Help I've left it too late. How best to lose weight in 4 weeks.x



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    edited February 2016
    Be strict with your 1200, weigh your food to make sure you're logging correctly, and hope for the best. You can try cutting back on sodium and carbs, that will help drop some water weight which could help you feel leaner. And most of all, don't let a few pounds ruin your vacation.
  • Kimo159
    Kimo159 Posts: 508 Member
    edited February 2016
    Learn to love yourself. If you don't like yourself now, you will probably feel the same way about yourself 7 lbs from now. Nobody is going to notice 7 lbs but you (likely) and if you are carrying a little flab you know how many people are going to care? One, you.

    In the meantime, track on the weekends leading up to the vacation. You probably eat more than you think and wipe out a good chunk of your deficit on the day you don't track. If you do this, you may lose some more weight before the vacation. I wouldn't try to go too crazy and do something unsustainable to lose 7 lbs before your vacation, otherwise you're likely to gain it back, possibly over the duration of your vacation. Slow and steady wins the race.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    robs_ready wrote: »
    Half a stone in 4 weeks is pretty achievable.

    That's 2lbs a week just over.

    Eat 1500 calories a day, walk for an hour a day briskly, and do resistance training 3 times a week.

    I don't think eating 1500 calories would give me any loss unfortunately. I tried eating at that calorie level and my weight didn't budge.
    Thanks though

    Ditch your weekend splurges, start weighing all your food and log log log. Stick to one calorie goal and work your treats into it. I eat a chocolate bar almost every day, and have treats every day. I just make sure to weigh them then log them.

    Good luck to you!
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    I'd eat your calories, workout, lose whatever you can given your standard routine and not worry about what the scale says! Enjoy your holiday!!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    Kimo159 wrote: »
    Learn to love yourself. If you don't like yourself now, you will probably feel the same way about yourself 7 lbs from now. Nobody is going to notice 7 lbs but you (likely) and if you are carrying a little flab you know how many people are going to care? One, you.

    In the meantime, track on the weekends leading up to the vacation. You probably eat more than you think and wipe out a good chunk of your deficit on the day you don't track. If you do this, you may lose some more weight before the vacation. I wouldn't try to go too crazy and do something unsustainable to lose 7 lbs before your vacation, otherwise you're likely to gain it back, possibly over the duration of your vacation. Slow and steady wins the race.

    Well said.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Well it's only a 2lb a week. You could do it if you tried hard enough and stopped stuffing your face at weekends.
    However how tall are you? 8lbs doesn't really make much difference to how I look (I stay the same size) but I'm pretty tall.

    On a personal note I hate the term 'bikini ready'. Everyone is bikini ready at any weight. You can wear what you like and life is really too short to care what other people think of you or your body.


    OP, follow the other excellent advice and lose what you can, reasonably. Don't get hung up on a number on the scale and allow it to ruin your holiday. Consider going shopping for a new swimsuit (bikini or otherwise) that is flattering on you as you are now so you don't stress over how you look in this other bikini I presume you have.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Kimo159 wrote: »
    Learn to love yourself. If you don't like yourself now, you will probably feel the same way about yourself 7 lbs from now. Nobody is going to notice 7 lbs but you (likely) and if you are carrying a little flab you know how many people are going to care? One, you.

    In the meantime, track on the weekends leading up to the vacation. You probably eat more than you think and wipe out a good chunk of your deficit on the day you don't track. If you do this, you may lose some more weight before the vacation. I wouldn't try to go too crazy and do something unsustainable to lose 7 lbs before your vacation, otherwise you're likely to gain it back, possibly over the duration of your vacation. Slow and steady wins the race.


    You're better off learning to accept yourself as you are. You know the difference in how I looked it when I lost my last 7 pounds? None. That's right, I noticed no difference in my body for that last 7 pounds. Of course, I don't lift, which might have made a difference. But I was wearing the same size clothing, my pooch was still there, and I didn't look any different in the mirror. My advice is to keep doing what you're doing and don't stress about it. If you want to enjoy your holiday, you're better off making sure you're healthy and have built healthy habits so you don't spend your entire time worrying about it.

    Of course, we can tell you that it doesn't matter to anyone else. We can tell you that you're better off losing it slowly and that 7lbs isn't going to make that much of a difference in how you look and that you'll be fine. However, none of that means a damn thing if you don't believe it for yourself.
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    robs_ready wrote: »
    Half a stone in 4 weeks is pretty achievable.

    That's 2lbs a week just over.

