How do you get your fiber?

I am finally coming around to the idea that fiber is important for satiety (very late to this party I know) and was hoping to hear what you all eat to get that fiber in.

I think my options are going to go like this...
1) reduce my fat intake so that I have more calories to use on higher fiber carbohydrates while still eating fun carbs
2) reduce the amount of fun carbs I eat in favor of more nutritionally dense options
3) supplement with fiber

Are you using strategy 1,2,3 or something I haven't thought of? What are your top 5 fiber foods?



  • kensreboot
    kensreboot Posts: 17 Member
    edited February 2016
    I would guess, # 2. I eat a Plant Strong diet and along with that comes the fiber. Today I will be at 62g (mainly from beans and an avocado with my lunch). I usually average 35-50g/day from beans and fruit mainly.
  • Tricia7188
    Tricia7188 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm at 1200 cals per day(desk job, lazy don't want to exercise lol) and I average 50+g/ day. Most of my lunch/dinners are at least half veggies, some protein and fat and a little or no carbs. Breakfast I always have a sm apple and steelcut oats or a shake(which I add ground flax and blueberries to for the fiber to keep me full). All this adds up to a LOT of fiber. Having alot of veggies, prepared different ways and mixed with other foods, etc has helped me feel so full and satisfied I've been honestly shocked I can lose weight and feel this full (esp on 1200 cals). Of course it's still important to log, cause fruits and vegetables still have cals despite their "free food" status other "diets" give them.
  • JoshuaMcAllister
    JoshuaMcAllister Posts: 500 Member
    edited February 2016
    I am finally coming around to the idea that fiber is important for satiety (very late to this party I know) and was hoping to hear what you all eat to get that fiber in.

    I think my options are going to go like this...
    1) reduce my fat intake so that I have more calories to use on higher fiber carbohydrates while still eating fun carbs
    2) reduce the amount of fun carbs I eat in favor of more nutritionally dense options
    3) supplement with fiber

    Are you using strategy 1,2,3 or something I haven't thought of? What are your top 5 fiber foods?

    I agree with your point but to much fiber can also have a negative effect on the body, so I'd ensure that you're not already meeting your goal before upping your intake. Similar to the above posters I average around 50g per day but I don't actively monitor my fiber intake because I know my balanced diet meets my fiber goal which is only 30g.

    I generally hit my target through fruits and veg and on days were I eat beans with a main meal or eat oats for breakfast, I go way beyond my target.

    Also I'd love to know what you mean by "fun carbs", without knowing anymore I'd say option two is the most feasible as its likely you'll won't have to make to many changes.
  • PearBlossom9
    PearBlossom9 Posts: 136 Member
    Fat helps satiety so that's not something you want to cut. Reduce your carbs and eat more veggies. Lots of veggies. You can choose to add legumes and beans but they can be calorie dense so you will want to watch your portion size.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    From food. A serving of legumes, a large baked potato with skin, a high fiber multigrain bread, and a meatless burger today, for example. Those, IMO, are fun food, as I love them. Add in my veggie and fruits, sometimes oats, and I average 30-35+g fiber daily.
  • ElviraMarieCerri
    ElviraMarieCerri Posts: 31 Member
    duh, veggies ARE mostly carbs! but pick ones with more fiber - like broccoli or carrots or celery. Per nutritionist I'm on very low carb diet, about 50 per day. I use it up on fiber-y breakfast fruit and veggies, and add 2 Tablespoons of Bob's Mills ground flax seed meal to the fruit (1T) and my breakfast eggs (1T). still don't get enough fiber, but I do work on it.
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    #1 is a nope. i actually upped my fats and lowered my carbs months ago. for me fats, protein and fiber are all needed to not feel hungry. higher carb foods were making me hungry too soon after eating.

    #2 i did do this, i now mostly eat snacks like yummy cacoa/chocolate energy squares that are dense and include fat/pro/fiber in them.

