My Scale and me - how often should we see each other



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I only track my weight once a week, but I hop on the scale maybe every other day. Best to do it at the same time of day whenever you decide to have an official weigh in. I take the weight from the gym scale since my home scale is generally a decent/slightly poor indication of what I really weigh.
  • I weigh my self every day this will give me an ideal on how I am doing. however I check in on monday.:wink:
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I weigh myself WEIGH (lol) too much. Usually once in the morning, once at night. My weight usually fluctuates about 1kg (2lbs) between morning and night. I track my weight daily on mfp and I use the nighttime stat even though I think it'll probably be closer to the morning.
    Part of this is just to make me happier. At night I might weigh 57.5kg and in the morning 56.6! even though morning to morning my weight barely changes it makes me feel like I've lost some which starts me off in a positive mood each day :)
  • I struggle to weigh myself only every other Monday. I find if I weigh daily and it goes up even a few thenths of a pound that has the potential to derail my positive thinking. I have blown weight loss in the past after a bad weigh-in despite what I may have previously lost. Do I hop on here and there, yes, but I try to show some restraint for my own good!
  • DiazD01
    DiazD01 Posts: 6
    Thanks guys for the great advice on how often to weigh in.. seems that the majority of us weigh ourselves everyday but only track it once per week. That sounds reasonable. I like to weigh myself on Mondays but after reading some of your replies I think it's a good idea to do it on Fridays, before the weekend. lol
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