Overdone cheat day



  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    Get your head right LorelaiUK! You're not doing this to deprive yourself. The whole purpose of doing this is to free yourself! You're free to be magnificent.
  • emmaline101
    emmaline101 Posts: 13 Member
    LorelaiUK wrote: »
    Yea think it would be better to try and integrate small amounts of these types of food when the craving arises. It's just finding that balance if I crave it every day.

    I do eat 500-900 daily. With vitamin supplements. I do eat quite a bit I think, as vegetables go a long way as far as calorie counting goes.

    Please, please up your calories. This really, really isn't sustainable. We're not saying this just to sabotage you or be buzzkills. No wonder you're going nuts on "cheat days".

    What does MFP say your calorie goal should be?
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    edited February 2016
    Please eat more. Your inspirations are:

    The future
    My boyfriend
    Having a healthy lifestyle
    Looking the way I want to

    And you state "I want to prepare my body for any future dreams such as wedding or having babies."

    What you are doing will not help you prepare for such a future and is not a healthy lifestyle. Please eat at least the recommended minimum of 1200 calories, just to try to feed your body the nutrition it needs. It may not be telling you it's deprived of nutrients yet, but it will.

    And after eating at only 500-900 calories a day, having a 4,000 calorie day is nothing. Your body needed the food. I often have 3,000 calorie Saturdays. Every week. That still leaves me at my desired weekly deficit.
  • LHWhite903
    LHWhite903 Posts: 208 Member
    edited February 2016
    LorelaiUK wrote: »
    Anyone else an emotional eater?

    There is a whole group on MFP for emotional eating, and I'm a member, as I do this occasionally. I think that says something about how many people are probably in the same boat as you.

    Whenever I feel really low, I eat to maintenance for a couple of days. That has been helping so far. I usually allow myself that option on weekends, but, also when I really need the break and get exhausted beyond words. It's my way of recharging.
    LorelaiUK wrote: »
    (usually eat between 500-900calories)

    Is that gross calories or net? If that's all you have in a day, perhaps you needed that cheat.
  • aft85
    aft85 Posts: 54 Member
    I think occasionally i've been under 1000, and it comes up with a message when you press complete entry saying you're eating too little. So it seems like 1000 is the minimum, but unless you've skipped a meal somewhere, it's not easy to be under 1000 calories.

    (I might be nearer 1300 if you factor in little bits I don't count up like condiments and the drop of milk in coffees, but i know myself enough to know where the calories need to watch are)

    anything less than 800 calories is considered eating disorder behaviour, so i'm told be someone who works with them.

  • VictoryGarden
    VictoryGarden Posts: 194 Member
    I never "plan" a cheat day, but after reading that "Starvation Mode and Adaptive Thermogenesis" thread, I AM thinking about bumping up the cal's a bit (from 2lb/week to 1lb/week), and then doing periods of maintenance eating.

    I might even do a trial modified 5:2 diet. But instead of 2 days of fasting, do 2 days of maintenance, to see what that accomplishes and how I feel.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    LorelaiUK wrote: »
    Yea think it would be better to try and integrate small amounts of these types of food when the craving arises. It's just finding that balance if I crave it every day.

    I do eat 500-900 daily. With vitamin supplements. I do eat quite a bit I think, as vegetables go a long way as far as calorie counting goes.

    Did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason you are having these mad, uncontrollable cravings for food is because you are starving your body of an appropriate amount of calories on a daily basis? What you are describing is a classic binge-restrict pattern and is a sign of disordered eating. How long have you been keeping your cals so low?
  • wonderchu
    wonderchu Posts: 53 Member
    I have "cheat" days (hate that term) where I eat whatever I want, no holds barred, and they haven't prevented me from losing 80lbs. As long as I keep them infrequent and get right back on track the next day, they're not a problem for me.

    I don't do it because I'm restricting too hard in my daily life, I just prefer to confine my treats to one day than spread them out.
  • aft85
    aft85 Posts: 54 Member
    aren't nuts vegan? Those are very high in calories?
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Once a month to enjoy the foods you love? That's why you went binge crazy because there's too many things you have been waiting to eat. It makes more sense to fit these items into your weekly diet in moderation. Maybe once a week account for a cheat meal. Not cheat day. And just make room for it in your weekly deficit. This will help. You can start incorporating some of your favorite foods in more than once a week if you just make room for it but once a week is a start and better than once a month.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,000 Member
    Speaking from experience. Yes you can overheat 4000 cal in a day and feel hungover. Especially when what we have done confuses your body. I am trying my best to eat 1350 cal but because I have adopted a Vegan lifestyle I find it hard- because fruit and vegetables are filling and low caloric generally. It is hard to not obsess if you do in fact have an ED. I hope you raise it even to 1000 minimum which is what I aim for. If you want to try something a bit different and not stress so much try IF (intermittent Fasting or just flat out fast. I have been doing a full day fast once or twice a month and I find it helps the way I approach eating as a whole experience. But yeah I make myself go for 1350 never below 1000, but I totally understand why it is happening this way for you, maybe a counsellor would help.

