I feel amazing!.. then I look in the mirror :)

manda2j Posts: 63
edited September 28 in Motivation and Support
Anyone else have this problem? I'm exercising better than ever and eating healthier than ever, the pounds are coming off! But every once in a while I'll catch a glimpse of myself in the one full length mirror we have (which i usually try to avoid) and I'll just think, "eww, is that really me? aren't i that beautiful, lean healthy chick that i feel like when i'm jogging or eating my salads?" Urgh!!!


  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Yes. It will be a while before those good feelings on the inside start reflecting on the outside. Just don't get discouraged. It's hard for those of us who have a lot to lose, but we will get there. Just hold on to what you feel on the inside. Eventually, it will show like you want it to.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Yes! I still do that. I am hoping that will get better once I get way down close to my goal weight.

    Don't let it get you too down though. Stick with it and try to focus on how great you feel.
  • quara
    quara Posts: 255 Member
    Oh yes! I feel like that all the time, after a workout... I'm all endorphined up and feeling refreshed, and then I'm like "Why are these pants not fitting! They should be falling off me!!"

    Oh well... at least we feel good for the moment!! Beauty is all about confidence, right?
  • kseier
    kseier Posts: 91 Member
    Make a point to have a date with a friend you haven't seen in awhile .They will be sure to notice your changes :) We see ourselves EVERY day! So of course we're never gonna notice when things happen. When you reach your goal you mgiht even feel the same way! It takes before and after pics to really put it in perspective!
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    Yes...I feel great until someone takes a picture of me. God FORBID someone takes a full body shot, or when I'm sitting down! Keep up the good attitude and you will do fine :)
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    It wasnt until I had lost about 16lbs that I started to feel happier, but you have to change your mindset. I still dont think I look amazing, but I can tell a big difference from when I started, and thats what makes me happy.

    I am still "obese" I still have tyres, and wobbly cellulitey legs, but they're much smaller, and a definition is starting to show.

    I am concentrating more on how healthy I feel, and I believe looking in a mirror and being totally happy will come with time.
  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    I feel that way too sometimes, but I mean it takes time. I can feel parts of my body that are thinner. It seems to be in this order (that I've lost weight in): face, legs/thighs, and then the belly will come last. I've lost parts of my belly, but it's still there.

    You're still beautiful! If you feel like you're better on the inside, then you certainly are on the outside. I think one thing about losing weight when you're heavier than most is that you still cast this older shadow on yourself... It'll be that way for a while, until we see DRASTIC differences.

    I look at pictures of myself from last summer, 279 pounds, and then this summer (239 pounds), and I can DEFINITELY see it. We just don't notice it personally, haha.

    It'll take time, but best believe you're probably looking even more radiant :)
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    aren't i that beautiful, lean healthy chick"

    You aree!!! Right now on the inside but everyday that you embrace that inner goddess you are one step closer to externalizing her!
  • You're not alone. I have the same problem. We will get there. Keep up the great work.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    I dont know if you've ever seen the tv show super why, where they take a story change a word or two and make it new.... anyways you should take a page from their book and change it to something that i would say so lets change your topic from "i feel amazing!.. then i look in the mirror" to " i feel amazing, WHEN i look in the mirror :)

    take time to celebrate what you've done so far, enjoy the progress you are making instead of looking at what has yet to change, and yes you are that beautiful lean healthy chick that you feel like! keep doing what you're doing and realize how you feel about yourself will transfer to the outside. you got this!
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    I have a similar issue yet different. My issue is that when I see myself in a photo or full length mirror I can't believe how good I look. In my mind, I'm still 60 pounds heavier than I am right now. I see old photos and think that is still how I look. When I go clothing shopping, I don't believe that I'm a size 12, I think I'm still an 18 or a 20. Or I'll grab a size 14 and they are too big. I make myself try on clothes now. It's so weird! You'll have this issue soon too. Keep sticking to it and you'll know exactly what I mean. It's weird to by a shirt size medium and not an XL or L. Anyway...if you are eating right and exercising regularly, you are beautiful. Your body is clearly feeling better which is why you are able to exercise. Maybe the mirror isn't showing the progression, but your health sure is. Give yourself some time and as hard as it is, be patient with yourself. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint. You are so worth the daily food fight. Try not to get down about your appearance, the outside will catch up with the inside. Promise.
  • NKF92879
    NKF92879 Posts: 601 Member
    I totally get that! However, good looks are 90% mental. If you're confident, that will show through to others. Besides, we always think we look worse than others see us. Keep up the hard work. Remember, how you feel is WAY more important than anything else!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I hear you... sometimes I feel so great and then get a less then flattering look in the mirror and can feel pretty low. That is when friends on here step up and really help me to remember how hard work has been paying off and to keep pushing to do better everyday!

    Stick with it... before you know it you will be checking yourself out in the mirror saying... Damn I'm HOT!
  • juju324
    juju324 Posts: 2
    Do not be discouraged. I feel the same way sometimes. Just remember you feel a lot better now exercising and eating better than you did before.... at least I do. Good luck. I keep trying to look at this as a lifestyle change.
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    I had to laugh, because that is EXACTLY what I feel! But as I look closer, I can see the tummy shrinking and the back is straighter. Shirts and pants are a little longer too!

    Eventually, the mirror will reflect what we feel inside. Keep up the great work you are doing and it will happen!
  • mocklin
    mocklin Posts: 33 Member
    Yes, EVERY DAY! I am working out 6-7 days a week, eating under my calories feeling so healthy and then a MIRROR! It's awful, and then the scale betrays me too. But i know my insides are healing and it will show on the outside before long.
  • bluemist248
    bluemist248 Posts: 207 Member
    I feel the same! I even put my hands on my waist and tummy and think, "oh, I'm losing weight and toning up" but my mirror doesn't agree with this.. and actually, neither has my scale for the last two weeks LOL!

    I still think how you feel is more important than how your body looks, especially in the early stages where the transition from the couch potato scoffing junk food to the active fitness superstar munching on an apple is made! :happy:
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    I'm with you manda. 20lbs. total lost, (some before mfp) One month into p90x, a lot of smart eating and sacrifice since I love food. All I see in the mirror is this damn gut.

    I think its a combination of we "get" to see our body everyday and the changes just dont come that quickly. So we look and still see our problem areas, but really we are shrinking all over. My hope is the before and after pics on p90x will reveal something good, the product of hard work and time.

    I mean other folks are noticing my loss, but I see that belly or occasionaly see a hint of man boob, and I think "what am I busting my tail for?" So I'll take my victories and concentrate on them. My shirt size recently went down. My belts are one loop from being useless and I need them because Im not ready to buy a whole new wardrobe of pants, but something needs to hold them up. My boss noticed my weight loss, my hockey team said I'm moving better. My blood pressure hasnt been better since I was in my 20's.
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    i'm right there with you, espically lately. I avoid my full length at all cost.:frown:
  • CodyD18
    CodyD18 Posts: 161 Member
    I feel like this a lot! But I just tell myself that if I keep going then eventually I will look how I feel. :)
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