Getting So Frustrated... Just Wanna Cry



  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Fitbit is nuts. There's no way you are burning that many calories.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    @kirstinlee I agree your Fitbit is likely off. I get about the same number of steps as you and my calories at the end of the day end up around 2200.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I tell all my clients that if your Villus has not been cleansed then you will yoyo regardless of what you do. I suggest drinkable aloe. A product that I distribute tastes good and is not chock full of sugars. Let me know if you would like to try this. You can also purchase at the stores, however they are usually plain and reminds me of drinking straight Gin lol

    Your villus is what absorbed the nutrients as food passes. Picture your digestive system like a kitchen sink. When grease goes down, regardless of what we are doing now, and we never clean it...its slugged up. Thats our digestive system and when it is slugged perse, you are not absorbing all of your nutrition from the foods and putting your body in starvation mode. You will always yoyo diet until you cleanse that.

    Oh my gosh, no! Your body cleanses itself just fine. If it doesn't, you are required to see a doctor three times a week for dialysis. You do NOT have to do this to lose weight.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I tell all my clients that if your Villus has not been cleansed then you will yoyo regardless of what you do. I suggest drinkable aloe. A product that I distribute tastes good and is not chock full of sugars. Let me know if you would like to try this. You can also purchase at the stores, however they are usually plain and reminds me of drinking straight Gin lol

    Your villus is what absorbed the nutrients as food passes. Picture your digestive system like a kitchen sink. When grease goes down, regardless of what we are doing now, and we never clean it...its slugged up. Thats our digestive system and when it is slugged perse, you are not absorbing all of your nutrition from the foods and putting your body in starvation mode. You will always yoyo diet until you cleanse that.

  • sbermud
    sbermud Posts: 58 Member
    Yep. Exactly
    malibu927 wrote: »
    If you've seen the flowchart, then you know what to do. If you aren't losing, you're eating more than you think and need to tighten up your logging.

  • sbermud
    sbermud Posts: 58 Member
    Upping calories will never help weight loss. That's a myth.
    If I were you, I would up my calories to 1,600 and see what happens. I find that if I eat below my BMR, I will not lose weight. So, I try to eat right at or a little above my BMR.

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I tell all my clients that if your Villus has not been cleansed then you will yoyo regardless of what you do. I suggest drinkable aloe. A product that I distribute tastes good and is not chock full of sugars. Let me know if you would like to try this. You can also purchase at the stores, however they are usually plain and reminds me of drinking straight Gin lol

    Your villus is what absorbed the nutrients as food passes. Picture your digestive system like a kitchen sink. When grease goes down, regardless of what we are doing now, and we never clean it...its slugged up. Thats our digestive system and when it is slugged perse, you are not absorbing all of your nutrition from the foods and putting your body in starvation mode. You will always yoyo diet until you cleanse that.

    How do you explain all the people here who lost weight without drinking aloe or doing any type of cleanse?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I tell all my clients that if your Villus has not been cleansed then you will yoyo regardless of what you do. I suggest drinkable aloe. A product that I distribute tastes good and is not chock full of sugars. Let me know if you would like to try this. You can also purchase at the stores, however they are usually plain and reminds me of drinking straight Gin lol

    Your villus is what absorbed the nutrients as food passes. Picture your digestive system like a kitchen sink. When grease goes down, regardless of what we are doing now, and we never clean it...its slugged up. Thats our digestive system and when it is slugged perse, you are not absorbing all of your nutrition from the foods and putting your body in starvation mode. You will always yoyo diet until you cleanse that.

