How much do you eat?

welsh31 Posts: 47 Member
How many calories do you eat a day, and how much do you lose weekly?
I know everyone is different and work out etc just interested to see roughly what works.
If I ate my recommended calorie intake I'd never lose anything!


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1700 calories a day to lose 1 pound a week.

    But I don't know how helpful that is without my stats.
  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    1200 calories a day. 6 workouts a week. 80 ounces of water. I drop about 2-3 lbs a week.
  • barbpl65
    barbpl65 Posts: 13 Member
    1200 calories a day, averaging 1-2 pounds a week. 6 days a week at the gym, one day off just for me. Most days, it's okay. For some reason today, I'm STARVING...
  • maidengirl_
    maidengirl_ Posts: 283 Member
    I have been eating around 1500 calories a day (sometimes more 1600 or 1700) with cardio/strength training 6 to 7 days a week for a minimum of 30 minutes. I have been losing over a pound a week.
  • typaymommie
    typaymommie Posts: 23 Member
    1400 calories a day - 30 minute intense aerobics 3 days a week - hiking 2 days a week, 60 ounces of water a day. Haven't lost any weight in 6 weeks. Good to see what has been working for people.
  • welsh31
    welsh31 Posts: 47 Member
    1400 calories a day - 30 minute intense aerobics 3 days a week - hiking 2 days a week, 60 ounces of water a day. Haven't lost any weight in 6 weeks. Good to see what has been working for people.

    I think I'd cry if that was me haha!
    What food do you eat x

  • welsh31
    welsh31 Posts: 47 Member
    Do you all have cheat meals or whatever you like to call them?
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    welsh31 wrote: »
    How many calories do you eat a day, and how much do you lose weekly?
    I know everyone is different and work out etc just interested to see roughly what works.
    If I ate my recommended calorie intake I'd never lose anything!

    Have you tried eating your cal intake to even see if you lose? I lose about a lb a week on 1370. Almost no exercise because of my disability and kidney disease. Everyone loses at a different level.
  • typaymommie
    typaymommie Posts: 23 Member
    welsh31 wrote: »
    1400 calories a day - 30 minute intense aerobics 3 days a week - hiking 2 days a week, 60 ounces of water a day. Haven't lost any weight in 6 weeks. Good to see what has been working for people.

    I think I'd cry if that was me haha!
    What food do you eat x

    I am not a big meat eater, so I eat tons of vegetables and small amounts of fruit. I do eat lots of fish though. I'm trying very hard to stay away from breads. I don't eat my extra calories that I earn from exercise. Maybe I should? I think I need a personal nutritionist! Ha :)
  • typaymommie
    typaymommie Posts: 23 Member
    welsh31 wrote: »
    Do you all have cheat meals or whatever you like to call them?

    I'm afraid that if I allow a cheat meal, I'll cheat all the time. So I'm trying very hard to be strict about my diet.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Around 1500-1800 per day on average per week. My calories vary from day to day and week to week. I really don't know what the overall average would be, probably closer to 1800 since I've lost at a rate of < 1 lb per month.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm 5'9, 177 lbs. I'm currently losing approximately 0.5 lbs per week on 1930 calories. I use a food scale on nearly everything to insure my 1930 calories is really 1930 calories, and not overestimated.
  • welsh31
    welsh31 Posts: 47 Member
    welsh31 wrote: »
    How many calories do you eat a day, and how much do you lose weekly?
    I know everyone is different and work out etc just interested to see roughly what works.
    If I ate my recommended calorie intake I'd never lose anything!

    Have you tried eating your cal intake to even see if you lose? I lose about a lb a week on 1370. Almost no exercise because of my disability and kidney disease. Everyone loses at a different level.[/quno
    No I've not tried, I eat around 1200/1400 a day.
    My intake is supposed to be around 2500. X
  • welsh31
    welsh31 Posts: 47 Member
    welsh31 wrote: »
    1400 calories a day - 30 minute intense aerobics 3 days a week - hiking 2 days a week, 60 ounces of water a day. Haven't lost any weight in 6 weeks. Good to see what has been working for people.

