so discouraged...

hi! I'm back on this again...and up 10lbs...was good in January, logged in everyday...then ??? idk I get, busy and lazy...and snowball...figure ugh! screwed up so I might as well eat whatever!! anyone else like this?? not a conscious thing just unravels...need to lose 30lbs..need people to talk to when I feel I'm slipping to keep me motivated and on track!


  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    I'm back as well. I need to lose 20 pounds. I've been good with working out but BAD with food. I can do this. You can do this. Let's do this!!!
  • Scarlyn
    Scarlyn Posts: 4 Member
    thanks! for your encouragement! yes this is what I need, to have a cup of tea and talk it out, lol :) it will keep me from giving into cravings and get me up and moving!
  • Schlackity
    Schlackity Posts: 268 Member
    I used MFP for close to two years, never missed a day of logging, and dropped 90 lbs. Then the holidays came around and for whatever reason, I went on a major cookie eating bender. I saw a post from someone one day about how it's not the end of the world if you goof up, but not to let a day turn into a week or a week turn into a month or bad eating. Well, my goof turned into two full years and 80 lbs. So here I am again, taking another shot at getting my act together. I feel like I'm pretty good at losing weight but even better at gaining it, and I suck at keeping it off. I need to learn how to find that middle ground once I get where I'm going. For now though, I'm pretty frustrated with myself and disappointed that I allowed myself to get back to the point where even two laps around the block makes my shins ache and I come back to the house sweating (and it's only 30 degrees outside). I guess we all have to start somewhere and starting somewhere is better than not starting at all. Here's to making a comeback. :-)
  • Scarlyn
    Scarlyn Posts: 4 Member
    :) exactly. you are right, we can do this!
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    We can all do this!! I lost 25 pounds in 2012 than gained it all back and more in 3 years :( but I figure if I did it before I can do it again. I have the tools, I know how to eat right and there's no stopping me.
  • JulesRules1991
    JulesRules1991 Posts: 8 Member
    Yep, totally know where your coming from!