Slowly but surely

Hey guys!

I'm not new here, but new into getting back into the fitness routine. I battled with depression for 2 years which spiraled my weight out of control. After finally winning the battle with my own mind, I'm ready to tackle on the battle with my body.
I'm looking for friends who can help keep me motivated and me motivate them! My starting weight is 200lbs, but my ultimate goal is to get to the 140-150lb range. I just rejoined MFP today after being in a very long hiatus.


  • madisonw123
    madisonw123 Posts: 4 Member
    If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I would love to make a weight loss journey buddy, but only in a certain age range. I too, have suffered from severe depression, but have won. I gained back so much weight after emotional eating.
  • InkedBlueStar
    InkedBlueStar Posts: 23 Member
    Hello!!! Ive been battling with my weight for my whole life and know it has always been more than just weight. Im also looking for friends to help motivate me n keep my head in the right space. Would love to be your fitness buddy!
    Always remember to"just keep swiming!"
  • tronrulez
    tronrulez Posts: 58 Member
    I'm medicated for depression and anxiety. Hella sucks. It's the closes thing to hell on earth... You can add me. I'm glad to help in any way I can.
  • RhodeRage
    RhodeRage Posts: 3 Member
    If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I would love to make a weight loss journey buddy, but only in a certain age range. I too, have suffered from severe depression, but have won. I gained back so much weight after emotional eating.

    I'm 23, 24 this coming April. And I understand only wanting a certain age range, makes it much easier to connect. As for the emotional eating it was an unreal experience. I found myself (and still do sometimes) trying to fill an never ending void so I just ate anything and everything. Yoga has been helping me a bunch this past month with that aspect.