Question for those who weigh in daily



  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I bobble up and down... when I've maintained the same weight for 3 or more days in a row, I'll log it in MFP.

    I think you've got to look at it the same way the say to look at stock market fluctuations they'll be high days and they'll be low days, but it's the overall trend that counts.

    I only log my morning weigh-ins, since it's the most consistent conditions, but once in a while I jump on the scale in the evening just to get a sense of how much I fluctuate during the course of the day. (It kind helps me not to freak out on the high days and just work the plan)
  • MsKendaleH
    MsKendaleH Posts: 1 Member
    I weigh every day as well. I like to see the fluctuation myself. I don't always record the weight though. I normally will though if the weight has drop by pounds and not just ounces.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I weigh daily and record it on Libra. I only log my MFP weight when I hit a new low.
  • ttkk15
    ttkk15 Posts: 2 Member
    I weight daily and log in a spreadsheet but only log MFP every Friday morning
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I log daily on Happy Scale, log new lows here. I'm not really fussed on what it says here, just my pretty graph and trend on Happy Scale. Do whatever works for you. For me it's just a guide to progress and not an absolute.

    This is exactly what I do.
  • richardgavel
    richardgavel Posts: 1,001 Member
    I log every day into MFP because that's my actual weight. Plus, seeing the fluctuations and whoosh's in the graph historically help me to understand impacts based on my eating/activity that I wouldn't see if I only logged new lows. My own issue (very minor) is that MFP considers each weight drop in generating news feed items, even if it's the same drop due to a down and up and down cycle over 3 days.
  • mandi_manson
    mandi_manson Posts: 40 Member
    I weigh multiple times a day. If I don't hit a new low by pounds or ounces I enter my low number for the week in for the day and take a picture of myself. Then when I hit my new low I do the same. The most I've stalled between losing weight was 4 or 5 days. I never went drastically up just by a pound or two. It is important for me to have pictures in there to see the loss if possible. I try to take the worst pictures of my body to inspire me to keep pushing. Since I am only thirty pounds down now when I lose the other 100 I will be able to compare the pictures so I have even more motivation to maintain my weight.
  • jim4004
    jim4004 Posts: 4 Member
    I weigh daily and only track drops. I think this is frustrating when I weigh in and then gain 2 or 3 pounds for a week or so. I weigh myself when I wake in the morning. I've heard that our weight is lowest in the morning because we are losing water through breathing, drying skin, and sweat as we sleep. Although I know it's an artificially lower weight, it's just a point in the weight swing that I can plot.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I Record in Happy Scale app. It's great at showing trends & fluctuations. I log each new low in MFP. If you want to learn about fluctuations you should log daily somewhere.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    I log on MFP when I hit a new low. I log daily on Happy Scale
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I weigh every morning and log it in Happyscale. I only log losses on MFP.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I weigh in daily...I haven't logged it into MFP in forever...I just look at trends, I could care less about the actual number.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I use the Libra app for recording daily weigh-ins. I record new lows on MFP. No rhyme or reason for my method. I very well could just log the 7 day rolling average once a week on MFP, whether it's higher or lower. Either way, I understand my "actual" weight is an average trend.
  • brekober
    brekober Posts: 40 Member
    I log my weight in to MFP when I have a new low. I log my daily weight into my Happy Scale app.

    I do the same thing!
  • stm712015
    stm712015 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm going to have to check out this Happy Scale.
    I weigh daily because it helps keep me accountable and I get extra motivated when I see my weight drop. I log my daily weight onto my google calendar, but only log on MFP once a week. If I don't lose one week I'll wait to log when I've lost.
  • smiles4jo
    smiles4jo Posts: 202 Member
    Weigh daily and log said weight on MFP daily - The good, the bad and the ugly!
  • katej37
    katej37 Posts: 56 Member
    I step on the scales every morning just to see but only take notice of my weigh in on a weds for MFP purposes. That weekly weigh in is the only one that matters (to me)
  • Domicinator
    Domicinator Posts: 261 Member
    Yep--like many, I only log the weight when I hit a new low. I'm really only interested in how long it's taking me to hit the new lows. I know that if I'm doing things right, the trend is going to be downward, even though my weight will fluctuate up and down by a couple of pounds in the process.
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    I record on here once a week - I weigh every morning though. I write down each days weight on a Post-It and then I stick it to the bottom corner of my computer screen (I spend a lot of time looking at my computer screen). I use red ink if I've gone up and blue ink if I've reached a new low. I don't know why but having to look at the current days weight all day motivates me for some reason. Today the ink was blue... good luck everybody.
  • unphogettable
    unphogettable Posts: 6 Member
    edited February 2016
    I weigh every morning, log the data into a spreadsheet, and use the weekly average to update my weight on MFP - typically that is on Wednesday's, since I started the daily weighing on a Thursday :)

    It's pretty fascinating to see the trends. For example, on February 10th I weighed in at 160.2, and exactly one week later I was 160.1 - if I had been weighing only weekly, this would've DEVASTATED me. It might've even triggered a binge to occur. But thanks to the trending average, I was able to see I was right on track and it didn't phase me at all!