    Of the thousands of villi in my body, which villus specifically needs to be cleansed?
  • Vortex88
    Vortex88 Posts: 60 Member
    Vortex88 wrote: »
    Something isn't adding up here. Some points:

    1) you almost definitely aren't burning 2500-2800 calories per day as an active 5"7 woman. Its more likely to be 1800-2200 maximum

    2) you are most likely under-recording calories through no fault of your own. I see this time and time again. I had lunch with a friend recently we both track macros. We ate the same thing and he asked me how I recorded it. I put approx 800 cals and he put 400!! He was waaaaaaay off and I showed him why (I have been tracking macros for 3 years and he has been doing it about 3 months)

    3) are you tracking not only what you eat but every single thing that goes in your mouth? all drinks, sauces, condiments - they all count and the calories add up fast

    4) how much protein are you eating? At 178lbs you need a minimum of 120g of protein. If not, you are probably simply eating too much carbs and fat to lose weight - macro ratios make a huge difference and never listen to anyone who says they don't

    5) stress seems to cause fat retention. Stress = cortisol. Cortisol cause absolutely cause people to retain fat so try as best you can to relax about this

    6) if you really are recording everything accurately (which I suspect isn't the case through no fault of your own), then I suggest you increase calories slowly and gradually (over a few weeks) up to 2000 and then slowly and gradually (over a few weeks) bring them back down. This should stimulate the metabolism and kickstart the weightloss.

    7) VERY IMPORTANT: it might seem paradoxical but you have to like your body, even a little bit, as it is now in order for it be be okay for it to change. Just try every day giving your body a little liking, a little love, a little appreciation. It's the best, most incredible thing you will ever own and if you don't appreciate it, it will often "push back" against your weight loss goals. I know this is the least scientific thing you have ever heard lol but the "science" of weightloss is actually still in the dark ages (despite the recent upsurge in fat loss studies and the much-improved quality of those studies now), relatively speaking, and this point about self-love is very real.

    "The firm but kind mindset is the effective one"

    "You cannot hate your way to a positive outcome"

    Good luck

    Well, you were good through #3, anyway...

    4, 5, 6 and 7 will be revealed to you when you have been helping people with this for more than 20 years as I have ;)
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    I tell all my clients that if your Villus has not been cleansed then you will yoyo regardless of what you do. I suggest drinkable aloe. A product that I distribute tastes good and is not chock full of sugars. Let me know if you would like to try this. You can also purchase at the stores, however they are usually plain and reminds me of drinking straight Gin lol

    Your villus is what absorbed the nutrients as food passes. Picture your digestive system like a kitchen sink. When grease goes down, regardless of what we are doing now, and we never clean it...its slugged up. Thats our digestive system and when it is slugged perse, you are not absorbing all of your nutrition from the foods and putting your body in starvation mode. You will always yoyo diet until you cleanse that.

    I'm sorry, but lol.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    sbermud wrote: »
    Upping calories will never help weight loss. That's a myth.
    If I were you, I would up my calories to 1,600 and see what happens. I find that if I eat below my BMR, I will not lose weight. So, I try to eat right at or a little above my BMR.

    There is an entire group dedicated to eating more to lose weight. It does happen. It could be because of a few reasons - like people are more honestly with logging because of the higher calorie intake, or they are more satiated so they don't end up falling of the wagon as often. There can even be situations where there is a hormone response. Some people find taking a short diet break also has a similar effect.

    That said, I do think step #1 is to be absolutely sure logging is on point. Second, I do agree with others that the Fitbit is giving a high number.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I tell all my clients that if your Villus has not been cleansed then you will yoyo regardless of what you do. I suggest drinkable aloe. A product that I distribute tastes good and is not chock full of sugars. Let me know if you would like to try this. You can also purchase at the stores, however they are usually plain and reminds me of drinking straight Gin lol

    Your villus is what absorbed the nutrients as food passes. Picture your digestive system like a kitchen sink. When grease goes down, regardless of what we are doing now, and we never clean it...its slugged up. Thats our digestive system and when it is slugged perse, you are not absorbing all of your nutrition from the foods and putting your body in starvation mode. You will always yoyo diet until you cleanse that.

    Of the thousands of villi in my body, which villus specifically needs to be cleansed?

