Dear Food...

Today I decided that you would work for me instead of being my ruthless master. In the past I've tried to be zen about it and pretend it didn't matter but I see now that you can be the way to a slow suicide if I don't develop some self discipline over how much I let you control my life. With each pound I add I get more fatigued, short of breath and sore. I can't believe that picture someone posted of me! I had no idea I'd gotten so huge. No wonder I feel so tired. Today my relationship with you was healthy. I'll try to do the right thing for me again tomorrow by enjoying you as fuel for a good life instead of the slow and uncomfortable vehicle to an early grave. Sincerely, Me


  • ajax041813
    ajax041813 Posts: 136 Member
    Great job changing your perspective! That's truly what its all about. I did well today too. Not perfect but better and that is all that matters. Keep up the good work and great attitude!
  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    Perspective is power! Thanks for the encouragement. I figured out a long time ago that my relationship with food is all messed up. This year I hope to break the hold that has had on me for the last 50 years or so. At 255 pounds I can' t afford to be complacent any longer.
  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    Dear Food, Today we were friends. You nourished my body so that I could study with a clear mind, haul in two days worth of firewood, kindly care for the chickens, turkey, fish & cat, and hike out back to put out honey for the wild critters. I felt good and listened to the thoughts and heartbeat that YOU gave me the power to have. Yup, today it felt like we were in partnership. I feel a deep sense of wonder at the way Nature mixes Her forces within me to form a conscious being who is aware of Her. I guess that makes even eating a sacred ritual. Blessed Be! I'm looking forward to making more natural magic tomorrow. Love, northstar
  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    Dear Food, Today we were friends. You nourished my body so that I could study with a clear mind, haul in two days worth of firewood, kindly care for the chickens, turkey, fish & cat, and hike out back to put out honey for the wild critters. I felt good and listened to the thoughts and heartbeat that YOU gave me the power to have. Yup, today it felt like we were in partnership. I feel a deep sense of wonder at the way Nature mixes Her forces within me to form a conscious being who is aware of Her. I guess that makes even eating a sacred ritual. Blessed Be! I'm looking forward to making more natural magic tomorrow. Love, northstar.
  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    Dear northstar, I never meant to be a source of destruction for you. I'm here to help you live. There are so many challenges and forces that come up against you. Right now your immune system is fighting off a cold! You need to choose this that help you do that. You also need good fuel for clear thinking today. There are many people who are depending on you to help them solve problems today. If you choose the right type of us, it could be very good for all of you.So, when you open the fridge and pantry this morning think of having a clear mind and strong immune system. That's what Mother Nature wants for you but the choices are yours to make. Eat wisely! Love, your food

  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    Dear Food, Thank you for helping me to kick that virus before it took hold. I think the roasted garlic bulb put the final nail in the bug's coffin! I find it useful to think of you as medicine...and fuel...and a wonderful gift to share with friends. I'd better start the marinade for tomorrow. Love you, northstar
  • camground2
    camground2 Posts: 41 Member
    Nice!! Love the blog!
  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks! I didn't know that's what I was doing. I was kind of hoping others would write their own letters to food. How about you give it a go?
  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    Food, What is this mysterious power you have over my will when I'm feeling "under the weather"? Why do I turn to you for comfort when too much of you clearly makes me uncomfortable and adds to my health problems? I am catching my descent into bad habits with you more quickly instead of caving in to my shame & discouragement, where I typically wallow for weeks. I want to carry normal weight, only so I will keep trying. Me.

  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    So discouraged. I feel like the Norse rune "Is"; frozen and unmoving, it threatens the integrity of the roof that provides my shelter. There must be over a foot of ice on my eaves and at temps of -18 f. it will not melt anytime soon. Each time a loud snapping sound comes from the direction of the ceiling my heart goes to my throat. I wonder if it's too late to save myself from Diabetes as this unmelting " Is" of fat builds up on my body. I look for hope, for a way to find the determination within myself that will counteract this sense of hopelessness.
  • tiff0277
    tiff0277 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for writing
  • rats2010
    rats2010 Posts: 79 Member
    Dear Food,

    There is just SO MUCH of you. Your filling veggies, your juicy steaks and tender chickens. Your oozing, overflowing pizzas, sweet candies and your tempting fruits. I am over-whelmed at the grocery stores, unable to decide on what to get. EVERYTHING looks SO good. Alas then, as I'm sitting at work, trapped for 16 hours with only what I brought in my bag.. I think of you endlessly. Eggs, boiled to perfection, vegetables steamed, nuts to snack on, salads to fill me up, meats to make the hallways smell delicious, yet you are not with me.

