coaches' wife tells me off/what would you have done?



  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    I probably would have said the same thing, and then filed a complaint with the league. That is total BS! Especially since you told her you were skipping all the year end stuff. Not your fault she took it upon herself and bought a trophy.
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    It's always easier after to come up with something to say. Try and blow it off; she sounds like someone that will always try to judge. But if it comes up again tell her again that we simply can not afford to purchase the trophy and that's why we made the decision we did. Explain it was a choice of food on the table for my family or a trophy for the shelf.

    Interesting that most fees to play include trophies to go to the winning and second place teams. They may want to change up their fee schedule so the parents have no surprises at the end of the season.
  • mixmastermolly
    I would ignore her and not get myself into any kind of drama by spreading the word. If she treats you that way then she's bound to treat others that way once they rub her the wrong way. People show their true colors on their own. I also agree with McKay who says to try to look at the situation from an outside perspective. Maybe your son mentioned to his buddy on the team that he was bummed he missed the pizza party? Or bummed that he didn't get a trophy? I'm not saying you did anything wrong and I know my brother has to make difficult decisions regarding money with his 3 children all in a lot of different activities. They always ask their kid's what is most important to them...the pizza party, the trophy, the sports banquet, whatever...and the kids get to pick one event. She definitely handled voicing her opinion the wrong way regardless.
  • greishma
    greishma Posts: 3
    Hats off to you for not slapping her across the face. Coz dats exactly what I would have done. hwoeverit is always good to ignore such worthless people and move on with your life. I'm sure your kids know how hard thier mom is working to keep them happy :smile:

    GOD Bless
  • avonchik
    avonchik Posts: 106
    You did the right thing> It is hard raising 3 kids in this economy!! ! She had no right to do that to you! I hope yoiu will move on and set it behind youi. You are a good mom!! Hugs! :flowerforyou:
  • aisha1150
    aisha1150 Posts: 5
    PPl talk **** forget it girl ! just carry on God will give them on their face !
  • Healthymom0000
    Healthymom0000 Posts: 14 Member
    I would not give credence to a thing she said. When someone acts the way this woman did I believe it speaks to how miserable she may be in her own life. You did not need to even explain to her your situation. However when you did she should have been more compassionate and understanding.

    You should be proud of yourself for doing the most you can for your children and not feel belittled by someone who feels the need to tell everyone how to raise their children. The most important part is that you did what you could so your son could play baseball.....that is what kids remember not the pizza parties and trophies at that age.

    Honestly, I don't know what I would have done. Probably walked away after giving her a mouthful of my own and then do everything in my power to have her removed from team sports in the future.

    Too bad there are people like her in this world.
  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Hubby is going to print out all the emails I am then sending them to the berlin little league and yes, normally we would have been on board forhe trophy pizza party thing, but the date they chose to do all of that is whenwe will be on vacation so that is why i skipped it this year and saved the $20 per kid and honestly, they don't have any idea of what they are missing.

    They enjoyed playing.

    This lady is responses were colorful too, don't get me wrong but this was after her provocation. I hope she and her husband never get to be coaches again.

    Either that or my family will be banned and black balled from baseball.
  • DBabbit
    DBabbit Posts: 173 Member
    She sounds so charming! NOT! Sorry you had to deal with that. I'd have been ringing her doorbell, so you handled it well! You don't owe her squat, but she needs to be reported - over the coach's head since he's married to her. Have a good cry to get the anger out of your system, and then send her one last email and tell her since she wants to be so judgmental, maybe she should have another kid, because it's apparent her PMS is showing! {{HUGS}} Hope your day improves. :flowerforyou:
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    I had words with my sons coach several years ago after he told my son and another boy that they should 'go home and play with their barbies'. He was making fun of the boys for not staying in the batter's box. (This was in minor league when the pitchers are throwing hard, but without accuracy.) I did speak to the head of the division and the head of the league, but was verbally attacked by all of them. Because they were all buddies. I did what I had to do, but it didn't get me anywhere. My son did not finish that season, but did play 2 more years. (with wonderful coaches)
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    My husband coached a T-Ball team this year, and I was the team mom. How dare she talk to you like that??? I would IMMEDIATELY report her actions to the League!!! She should no longer be allowed to be involved with a team. She should not be harassing anyone!

    I agree totally. She crossed the line.
  • FaerieMoon
    FaerieMoon Posts: 50 Member
    I hope you report her to the Parks and Rec or whoever heads up the little League.

    She was Way out of line!!

    Sorry this had to happen to you
  • krlaws2
    krlaws2 Posts: 47
    Your financial situation is none of her business. She is being nosy and rude. I'm glad you are reporting it.
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    What a b*tch!

    Life is life - lots of people are in the situation you are in with 3 kids and one income. Life is not all about how much money you can spend, its about the time you spend with your children, which you are obviously doing. $20 is a lot of money, especially for a trophie, when there are far more important things to spend the money on, like mortgage, food and clothes.

    I would have told her to stick it up her backside too!
  • cornerofgreystreet
    cornerofgreystreet Posts: 180 Member
    If it is a town team, or a Rec dept...SOMEONE is above her....they have to have a director or head of sports. Take it to them.

    I completely agree.
  • br04416
    br04416 Posts: 35 Member
    Keep your head up and don't EVER let anyone have the power to control or ruin your day! Just start laughing at what was said!
    You are doing the right thing concerning your family :)
    If it keeps bothering you, I would def go over her head. But if you can let it go, I would just do that.
    Don't let others bother you! Life is too short and time is too precious for others hatefulness to interfere.
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I would report her, if she said this to you what has she said to other families. That is NOT the type of person I would want as my son's team mom!!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    forward that to whoever she reports to!!!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I would have said, " Thanks for your comments. In the future, please keep them to yourself."

    Then I would have turned and walked away. I wouldn't have given her any explanation as to what my financial situation may be or what constraints I ma be facing. None of her business.
  • ericjr7210
    ericjr7210 Posts: 40 Member
    I have coached several teams over the past 7 years (football, basketball, baseball) I have paid several things out of my pocket and never expected parents to pay without discussing it with them before any order is placed. This is a woman who is out of control and has forgotten the first rule of youth sports.... ITS ALL ABOUT THE KIDS !!!! They can't drive, they do not have e-mail ( well most under 13 anyway). If you explained your situation and she made the mistake then it is on her. I would inform her and her husband in a nice e-mail and go over the facts.. Making the situation public is not necessary. Take the high road and if she continues to badger you talk to a league official. BTW I would not worry about a law suit...sounds like this woman is full of hot air... GOOD LUCK....