    I think I'd cry if that was me haha!
    What food do you eat x

    I am not a big meat eater, so I eat tons of vegetables and small amounts of fruit. I do eat lots of fish though. I'm trying very hard to stay away from breads. I don't eat my extra calories that I earn from exercise. Maybe I should? I think I need a personal nutritionist! Ha :)

    I don't eat my calories earned from exercise either.
    Are you happy to stay as you are? X
  • typaymommie
    typaymommie Posts: 23 Member
    welsh31 wrote: »
    welsh31 wrote: »
    1400 calories a day - 30 minute intense aerobics 3 days a week - hiking 2 days a week, 60 ounces of water a day. Haven't lost any weight in 6 weeks. Good to see what has been working for people.

    I think I'd cry if that was me haha!
    What food do you eat x

    I am not a big meat eater, so I eat tons of vegetables and small amounts of fruit. I do eat lots of fish though. I'm trying very hard to stay away from breads. I don't eat my extra calories that I earn from exercise. Maybe I should? I think I need a personal nutritionist! Ha :)

    I don't eat my calories earned from exercise either.
    Are you happy to stay as you are? X

    I think so. I'm going to start using a food scale. I think I'm eating more calories than I should be, because of overestimating.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,027 Member
    Mfp gives me 1230 to lose 1 pound a week. I upped the goal to 1300 and I am losing at a rate of 1.4 pounds per week according to happy scale. I do eat back some of my exercise calories and usually actually eat about 1500 per day. I usually only have 3 meals per day and sometimes a snack in the evening. I don't do cheat meals. If there is something I want to eat I just work it into my daily goal.
  • libarra1977
    libarra1977 Posts: 2 Member
    You didn't ask for stats but I feel like without them calories are just numbers ... I'm female, 5'5", 38 years old, starting weight 238, losing 1 - 1.5 lb per week eating between 1,600 - 1,900 per day (my goal is 1,900). I do 30-45 minutes 5 days per week on my stationary bike.
  • ScarlettBella13
    ScarlettBella13 Posts: 21 Member
    I eat about 1500 calories a day and work out 5-6 times a week. It varies week to week how much I lose. I actually went down to 1200 calories a day to lose faster but ended up not losing any weight at all. So I went back up to 1500 and it started coming off again. Slowly but surely.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    welsh31 wrote: »
    welsh31 wrote: »
    1400 calories a day - 30 minute intense aerobics 3 days a week - hiking 2 days a week, 60 ounces of water a day. Haven't lost any weight in 6 weeks. Good to see what has been working for people.

    I think I'd cry if that was me haha!
    What food do you eat x

    I am not a big meat eater, so I eat tons of vegetables and small amounts of fruit. I do eat lots of fish though. I'm trying very hard to stay away from breads. I don't eat my extra calories that I earn from exercise. Maybe I should? I think I need a personal nutritionist! Ha :)

    I don't eat my calories earned from exercise either.
    Are you happy to stay as you are? X

    I think so. I'm going to start using a food scale. I think I'm eating more calories than I should be, because of overestimating.

    That's usually the first thing to check. I know when I started actually using a food scale vs. estimating, I got a big surprise!
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    edited February 2016
    welsh31 wrote: »
    welsh31 wrote: »
    How many calories do you eat a day, and how much do you lose weekly?
    I know everyone is different and work out etc just interested to see roughly what works.
    If I ate my recommended calorie intake I'd never lose anything!

    Have you tried eating your cal intake to even see if you lose? I lose about a lb a week on 1370. Almost no exercise because of my disability and kidney disease. Everyone loses at a different level.
    No I've not tried, I eat around 1200/1400 a day.
    My intake is supposed to be around 2500. X

    Try to eat to your cal goal for a few weeks and see what happens before you decide if you will lose weight. There are Ppl on my friend's list that lose 1-2 lbs eating 3,000 cals a day.