RozeGod Posts: 118
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I am slightly discouraged but mostly curious as to why I am not losing weight. I checked my daily calories and they are at 1350 which is what was suggested. I exercise everyday, etc. and still see only a measly 4 pound loss in 20 days!! So frustrating!!


  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    The suggested amount of weight to lose is 1-2 lbs per week. Sounds like you are right in the middle of that recommendation. Faster weight loss can be harmful to your body and more difficult to keep off in the long run. You are making good progress, don't get discouraged.
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    Thanks LB- I am my own worst enemy right now - I have to relearn patience.
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    Think of it this way, you probably didn't gain those 4 pounds in 20 days so you're ahead of the curve! It's been less than a month and you're already 4 pounds down! It's progress in the right direction!
  • Mhuffman1231
    Mhuffman1231 Posts: 1 Member
    If you are exercising everyday and stuck..you are 1. building muscle that is denser and weighs more, but burns more calories to sustain everyday..2. Your Calories may be too low for you and your body is in starvation mode, conserving energy..I always up my Calories for a day or two and then drop back down to base and that always starts my weight loss again:sad:
  • Drop your calories to 1200. You'll see results. Keep going!! You're doing GREAT!!
  • andyp10
    andyp10 Posts: 11

    stick with it, on average 2 pound per week is a guide, if you are weighing your food etc and sticking to your limit it will continue to drop. I lost 23lbs. Dedication is key!

    Weigh yourself in the mornings!
  • ccbloom1
    ccbloom1 Posts: 82 Member
    Yes, patience! :) And if your profile photo is current, you don't have a ton of weight to lose, so you're probably looking at losing 0.5 lbs per week at this point.

    Are you exercising? What types of food are you eating? (if you make your diary public, we can help with suggestions :) ) Also, if you're exercising, you may not be eating enough, believe it or not.
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    I just need to lose about 15 pounds or so. I gained some after quitting smoking over the winter. I did lower my calories, up my calories, etc. I wont give up - just a little frustrated. Thanks everyone for your input.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Drop your calories to 1200. You'll see results. Keep going!! You're doing GREAT!!

    Don't drop your calories!! Just make the best food choices you can, keep up the good work and you will see results. Four pounds in 3 weeks is a good rate of weight loss, most of us are just impatient.
  • You are doing awesome!

    If it makes you feel better I am only down 14 since January. I haven't been logging on here the whole time since I couldn't keep up with both this site and a private online weight loss group when things got too busy so I cut mfp until I could devote the time to it again (keeping a notebook in the kitchen was my method during my off time). I still have 20 left to lose.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Drop your calories to 1200. You'll see results. Keep going!! You're doing GREAT!!

    You really should do the complete opposite of this. Dropping her calories, will reduce the chance of her losing fat instead of muscle. In fact, I would suggest increasing your caloric intake. Remember, the more muscle you develop, the more calories you need to consume. It's like putting a larger motor in a car. Bigger motor equals more gas it needs and the fast it consumes it. Simply an SUV will eat more fuel than a honda civic.

    I would suggest upping your caloric intake by 200 calories to see if that gets your over the hump. Also, what type of workout are you doing? Is there weight training involved? If not, start, is so, then increase the reps. Additionally, keep in mind, that at some point, weight is meaningless. What I mean by this, is you should be more concerned with body composition, aka Body Fat %.

    Heck, I weigh 190 most days. I could wish I weighed 175 but it may not be realistic for my tone/build. In fact, I would have to lose muscle to get there which isn't what I woudl like and I wouldn't look as good. In 90 days of doing Chalean Extreme I only lost 5 lbs. Most would say that sucks, I would tell you that I also lost 2" around my waist, another 2" around my hips, another 2" around my abs and 3% body fat. That is why I say its meaningless.

    Also to quote kndlindsey from another thread I was in
    do you only care about the number on the scale or are you more concerned with how you look than the number? Lifting will affect the number on the scale but it will also affect how you look. When I lost all my weight I weighed 135 and was a size 4. I started lifting seriously and went up to 145 and was.........a size 4. So I added 10lbs and stayed the same "size" in jeans, but my body looked a whole lot better at 145 with muscle than it did at 135 without.
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