    There are plenty of people here who gained weight as vegans. Are you eating enough grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds?

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Once a month to enjoy the foods you love? That's why you went binge crazy because there's too many things you have been waiting to eat. It makes more sense to fit these items into your weekly diet in moderation. Maybe once a week account for a cheat meal. Not cheat day. And just make room for it in your weekly deficit. This will help. You can start incorporating some of your favorite foods in more than once a week if you just make room for it but once a week is a start and better than once a month.

    OP is eating less than 900 cals/day. She already has plenty of room to accommodate a lot more food in her week.

  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,000 Member
    LorelaiUK wrote: »
    Yea think it would be better to try and integrate small amounts of these types of food when the craving arises. It's just finding that balance if I crave it every day.

    I do eat 500-900 daily. With vitamin supplements. I do eat quite a bit I think, as vegetables go a long way as far as calorie counting goes.
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Did you ever stop to think that maybe the reason you are having these mad, uncontrollable cravings for food is because you are starving your body of an appropriate amount of calories on a daily basis? What you are describing is a classic binge-restrict pattern and is a sign of disordered eating. How long have you been keeping your cals so low?

  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    I love chocolate. I could never give it up. So I have a couple small pieces at the end of the day as a reward. I don't even log them. They are just free for me, because I love chocolate. I fear what would happen if I tell myself I can only have chocolate once a month. I'd eat a pound in one sitting, I think. So I practice moderation and enjoy my 2 oz of chocolate every night. Result? I don't binge on chocolate.

    OP, 500-900 calories daily is not enough. A physical body (all bodies - regardless of size) needs a minimum of 1200 calories just to survive and have all it's organs function properly. By starving yourself, you are putting undue pressure on your heart, your brain, your kidneys, your liver, your pancreas and various other vital organs you need to LIVE. Please eat more food.

    If that thought scares you, then you need to consider counseling to get a better handle on your food habits because if you are legitimately unwilling to eat more calories daily, and binging on 4000 calories every now and again, it means you have an eating disorder.
  • LorelaiUK
    LorelaiUK Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the comments everyone, can't reply directly to them all but I don't have an eating disorder. I'm on a temporarily low calorie diet just to get my initial weight down then I will increase it as maintenance. I'm not currently doing any exercise.

    Ive also always had cravings and over eaten, it's not something that's only happened since my diet.

    But yes I do imagine increasing my calories to MFP recommended 1,200 when I hit my goal.

    It just seems a little high right now when I'm loosing 2lbs a week on my lower amount.
  • FitGirl0123
    FitGirl0123 Posts: 1,273 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Once a month to enjoy the foods you love? That's why you went binge crazy because there's too many things you have been waiting to eat. It makes more sense to fit these items into your weekly diet in moderation. Maybe once a week account for a cheat meal. Not cheat day. And just make room for it in your weekly deficit. This will help. You can start incorporating some of your favorite foods in more than once a week if you just make room for it but once a week is a start and better than once a month.

    OP is eating less than 900 cals/day. She already has plenty of room to accommodate a lot more food in her week.

    And I clearly said she could incorporate it more than once a week did I not?
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Speaking from experience. Yes you can overheat 4000 cal in a day and feel hungover. Especially when what we have done confuses your body. I am trying my best to eat 1350 cal but because I have adopted a Vegan lifestyle I find it hard- because fruit and vegetables are filling and low caloric generally. It is hard to not obsess if you do in fact have an ED. I hope you raise it even to 1000 minimum which is what I aim for. If you want to try something a bit different and not stress so much try IF (intermittent Fasting or just flat out fast. I have been doing a full day fast once or twice a month and I find it helps the way I approach eating as a whole experience. But yeah I make myself go for 1350 never below 1000, but I totally understand why it is happening this way for you, maybe a counsellor would help.

    Vegans eat more than fruits and vegetables. You can (and should) be eating other foods like grains, nuts, and beans. I've been vegan for 10 years, please let me know if you have questions about how to meet your calorie goals.

    A popular misconception about veganism is that it is hard for us to eat enough or to meet our nutritional needs. It really isn't! And when you write things like this, you make veganism seem unhealthy or not practical. Let other vegans help you!
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Yeh, never do cheat days, only do a cheat MEAL.