    Eat 1500 calories a day, walk for an hour a day briskly, and do resistance training 3 times a week.

    where did the OP put their stats in order to get to this result? If I ate 1500 calories a day, walked an hour a day briskly and did resistance training 3 times a week I wouldn't lose anywhere NEAR 2lbs a week (hint - my TDEE without exercise is around 1500 calories)

    Yeah that's a very good point, I stupidly put this based on my own tdee
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    A good chocolate fix is one square of 72%-86% cacao. Only 60 cals. Aside from that, good luck.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    A good chocolate fix is one square of 72%-86% cacao. Only 60 cals. Aside from that, good luck.

    And if you take a bite and let it melt in your mouth, it lasts longer and is much tastier!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    I would say I have a stone to get to my ideal body weight but half a stone would mean I'd be 'bikini happy'. It'd help me enjoy my holiday as I wouldn't feel crappy about myself.

    What if you lose that 7lbs and still don't feel happy with the way you look in a bikini? Is it going to ruin your holiday? That would be a real shame. Your posts imply that you've lost at least some weight - be proud of what you've achieved so far, and work on learning to love yourself. (Especially as you may not look very much different after a few more pounds anyway.) Don't feel crappy about yourself because you haven't quite reached the weight you'd hoped for, be proud of yourself for looking and feeling better than you did a few months ago!

    I would agree with the other poster that said to find yourself a swimsuit that makes you look and feel good now - maybe a cute one-piece suit, if you don't feel you could look good in a bikini right now. I would imagine your family don't really care exactly what style of swimsuit you wear, and strangers certainly won't, so just find something that makes you feel great! If you feel good then you'll look good, regardless of how many extra pounds you lose or how much your suit covers. :smile:
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,484 Member
    Tighten up your logging by all means, and lose what you can in the next few weeks. But, as everyone has said, unless you are petite and weigh 100-110 lbs, 7 lbs won't make much of a difference.

    I am a bikini wearer in a non bikini body, and what I find helpful is wearing my bikini around the house for a couple of weeks before I go away.
    It gives me a chance to acclimatise to the exposed me. That gives me confidence, as does good posture - wear it like you own it and nobody gives you a second look, wear it self-consciously and people notice.

    Cheers, h.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    edited February 2016
    I never understand this kind of thinking. Enjoy your holiday as-is and hit it harder when you get back. Lots of unnecessary drama over 7 lbs.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Tighten up your logging by all means, and lose what you can in the next few weeks. But, as everyone has said, unless you are petite and weigh 100-110 lbs, 7 lbs won't make much of a difference.

    I am a bikini wearer in a non bikini body, and what I find helpful is wearing my bikini around the house for a couple of weeks before I go away.
    It gives me a chance to acclimatise to the exposed me. That gives me confidence, as does good posture - wear it like you own it and nobody gives you a second look, wear it self-consciously and people notice.

    Cheers, h.

    Very good point! Just because you're working towards a better you doesn't mean you can't like who you are now. Work with you have and be proud of it. You've made strides towards where you want to be, so celebrate the success you have while you continue towards your final goal.

    And seriously, if you're worried about looking good for guys, walking with confidence is what draws the eye more than being the 'ideal' body type.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    I would just keep my pace and slowly loose the weight rather than setting an artifical barrier to having a good time. I would add exercise, in and try to make your holiday a walking, hiking, swiming, etc one. Best to you.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member

    Yes! I just read the article and it's awesome. @michaelanow please please please read it. Especially this bit:

    Most importantly, your ability to take advantage of summer and all its joys has nothing to do with your choice in swimwear. It's entirely possible to build a sand castle while wearing board shorts. You can jump into a pool in a one-piece. In fact, literally none of these classic summer activities require a bikini: barbequeing, eating popsicles, soaking in sunshine (with sunscreen, of course), frolicking in the ocean, tubing, sailing, hiking, beachcombing, playing volleyball, road tripping, camping, watching sunsets. And this list goes on.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Don't see what difference 7lbs scale weight is going to make to your ability to enjoy your holiday

    Losing 7lb in 4 weeks when you are near your goal weight is kind of nonsensical as you should be at a low cut by now

    But if the scale weight matters to you that much you could always just drop your carbs to below 50g a day and get a water weight loss

    Personally I'd stick to my calories and up my cardio and make sure I'm lifting heavy and progressively

    And plan my holiday to continue my weight loss - perhaps switching to maintenance but continuing to be aware of movement and intake

    When one is specific goal orientated one ends up yo-yo dieting

    I would say I have a stone to get to my ideal body weight but half a stone would mean I'd be 'bikini happy'. It'd help me enjoy my holiday as I wouldn't feel crappy about myself.
    I have a husband who works away and 2 kids and that limits what exercise I can do but I can manage at least 3 gym classes a week.
    Thanks for the advice

    If you just take the bikini off your husband won't care about the 7 pounds. Trust me. ;)