercise? anything? i need help i should let you know i already walk a mile a day, and do zumba 3x's a week, i eat fruits and veggies, but any ideas will be helpful, thank you!!!:ohwell:

    I am down 31 pounds and only 2.2 pounds away from my goal. My belly fat is just starting to shrink now. Unfortunately we can't lose in just that area but you can help reduce it by doing cardio (I prefer the elliptical and walking), drinking water, eating fruits and vegetables, strength training (to tighten the stomach muscles so they pull in - think corset) and just keep doing what you're doing. 30 pounds in phenomenal! Most women will lose the belly fat last, so the closer you get to your goal, that area will start to shrink.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    Here is the scientific answer as to why spot reducing does not work.
  • gnoccola
    gnoccola Posts: 186 Member
    High Fructose Corn Syrup make it really hard to lose belly fat. One thing I noticed is that if you remove it from your diet, which is really hard because it is everywhere (and you have to read every single label), your belly finally starts shrinking.
  • cem2168
    cem2168 Posts: 205 Member
    running and jogging or walking on an incline (all without holding the handle bars on the tredmill!) are awesome for burning belly fat. I had a lot of trouble at first losing my spare tire, but I looked up fat burning foods on the internet and now thats pretty much ALL I eat! here are some food tips for burning fat...

    1. Processed foods and refined sugar are a no no... If it comes in a box on the shelf... let it stay on the shelf. Sugar is one of the main causes of belly fat. However, natural sugar is lactose from milk and sugar from fruit.
    2. Whole grains actually burn fat! yay! Be careful with carbs, but no need to completely cut them out of your diet. Just make sure you are eating 100% whole wheat or 100% whole grains like oatmeal (non instant... steel cut or old fashioned is best)
    3. Be careful of corn!--- Corn is not edible in its natural state, it has to be processed in order to eat it ( and it also reeks havoc on blood sugar levels. I don't eat corn or any corn products or high fructose corn syrup.
    4. Greek Yogurt!- I like plain fat free greek yogurt (like fage) every day. its super high in protein and the active cultures help to eat away at belly fat
    5. healthy fats--- Avocado, olive oil, almonds, wanuts, fish-- all in moderation! but it helps a ton.
    6. Veggies veggies and more veggies!- spinach, carrots, tomatoes....anything! The more veggies the better. especially leafy greens
    7. Fruits!- Some great fat burning fruits are grapefruit, pears, apples, apricots. Apples have pectin in them that actually helps to burn belly fat and helps the body to not absorb fat.
    8. Fiber!-- Lots and lots of fiber, helps clean out your system
    9. Apple cider vinigar and green tea-- I drink ACV straight...which is hard for most...but green tea helps too!

    hope that helps!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    You can't target spots but what you can do is add muscle to help with your total body to lose. The reality is your body will slim out which way it wants to. Targeting the belly, buns and hips are the hardest areas and the last to usually go away. Increasing muscle mass will help this process. Cardio burns a lot of calories whiel you do it (even some up to an hour afterwards) but muscle burns fat while you are just sitting around doing nothing. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body requires to work. Adding muscle is like taking your honda civic and turning it into a porsche. Essentially, you should aim for 3 days a weight training and 3 days of cardio. Also, make sure you are pumping in enough calories. Additionally, if you want to help out the results, reduce the amount of carbs for a bit. I suggest going into yoru profile to do a custom setup where you can take your calories and make 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat. You can do this for about 30-45 days. After that, add another 5-10% back into your carbs and take it away from your protein intake.
  • stephyj23
    stephyj23 Posts: 19 Member
    thanks guys i now have alot of great help, i am going to add more muscle toning, and see if it helps....thanks for the great encouragement!!