    #3 yup, i usually use 6g of sugar free benefiber (5g fiber), i really like it because it trully is tasteless and gritty free! i add it in greek yogurt because i read awhile back that fiber and probotics together are best. i can always tell the next day when i skip the yogurt and fiber combo the day before (bloating & no poop like today), so there may be some truth to what i read.

    i also now add 21g of a vanilla latte powder mix (supposably has 8g of fiber) in my second mug of coffee every AM these days, bit high in calories though but, sure is a tasty way of helping me get my needed fiber every day since i have been slacking getting my fiber from real foods lately.
  • ejbronte
    ejbronte Posts: 867 Member
    I build up to 21gs per day, per default MFP setting for my maintenance balance (today I'm low (16), but I've actually been over a few days this week, so I won't sweat it).

    My resources for my 16 today was:

    Oatmeal for breakfast, with ground cinnamon (yes! A generous teaspoon will give you a tiny but measurable bit of fiber!), and some shredded coconut: 6
    Lunch: carrots, sweet pepper, PB2, and some fitness bread (to soak up the dressing that the PB2 contributed to): 8,
    Dinner: Mustard seeds and spaghetti squash: 2

    I was going to make a dessert involving ground oatmeal, but my cats want to cuddle (I had to put one to sleep on Tuesday and we're all adjusting). So I was bad and had ice cream instead. No fiber there. Had I been good, the oatmeal dessert would have put me a little over 21.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Vegetables, Fruits, steel cut oats, and high fiber English muffins. I average 45g per day.
  • hockeysniper8
    hockeysniper8 Posts: 253 Member
    I am #2...Just started making overnight steel cut oats, veggies
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yep I'm a #2. Makes me sad but yeah, fiber is great... thankfully I really love pink lady apples, lol.

    But I get most of my fiber from apples, oranges, oats (couple days a week), whole wheat bread (when I make whole wheat bread, obviously), beans, and lentils. I eat whole grain pasta too, which I like more than the regular kind now, just not very often. But honestly oatmeal cooked in milk (or almond milk) with protein powder is very satisfying for my sweet tooth. And I absolutely love refried beans (I really got to figure out a good recipe for those, my last attempt was just ok).

    I'm getting 25-30g a day in average and it seems to be enough for me (I also try to eat 110g of protein a day).
  • hopeandtheabsurd
    hopeandtheabsurd Posts: 265 Member
    Thanks for all the input and advice!

    To answer some of the questions, my typical diet is only giving me about 15g fiber so I really do need more.

    Fun carbs was just a silly way of saying carby foods that are not as nutritionally dense...white bread, sweetened beverages, etc.

    I probably should have clarified on the fats because I tend to run that as high as I can...35% so I might have a little more wiggle room than some in that area.

    My goal is usually around 150g for carbs, but I could definitely make better choices in how I use them. More veggies, beans, steel cut oats, fruits...all things I do not mind eating but that I obviously need to eat more often or in larger quantities. I'll have to look into finding high fiber English muffins, those sound yummy.

  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    edited February 2016
    Fruits, veggies, legumes, oats, whole grains, nuts... Like whole wheat pasta or chickpea or black bean pasta
  • tmoser512
    tmoser512 Posts: 28 Member
    edited February 2016
    I try to get the majority of my fiber in early in the day. For breakfast I'll cut my regular cereal with bran cereal half and half (suggestion from a dietitian) and eat a ton of veggies at lunch.
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    I get 80g per day. Every food I eat has fiber in it. Not my intention, just how it shook out.

    I recommend having a handful of spring mix with every meal. It's a good way to get in some extra fiber if you need it plus leafy greens aid with digestion of the meal.

    I have to say though that something is missing from your diet if you need to take fiber supplements. Add more fruits and vegetables.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I don't know how this would fit in with your desired eating plan, but I accidentally increased my fiber when I started buying low-calorie bread/rolls/pasta/wraps that by nature seem to be made with more fiber. I've found low-carb wraps w/ 13 g fiber/each and the 150 calorie pasta I buy (from Creamette or Ronzoni) also has 13 g of fiber per 2 oz serving. The 80 calorie Sara Lee Delightful whole wheat buns I buy have 7 g of fiber and the bread is similar. The rest just nickels & dimes from veggies, fruits, & oatmeal.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    kensreboot wrote: »
    I would guess, # 2. I eat a Plant Strong diet and along with that comes the fiber. Today I will be at 62g (mainly from beans and an avocado with my lunch). I usually average 35-50g/day from beans and fruit mainly.

