


  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    I've cut it out and I've seen greater weight loss but I think that's to do with the lack of drunk munchies than the wine calories!

    This is the biggest issue for me. I haven't given up drinking - I fit it in when possible. But it is SO HARD not to eat an entire bag of chips once I have a few drinks in me ;)
  • dottiestlottiest2015
    I've cut it out and I've seen greater weight loss but I think that's to do with the lack of drunk munchies than the wine calories!

    This is the biggest issue for me. I haven't given up drinking - I fit it in when possible. But it is SO HARD not to eat an entire bag of chips once I have a few drinks in me ;)

    Or the pizza!
  • 2fastasleep
    2fastasleep Posts: 24 Member
    binabodu wrote: »
    ive lost 80 and drink like a sailor ;)

    however, i dont do the high calorie mixed drinks. i do shots with zero cal soda (coke zero or sprite zero) or light beer.

    i also dont associate drinking with food, like a lot of people seem to do. ill eat before i drink, but just my normal dinner.

    everyone is different...

    I'm so happy to read this. I really don't want to quit drinking. I only drink on the weekends and have switched to red wine or vodka water. I run a calorie deficit all week to fit it in.

    Sigh :s , That's 100 cal per day (or 2) leaving only 1100 (or less) for food. That's hard. But so is giving up the firewater which is so nice to drink
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    binabodu wrote: »
    ive lost 80 and drink like a sailor ;)

    however, i dont do the high calorie mixed drinks. i do shots with zero cal soda (coke zero or sprite zero) or light beer.

    i also dont associate drinking with food, like a lot of people seem to do. ill eat before i drink, but just my normal dinner.

    everyone is different...

    I'm so happy to read this. I really don't want to quit drinking. I only drink on the weekends and have switched to red wine or vodka water. I run a calorie deficit all week to fit it in.

    my current infatuation is firefly and sprite zero.

    but jack and coke (zero) will always be my first love lol
  • Savanna2015mfp
    Savanna2015mfp Posts: 40 Member
    Always eat less without alcohol because I like food along with beer or wine..
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    Well I gained all my extra weight from alcohol so cutting it mostly out has been a critical part of my weight loss so far. 18 pounds down. It's taken me a while, though. If I could manage to cut it out completely I'm sure it would go faster.
  • Somebody_Loved
    Somebody_Loved Posts: 498 Member
    I did Dry January and lost 7.6 pounds (although, I attribute a lot of that to water weight from the holidays).

    I've lost 2.5 more in February since adding it back. It's all about CICO... it's easier for me to maintain a deficit when I'm not drinking, but I love my wine so I find a way to fit it in. I will say, going dry for a month really helped me learn to moderate when adding it back.
  • chriskangell
    chriskangell Posts: 29 Member
    I've lost 50+ pounds, and it was made possible by not drinking alcohol.
  • MrsLMKing
    MrsLMKing Posts: 50 Member
    edited February 2016
    Over the past 6 years, I have gained 50 pounds. I know that it was from a) drinking too much alcohol and b) not being as active as I was before. (I changed from living in the city (where I walked everywhere) and working as a waitress 12 hours a day/6 days a week to working from home on the computer and living in the country, where I drive everywhere).

    I'm pretty sure it has very little to do with what I eat because for the past five days, I've avoided alcohol but have tracked every bite of food here on MFP. I've hit right around my calorie goal for 2lbs/wk weight loss while eating the same foods that I always eat. I have added a daily walking workout for the past few days, which has taken me under my calorie goal.

    Unfortunately, I have been a very heavy drinker for quite a while, and I've drank things that were LOADED with calories. For example, I didn't realize that the lemonade-flavored Four Lokos that I love so much had 660 calories a piece. I was drinking 2-4 of those a night, 3-4 nights a week. On the nights that I didn't drink those, I was drinking sweet drinks like Tequila Sunrise or was drinking sweet wine by the bottle.

    Before, I was drinking just as much, but I was active all day long, so I think it helped keep the weight off. I was slightly overweight but was in good shape and was nowhere near as overweight (actually, obese...I have to get used to admitting that!) as I am now.

    For me, I'm definitely thinking that simply cutting out alcohol and working out are going to help me lose weight. I think it really has to do with just how much you were drinking before or whether or not your drinking caused you to eat more, especially unhealthy foods.

    Unfortunately, it's not so easy to stop drinking when I'm so used to really throwing them back every night!
  • Fatrick011
    Fatrick011 Posts: 8 Member
    I wasn't giving up beer so I switched to Mich Ultra. I figure it in my log in place of my former biscuits and gravy and I'm down 65 lbs since last July.
    (Your results may vary)
  • law102189
    law102189 Posts: 85 Member
    6 months :/ sober (recovering alcoholic), and lost 26 pounds...but I think it's more correlation than causation.

    Congratulations on 6 months sober! Great achievement.
  • law102189
    law102189 Posts: 85 Member
    law102189 wrote: »
    6 months :/ sober (recovering alcoholic), and lost 26 pounds...but I think it's more correlation than causation.

    Congratulations on 6 months sober! Great achievement.

    Sorry, I think mistakenly added an emoticon to your op. Still getting used th posting on MFP