Keto girl

Trying to keto adapted, struggling to get there


  • timsullivan2313
    timsullivan2313 Posts: 10 Member
    Only eat green leafy vegetables! For about a week that will get you there!
  • jocelyn1577
    jocelyn1577 Posts: 25 Member
    I have 0 cravings for food right now , bullet proof coffee in am then salad & meat for dinner barley can eat more then one meal a day ( blood ketones where 2.8 last night now .5 ?)
  • Athena_fit
    Athena_fit Posts: 55 Member
    What are you struggling with?
  • pmm3437
    pmm3437 Posts: 529 Member
    It can take a couple weeks to fully Keto adapt, and 1 or 2 bad meals in the middle can force you to start over.

    Make sure you are sub 50g net carbs for the day to start , then gradually adjust from there when you figure out your bodies actual tolerance for carbs.

    Some find it helpful to completely remove all non vegetable carbs until after they become adapted and have found their personal max consumption point.

    Make sure you are getting your RDA for min cals, protein and fats ( 1200+ / .8g/kg+ / 30g+ ). You need min adequate nutrition or you are sabotaging yourself for the sake of short term ( and usually unsustainable ) gains.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Only eat green leafy vegetables! For about a week that will get you there!

    No actually it won't.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    OP, hello and welcome. Suggest you check out the main low carber forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketofiles tend to hang out so stop be and say hello:
  • jocelyn1577
    jocelyn1577 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks , I will check it out , I'm not over eating at all , in fact I'm lucky if I can get one meal in first 3 weeks I had all my macro's in check , suddenly this week I have 0 hunger at all , I'm okay to drink my bullet proof coffees but seem two of those and I'm content for the next 12 hours
  • megweg1
    megweg1 Posts: 8 Member
    I like the bullet proof diet approach to ketosis. BP version is called "nutritional ketosis." The plan contains "hacks for women." I was not able to do straight ketosis. I am older which makes a difference--there are hacks for women and hacks for women over 40--you're not there yet : ) Anyway, I feel bullet proof has given me tools to get the benefits of ketosis without the negative side effects I was getting. Good luck
  • jocelyn1577
    jocelyn1577 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 39 so I'm sorta there