    Why, all of them. I'm sure she's got thousands of bottles of aloe to 'distribute'.
  • tawanda6329
    tawanda6329 Posts: 139 Member
    edited February 2016
    sbermud wrote: »
    Upping calories will never help weight loss. That's a myth.
    If I were you, I would up my calories to 1,600 and see what happens. I find that if I eat below my BMR, I will not lose weight. So, I try to eat right at or a little above my BMR.

    According to who? You? I replied based on my own personal experience and someone else also calculated that she/he should be eating more.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Vortex88 wrote: »
    Vortex88 wrote: »
    Something isn't adding up here. Some points:

    1) you almost definitely aren't burning 2500-2800 calories per day as an active 5"7 woman. Its more likely to be 1800-2200 maximum

    2) you are most likely under-recording calories through no fault of your own. I see this time and time again. I had lunch with a friend recently we both track macros. We ate the same thing and he asked me how I recorded it. I put approx 800 cals and he put 400!! He was waaaaaaay off and I showed him why (I have been tracking macros for 3 years and he has been doing it about 3 months)

    3) are you tracking not only what you eat but every single thing that goes in your mouth? all drinks, sauces, condiments - they all count and the calories add up fast

    4) how much protein are you eating? At 178lbs you need a minimum of 120g of protein. If not, you are probably simply eating too much carbs and fat to lose weight - macro ratios make a huge difference and never listen to anyone who says they don't

    5) stress seems to cause fat retention. Stress = cortisol. Cortisol cause absolutely cause people to retain fat so try as best you can to relax about this

    6) if you really are recording everything accurately (which I suspect isn't the case through no fault of your own), then I suggest you increase calories slowly and gradually (over a few weeks) up to 2000 and then slowly and gradually (over a few weeks) bring them back down. This should stimulate the metabolism and kickstart the weightloss.

    7) VERY IMPORTANT: it might seem paradoxical but you have to like your body, even a little bit, as it is now in order for it be be okay for it to change. Just try every day giving your body a little liking, a little love, a little appreciation. It's the best, most incredible thing you will ever own and if you don't appreciate it, it will often "push back" against your weight loss goals. I know this is the least scientific thing you have ever heard lol but the "science" of weightloss is actually still in the dark ages (despite the recent upsurge in fat loss studies and the much-improved quality of those studies now), relatively speaking, and this point about self-love is very real.

    "The firm but kind mindset is the effective one"

    "You cannot hate your way to a positive outcome"

    Good luck

    Well, you were good through #3, anyway...

    4, 5, 6 and 7 will be revealed to you when you have been helping people with this for more than 20 years as I have ;)

    Then why are you on MFP (with only 35 posts)?
  • hiddenacresmi
    hiddenacresmi Posts: 3 Member
    My calorie intake was supposed to be 1200 and was not getting anywhere. I make sure I get 15,000 steps in and eat a fruit (apple, pear, etc.) with every meal. I think the extra fiber is helping to clear the weight out of my system. I also monitored fats. Even on 1200 calories I could fit in some "fat" food. now I watch to make sure I don't go higher than 30% fat, I also have goals of 50% carbs and 20% protein. When I keep to those distributions I do good. Lost 9 lbs. in 26 days. 4.5, then 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 so slowly but if I lose 1.5 a week I feel great. Don't give up. My threadmill is my life saver. I start my morning walking 3.2 MPH and end the day with more if I haven't hit my 15k steps.
  • vivmom2014
    vivmom2014 Posts: 1,647 Member
    Vortex88 wrote: »
    Something isn't adding up here. Some points:

    1) you almost definitely aren't burning 2500-2800 calories per day as an active 5"7 woman. Its more likely to be 1800-2200 maximum

    2) you are most likely under-recording calories through no fault of your own. I see this time and time again. I had lunch with a friend recently we both track macros. We ate the same thing and he asked me how I recorded it. I put approx 800 cals and he put 400!! He was waaaaaaay off and I showed him why (I have been tracking macros for 3 years and he has been doing it about 3 months)

    3) are you tracking not only what you eat but every single thing that goes in your mouth? all drinks, sauces, condiments - they all count and the calories add up fast

