Help! How do you deal with munchies at nighttime?!



  • fgeorgeanne
    fgeorgeanne Posts: 1 Member
    My understanding is that it doesn't matter when you eat (even right before bed) are you drinking? For many people alcohol stimulates the appetite talk a bout a buzz kill
  • hellonew2015
    hellonew2015 Posts: 327 Member
    I save all my snacks until night because I know if I eat them in the day, I am going to eat again at night. Save 2 things that you really like and eat them when you get the munchies.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I try to ignore it. Its a matter of my brain craving it so I try to remember that just because I have a thought about something tasting good, it doesn't mean I have to eat it right now. I also try to remember that most of my late night snacking is from boredom or habit.

    If that doesn't work or if my tummy is rumbling, I go for a healthy snack...cheese, fruit, nuts or popcorn (they have some really good low cal popcorns out now). Or, I might even have one piece of chocolate. You can't deny yourself everything. Just keep your portion size appropriate and maybe try to leave yourself 100-200 calories for a snack after dinner.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I drink a lot of water. why? lol I'm thinking about an apple. but sometimes I feel like even a few calories can throw me off but I have acid reflux and it hurts so much when I'm hungry. :-( anyhow, so thank you so much for your suggestion!

    Reflux - chew mint gum

    Apples for reflux - go for Gala or Fuji, they have a higher PH

    I like low fat microwave popcorn. I use a microwave popping bowl and about 1 teaspoon of oil. Hot air popcorn - use an oil mister.....moisture helps salt stick.

    To posters asking what's wrong with eating before bed - Reflux is what's wrong (quite often). If I do eat before bed, I eat low fat and very lightly.
  • TrishAndGirls
    TrishAndGirls Posts: 42 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    Pretend the floor is lava and stay in bed.

  • TrishAndGirls
    TrishAndGirls Posts: 42 Member
    If you are working out maybe you need to make sure you get to that calorie in goal. If you're properly hydrated and starving maybe you just need to listen to your body? Eating late at night has no bearing on ability to lose weight despite what so many people said. Mediterranean people don't eat dinner till late and there country isn't over run with obesity :) poor reference but I have always hated that don't eat after a certain time. How would I be able to have popcorn and a movie lol

    ha-ha good point! thank you
  • TrishAndGirls
    TrishAndGirls Posts: 42 Member
    My understanding is that it doesn't matter when you eat (even right before bed) are you drinking? For many people alcohol stimulates the appetite talk a bout a buzz kill

    Just water! lol
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I try to save 100 to 300 for later snacking. I keep a variety of tasty protein bars that also have varying calorie counts. Im loving lenny and larrys (I think that's the name) cookies but i should point out they are 2 servings for each cookie and 360 calories to get 16g protein. But they are yummy. That way if I want something sweet/chocolate/pb whatever I'm also getting something filling enough to get some sleep. If I want savory. It's usually a serving of cheese and/or an egg or two or a chunk of some kind of meat.

    Protein works for me to stop the munchies.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    I love night time snacking. I budget for it. If I don't have the calories for snacking because of a big dinner, I don't miss snacks. If I don't have the calories for snacking because I ate high cal unfilling food at the beginning of the day, I miss snacks. Boy, do I miss snacks.

    With the reflux you'll have to play around to find what works, but if it fits your calories snacks are okay for weight loss. I have no suggestions for snacks and snack timing with the acid reflux. Good luck.
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Cynsonya wrote: »
    I eat dinner super late. Tonight was 9pm. Still full. No snacks needed or wanted.

    You shouldn't eat dinner that late because your body doesn't digest as well at nighttime. Try to eat between 5 - 7pm so that your body has time to digest it's food before going to bed :smile:

    It takes between six and eight hours for the food to go from being ingested to the small intestine. It takes approximately 40 hours for food to pass through the large intestine. Eating between 5 and 7PM makes no difference.
  • liftsalltheweights
    liftsalltheweights Posts: 73 Member
    Cynsonya wrote: »
    I eat dinner super late. Tonight was 9pm. Still full. No snacks needed or wanted.

    You shouldn't eat dinner that late because your body doesn't digest as well at nighttime. Try to eat between 5 - 7pm so that your body has time to digest it's food before going to bed :smile:

    I can understand not going to bed right after eating because some times it's very uncomfortable but there's no reason a person should only eat between a certain time.
  • ScoobaChick
    ScoobaChick Posts: 185 Member
    I put the kids to bed (usually I have no snacking free time before they go to bed in any case), then I take a very hot bath which makes me sleepy then I crawl into bed with a book or the iPad and a cup of herbal tea.

    By the time everything cools down I don't want to leave my warm nest to go forage for food in the cold. This works well when hubby is away on his business trips when he is around and late night snacking it's way harder to control myself so sometimes I will just tell him that I am feeling weak-willed and then start my hot bath-herb tea- book in bed routine.
  • punkyb07
    punkyb07 Posts: 43 Member
    Protein fills me up. My evening meal is my most protein heavy one for this exact reason.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited March 2016
    punkyb07 wrote: »
    Protein fills me up. My evening meal is my most protein heavy one for this exact reason.

    OP - protein before bed & reflux doesn't work for me.

    My evening meal is high protein too, but sometimes I still want a snack later on. ScoobaChicks rec for tea; chamomile is soothing for reflux.
  • aktarx
    aktarx Posts: 11 Member
    My problem is that although I would have about 200/300 calories to spare, I would have no carb allowance left. Mind you its my first week monitoring my micros, so I need to get more savvy in how to properly stretch my carbs throughout the day.
  • emilycat214
    emilycat214 Posts: 84 Member
    I save calories for an evening snack most days. Microwave popcorn is something I love and is filling.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I feel starved at night, how do you deal with the cravings and hunger after supper time?!

    So you eat dinner and you're starving afterwards? Either you're dinner isn't right or you have a habit of just eating regardless of whether you're truly hungry or guess is probably the latter...habits can be broken, it just takes some will and time.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Cynsonya wrote: »
    I eat dinner super late. Tonight was 9pm. Still full. No snacks needed or wanted.

    You shouldn't eat dinner that late because your body doesn't digest as well at nighttime. Try to eat between 5 - 7pm so that your body has time to digest it's food before going to bed :smile:

    The only reason not to eat dinner before bed is if it causes sleep issues...otherwise it makes absolutely no difference. I eat dinner most nights between 8:30 and 9 PM and I easily lost 40 Lbs + and have easily maintained that loss going on three years.

    Also, I don't know what all these people do exactly that they can eat at 5 and no later than these people actually have jobs? Hell, I'm not even home most nights until after 7.