    This. I average about the same, from legumes and vegetables, mostly, and a bit from grains. A plant strong diet is a great to put it.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,998 Member
    I would fall into category #2.
    Fruit, vegetables, whole wheat bread, rolled oats, nuts and legumes are my typical day to day foods...
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    edited February 2016
    My Daily:
    2 tsp Benefiber in coffee each morning.
    High fiber cereal
    Apple w/ lots of PB2 Choc.
    I get 30-35 fiber daily. - sometimes more.

    Green Veggies
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I use Fiber Gourmet brand pasta.
    I make yogurt parfaits with fruit and Kellogg's Bran Buds
    I add ground flax to many recipes.
    I buy high fiber bread
    I eat a lot of beans
  • haviegirl
    haviegirl Posts: 230 Member
    I eat a full serving of unfrosted Mini-Wheats cereal mixed with half a serving of Frosted Mini-Wheats (with 6 oz of 2% milk) every morning. 11 grams of fiber right off the bat. Just the right amount of sweetness for me.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Fat also helps with satiety. And keeps things moving along the old plumbing. Just saying. Yes, replace some of your baked and fried carbs with fruit and vegetable carbs and you will be golden.

    Check out the magic of soluble carbs while you are at it. This would include foods like oatmeal and chia.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I eat a lot of whole grains, legumes, veggies, and fruit.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    Fat also helps with satiety. And keeps things moving along the old plumbing. Just saying. Yes, replace some of your baked and fried carbs with fruit and vegetable carbs and you will be golden.

    Check out the magic of soluble carbs while you are at it. This would include foods like oatmeal and chia.

    And beans. Beans are a great source of soluble fiber.
  • stmokomoko
    stmokomoko Posts: 98 Member

    The idea of having to eat 9 cups of broccoli or whatever vegetable or fruit per day to hit my fibre requirement is nasty.
  • hopeandtheabsurd
    hopeandtheabsurd Posts: 265 Member
    Well, I did it today! 28g of fiber from black beans, raisin bran, broccoli, chickpeas, and smaller amounts from other veggies but it all added up. My carb% ended up the the high 50s% and fat/protein were in the low 20s% so I still have some adjusting to do, but it wasn't too difficult, I just had to make fiber a priority and incorporate a LOT of different foods. I am much more full than usual, and I like to feel full, so it's doing what I hoped!

    Thanks again everyone for the suggestions!

    P.S. Roasted chickpeas (400F, 40 minutes) are delicious! I let my kid spice them and ended up with pumpkin pie spice AND lemon pepper on them. Still good. :D
  • dalem54494
    dalem54494 Posts: 23 Member
    I get mine from Fiber One original cereal.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Animal products have no fibres and they cause constipation.

    There are many causes for constipation not just a diet high in animal products.

    OP: If constipation is your problem or worry then:

    1) reduce my fat intake so that I have more calories to use on higher fiber carbohydrates while still eating fun carbs
    2) reduce the amount of fun carbs I eat in favor of more nutritionally dense options
    3) supplement with fiber

    The bit in bold may backfire since upping fat has been shown to often alleviate constipation. Of course, if constipation is not an issue or worry for you then this is a moot point.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Dear @StealthHealth , Kindly note that I said "Animal products have no fibres and they cause constipation" I never said "ONLY Animal products have no fibres and they ALONE cause constipation" so for you to say "There are many causes for constipation not just a diet high in animal products" does not contradict me in any way.

    Foods with no fibre are mainly but not only:
    1-Animal products: animal tissues, eggs, dairy
    2-Refined grain products: products made with refined flours that are stripped off their bran suck as white bread, cookies, cakes, donuts, chocolate bars and junk alike.
    3-Juices and beverages.

    Moreover, foods that are dry and low in water content cause constipation too. e.g. if you eat whole wheat biscuits without drinking some liquid with them you can get constipated despite the fibre content of the biscuits.

    point taken