Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks?



  • theatricalamanda
    I'm a Starbucks person!
    Dunkin Donuts I find to have WAY too much sugar. If you look on the bottom of an iced coffee, especially, you can see a thick layer of sugar. Starbucks is made all-natural, however, you have to really find what way you like your coffee there.
  • smrtcar
    smrtcar Posts: 104 Member
    I prefer homemade french press. I have my own press-cup.

  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Do not have a Dunkin Donuts here so Starbucks. I have not been since I started here in Feb so I need to go back and try some low cal beverages. My favorite before was Mocha Frappachino. YUMMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    DD defintely. Starbucks coffee tastes burnt to me. DD is more affordable too.

    Starbucks Chai Tea is a million times better than DD chai.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Coffee/shmoffee, hand me one of those chocolate sprinkled donuts please! :love:
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    Since Dunkin Donut doesn't exist anymore in my area, I would go with Starbucks...can't remember how Dunkin coffee tasted, it's been so long...
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I love Starbuck's Mocha Frappuchino but calorie-wise I choose Iced Cocoa Cappuchino w/ skim (keeps you awake!:yawn:) and not as many cals.
  • srhdwll
    srhdwll Posts: 65

    They're both overpriced!!
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    DD for sure!
    Starbucks is overrated.
  • srhdwll
    srhdwll Posts: 65
    I love Starbuck's Mocha Frappuchino but calorie-wise I choose Iced Cocoa Cappuchino w/ skim (keeps you awake!:yawn:) and not as many cals.

    There is a Mocha Lite Frappuchino!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Definitely a Starbucks fan. I like my coffee strong. :) I typically make it myself, but if I'm out and about and want a treat then I'll get either a skinny hazelnut latte or just an iced Americano.

    Starbucks coffee isn't "burnt". It's bold and strong. If you look on bags of coffee at the store, most say to use 2 tbsp per cup of coffee. Most places do not do that much.
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    I love me a skinny vanilla latte from Starbucks... mmm mmm!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Dunkin Donuts for regular coffee. Starbucks for specialty drinks. But I haven't had any coffee in over a month. I find that I am too tempted to put bad high calorie junk in my coffee so I just cut it out completely.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    DD never makes it the way I want. Starbucks tastes burnt. I do like the green tea frappe. I'm too picky with my coffee I suppose. My fave is iced and I cold brew it at home by the pitcher. No bitterness like hot brewing and so smooth and wonderful.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Dunkin is always good...always. Starbucks is a toss up...it depends if the person making it actually knows how to. It's too expensive to chance...

    I'm a Dunkin girl...
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    Tim Hortons........
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    DD is too weak for me. If I go to starbucks I get a double espresso and that hits the spot just right.
  • kwinterscheidt
    kwinterscheidt Posts: 45 Member
    the coconut mocha frappacino light is amazing and it only have 120 calories for the small size and it is totally worth it when i need a sweet coffee fix.
  • mattbryan
    mattbryan Posts: 147
    DD actually tastes better to me, but I go to Starbucks for the customer service. In my area, price is about a wash, so no loss either way. But DD did get rid of my punchcard....so I could no longer earn free coffee there. For brewing at home, I prefer Starbucks coffee over DD, maybe just because of the way I brew coffee.
  • Allison4C
    Allison4C Posts: 140 Member
    Dunkin. But I don't think to go there often. I also really like McDonald's coffee!