Committing Your Food



  • rstarnes65
    rstarnes65 Posts: 5 Member
    Good Morning! I'm new to this message board thing and have never really participated on any site. I was reading the posts looking for motivation and thought I would chime in. I do attempt to pre-log my foods if I have a plan for the day. I prep my breakfasts and snacks on Sundays and try to plan dinners for the week, which is sometimes difficult if you're not the person cooking the meals (my husband cooks and I prep). Would love to hear what works for people.
  • DebDesautels
    DebDesautels Posts: 22 Member
    I log what I'm planning for the day in the morning. I used to wait and log what I had so far in the day in the late afternoon and often found out I either was way over or way under, which made dinner complicated. Worse yet was waiting to log everything at the end of the day - disaster. At least if you have a plan, you have the info to make some informed adjustments as the day goes on. Say you were planning to have an afternoon snack but it never happened, you can adjust your dinner to accommodate a few more calories to keep you where you want to be. That's what works for me at least!
  • DanSTL82
    DanSTL82 Posts: 156 Member
    I just make sure each meal is less than 400 calories, and I eat 4 times a day. So the only decision-making I do is deciding which ingredients to limit in order to stay under 400 for each meal as I prepare it.
  • fishshark
    fishshark Posts: 1,886 Member
    When I am making us breakfast (usually the same thing everyday) I will plan out our lunch and dinner and pre log it. This is mainly because I keep all meat in the freezer so I gotta thaw it during the day for dinner. When I shop I get things for specific meals as well. On the weekends we go out.
  • no_day_but_2day
    no_day_but_2day Posts: 222 Member
    I have to pre-log. I love it. It makes me excited for each day of cooking/eating. The only thing I don't prelog is exercise because well.. for obvious reasons.
    But, I've pre-logged for multiple days before. I rush around a lot throughout the day so the less I have to think about what I'm eating, the better. I normally wake up in the morning in a fog and then look at my diary to see what I scheduled to eat for breakfast and then I make it. The less I have to think in the morning, the better. haha
  • briegirl28
    briegirl28 Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you everybody for all of your suggestions and great ideas. :)

    I find that making sure I don't have tempting foods in my house is one of the most important things I do. It's like that joke by Chris Rock about being only as faithful of your options. If I have a box of cookies in my house, I may not eat them for a long time, but eventually I will. Or I could feel a certain way one day and eat the whole box over the spans of a few hours.

    I like pre-logging, but then I dislike when I don't stick to it. I do like how I can see how what I plan to eat either helps me or hurts me in my goal of sticking to my calorie limit.

    I find that I have to be honest with myself that calories are only one issue --- I like the idea of having 4 meals under 400 calories, but I know that if those meals are too high in carbs, I'll get extremely hungry and most likely overeat due to insulin issues. I'm really trying to avoid grains and things with added sugar. Currently, I'm still eating too much sugar due to some juices and smoothies, raisins, and dairy/whey in my no sugar added hot cocoa. But that is better than I used to eat, that's for sure. :)
  • krissyrey
    krissyrey Posts: 67 Member
  • briegirl28
    briegirl28 Posts: 121 Member
  • briegirl28
    briegirl28 Posts: 121 Member
    krissyrey wrote: »

    I like writing down what I ate when I was eating a healthier diet --- I was able to see that despite eating a large volume of food, it was still around like 1200 calories . :))
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    Im an OCD prelogger. I love to be able to see every thing I can eat the next day (sometimes two). And I pre-log big "splurges" of calories if I know that its coming up or just because I want a treat - then I get to play with fitting in the rest of my foods to hit goal...kind of like a puzzle.
  • drachfit
    drachfit Posts: 217 Member
    I usually cook and portion out 7-14 meals at once. I know I will eat them for lunch and dinner that week, so I just plug em all in at once. very simple. don't have to think about logging or measuring food except once a week.

    doesn't stop me from having and logging a snack on a particular day if I'm extra hungry. but for the most part the meals are portioned to get me exactly on my macros and calories each day. i usually eat the same breakfast too.
  • ashorey87
    ashorey87 Posts: 173 Member
    I always pre-log my meals the night before. If I log as I go, I have a hard time meeting my goals for nutrients, macros, etc, then I get stressed out and eat whatever, and it's disastrous lol
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited March 2016
    I have a plan in my head at the beginning of the day, normally, which is flexible. My meals don't tend to differ dramatically and I don't change them on impulse to something with radically different macros/nutrients. So as long as I don't eat unplanned things during the day (which I normally don't, but logging the thing if I'm thinking of eating it vs. prelogging tends to help with that), I stick to plan. If I eat something unplanned I might revise dinner to be fewer calories or drop dessert if I was planning on a dessert.

    I know lots of people find prelogging helpful but because I plan so much in my head it's never made any difference for me.
  • trinty425
    trinty425 Posts: 108 Member
    Every morning while drinking my morning coffee...I decide first what is for dinner. I put meat out to thaw and do any prep work needed for dinner then. I do dinner first because it is usually the meal that has the most calories, fat, and sodium in it. I check servings sizes and properly fit in how much I will realistically eat. Then I figure out and put in my lunch. (If dinner is super high fat...then I make lunch low in I keep my carbs, sugars, fats, and sodium in the green). Then I look at my goals for everything and play with and plug different snacks in so that I am as close to my goals for everything without going into the red. I then leave my page open on my 2nd monitor so that I see it every time I am near my computer. If it is not on the list I don't eat it. If for any reason I want to make a change....I put in the change BEFORE I eat to see if it makes me go in the red or not.
  • one235
    one235 Posts: 70 Member
    I log everyday and stick to it. I find it easier to do my meal planning in the morning, so I am not guessing all day.
    I also plan snacks to fit in. It is a lot of changing and re-arranging, but I do it.