    4) how much protein are you eating? At 178lbs you need a minimum of 120g of protein. If not, you are probably simply eating too much carbs and fat to lose weight - macro ratios make a huge difference and never listen to anyone who says they don't

    5) stress seems to cause fat retention. Stress = cortisol. Cortisol cause absolutely cause people to retain fat so try as best you can to relax about this

    6) if you really are recording everything accurately (which I suspect isn't the case through no fault of your own), then I suggest you increase calories slowly and gradually (over a few weeks) up to 2000 and then slowly and gradually (over a few weeks) bring them back down. This should stimulate the metabolism and kickstart the weightloss.

    7) VERY IMPORTANT: it might seem paradoxical but you have to like your body, even a little bit, as it is now in order for it be be okay for it to change. Just try every day giving your body a little liking, a little love, a little appreciation. It's the best, most incredible thing you will ever own and if you don't appreciate it, it will often "push back" against your weight loss goals. I know this is the least scientific thing you have ever heard lol but the "science" of weightloss is actually still in the dark ages (despite the recent upsurge in fat loss studies and the much-improved quality of those studies now), relatively speaking, and this point about self-love is very real.

    "The firm but kind mindset is the effective one"

    "You cannot hate your way to a positive outcome"

    Good luck

    Well, you were good through #3, anyway...


    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    I tell all my clients that if your Villus has not been cleansed then you will yoyo regardless of what you do. I suggest drinkable aloe. A product that I distribute tastes good and is not chock full of sugars. Let me know if you would like to try this. You can also purchase at the stores, however they are usually plain and reminds me of drinking straight Gin lol

    Your villus is what absorbed the nutrients as food passes. Picture your digestive system like a kitchen sink. When grease goes down, regardless of what we are doing now, and we never clean it...its slugged up. Thats our digestive system and when it is slugged perse, you are not absorbing all of your nutrition from the foods and putting your body in starvation mode. You will always yoyo diet until you cleanse that.

    Does it do anything for noses? I'm guessing no.
  • BruinsGal_91
    BruinsGal_91 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I tell all my clients that if your Villus has not been cleansed then you will yoyo regardless of what you do. I suggest drinkable aloe. A product that I distribute tastes good and is not chock full of sugars. Let me know if you would like to try this. You can also purchase at the stores, however they are usually plain and reminds me of drinking straight Gin lol

    Your villus is what absorbed the nutrients as food passes. Picture your digestive system like a kitchen sink. When grease goes down, regardless of what we are doing now, and we never clean it...its slugged up. Thats our digestive system and when it is slugged perse, you are not absorbing all of your nutrition from the foods and putting your body in starvation mode. You will always yoyo diet until you cleanse that.

    Yeah, I'll stick with the gin thanks. There's no woo in that.
  • Rdsgoal16
    Rdsgoal16 Posts: 302 Member
    edited February 2016
    Calculated (as you said) 1612 BMR, active job with 12,000 steps (5+ miles walking) I calculate TDEE at (multiplied by 1.4) 2256. If its 1400 max a day input you should see 1.7 pounds a week. I was religious about logging and underestimating and had a 3 week plateau. Sometimes out bodies fight us.

    Keep fighting you have already done amazing
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I tell all my clients that if your Villus has not been cleansed then you will yoyo regardless of what you do. I suggest drinkable aloe. A product that I distribute tastes good and is not chock full of sugars. Let me know if you would like to try this. You can also purchase at the stores, however they are usually plain and reminds me of drinking straight Gin lol

    Your villus is what absorbed the nutrients as food passes. Picture your digestive system like a kitchen sink. When grease goes down, regardless of what we are doing now, and we never clean it...its slugged up. Thats our digestive system and when it is slugged perse, you are not absorbing all of your nutrition from the foods and putting your body in starvation mode. You will always yoyo diet until you cleanse that.

    That is the most ridiculous pile of woo I've read all day. Wow.