    Food, you devil me. I finally buy the right bits of you, and am fueled beyond normal, yet unable to use this newfound energy. I am torn, do I continue to eat your goodness as fuel when I can't use you or go back to sludge eating and just wait for days off?

    Food, you come in with others, into the vending machines, in for treats and rewards. You sneak your way into my thoughts. I wish you would sneak back out for a while, for my peace of mind.

    Food, I aim to be in control of you, of my reactions to you. Each day is a new day, a new struggle. I will succeed, even if it's just for today. Tomorrow will come anew, and my resolve may not be as strong, but I will keep trying.
  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    ...I can soooo relate!
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Good stuff here !
  • jodi3357
    jodi3357 Posts: 34 Member
    Dear food - I am good most days but today my kids came over for a post birthday/ valentine's celebration. I had a bagel,cream cheese and lox. AND birthday cake. Sugar And carb overload. I feel like crap. Sincerely,
    never again :(
  • sndrd49
    sndrd49 Posts: 234 Member
    Dear Food;
    Thank you for nourishing me and my family. Thank you for fueling my body and enabling me to get through my days. I am sorry that I abused you and used you to abuse myself. I am sorry that I blamed you for my weight gain, the decisions were mine. I am determined to heal our relationship the way that you heal me, you are very forgiving.
    Thank you.
  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    Dear Food, It is really difficult to redesign my relationship with you. I am unable to walk away from you so that I won't have to make daily...hourly...decisions about you. I can't afford to be careless about you anymore without risking my life. I am cornered; no longer free to ignore this. So I've decided to unravel the biggest mystery of my relationship with you. Satiety is a concept which is totally foreign to me, just as color would be to one born without any sight. I worked up the courage to ask a normal weight friend what satiety feels like in her body. She took a long time to think about it and said that her body also loves the feeling of eating, loves the flavors, the textures, the chewing, and filling her stomach with swallowing. But she comes to a point of knowing she will start being uncomfortable if she eats more than a "reasonable" amount. She will pause, drink a liitle, and take notice of her stomach's fullness. Then she makes a decision about diminishing returns; whether more food is worth the discomfort. When in doubt she stands up to check how full it feels just below her breast bone. Since our discussion I've been trying to pay attention to these feelings. I promise my body that I will keep trying to figure this out. I still don't really understand what satiety feels like but I will keep asking around. Your Frustrated Consumer, me

  • Karmc2k
    Karmc2k Posts: 98 Member
    Dear Food, Thank you for always being there for me. I am very lucky I have you. You've nourished me and helped me grow. I rarely express appreciation for all the good you've done, I often ignore your taste and texture. At one time we had a beautiful relationship but I see that over the years I have taken you for granted and asked for much more than you could give. I didn't just want you to sustain me, I wanted you to love me, keep me happy, keep me unafraid, keep me entertained; I asked for so much and you never stopped giving. Sometimes I can feed off of you like a parasite. I am trying to learn to be stronger and take responsibility for my emotions and entertainment. It is hard to stand on my own, but I will. I can see that if I keep looking to you for support I will never be the fit and independent person I need to be. I will always need you but now we must pursue a healthier relationship. I love you always. K
  • LushFix
    LushFix Posts: 303 Member
    This is truly beautiful, thank you for sharing!
  • northstar57
    northstar57 Posts: 18 Member
    I so enjoy reading all of the heartfelt writings here. They make me feel strong and not so all alone in this struggle. Thanks to you all for sharing your thoughts. <3 northstar