Weighing in?

Hi all,

I get weighed on a Friday evening.

just wondering if once a week is best or not? What do you lot do?



  • jeff261159
    jeff261159 Posts: 385
    i weigh once a week, always first thing saturday morning, always in my boxers!! gives me a constant benchmark!!
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    Your weight fluctuates from day to day and throughout the day. Twice a week is good for me - Mondays and Fridays. Always in the morning, and always in my pj's. The scale lies, and a tape measure is accurate. :smile:
  • LaniBaby88
    LaniBaby88 Posts: 12
    I weigh in every Monday morning and it helps me keep on track if what I did last week worked for me or not. When I dont lose I think Hmm, ok I can take out this or that out and if I lose I say, Ok I got this and Im doing good :) It just depends on the person though because sometimes people get discouraged if they dont see a change in weight and give up and believe that they cant loose weight. But give it a try and if its not for you then do it once a month or twice a month :) Good Luck!!
  • westwick1
    westwick1 Posts: 44 Member
    I am terrible, I get on the scales every morning. I know this is the worst way to do it but it is such a hard habit to break. I only record my weight once or twice a week on here though.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    I stick to once a week, at the weekend on whichever morning I've not been drinking the night before!
  • BulkyBison
    BulkyBison Posts: 18 Member
    At the moment I'm neurotically weighting myself twice a day - But I think that's why I didn't lose anything last week. I think I was demotivated as I kept going up and down by a pound; I even weighed myself before getting in the shower and then again 45 minutes later and I'd gone down by a pound and a half after! I probably do expect too much too soon, so I think I'll restrict myself to maybe twice a week at most from now on.

    Also for the ladies out there - do you weigh yourself when your having your TOM, or not? Do you find it gives inaccurate readings? I'm wondering if that's part of the problem too!