Too many calories left

vlc1979 Posts: 227
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
What if I have too many calories left at the end of the day?

Like if I have say 250 left from a 1280 calorie limit and then go burn 460 calories leaving 710 calories left and only have 1 hour till bedtime. Should I eat these all at one time or what??


  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
    I just leave them, since I'm not really comfortable eating late at night. If you're not hungry, then your body probably doesn't need them?
  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I don't. I generally eat most of my exercise calories but there are some days where I exercise late in the day, and eat a healthy meal & I have had 400, 700, even once nearly 1000 extra calories. And it's after 8pm! If I feel like I want a snack I might have a piece of fruit or some popcorn or a zone bar, but I don't eat just to eat if I'm not hungry in that situation.
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Don't burn so many calories if you can't eat them back. If you know you have 250 left, and don't have much time or a big supper planned, only burn 200 or so. That way, you don't have such a deficit at the end of the day. It's all in the planning!
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    I assume you are running into this because you are working out at the end of the day? If so, add your exercise (as best you can estimate it) early in the day, so you'll see how many calories you need to spread out over the day. Also note that if you work out in the evening it can interrupt your sleep pattern and make it hard to fall asleep. (I only say that in case you run into trouble later.)
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    liquid calories! Consider enjoying a nice glass of chocolate milk :) it may just feel like a treat while helping you use up some of those extra cals without feeling like you need to eat a huge meal. Also, if you know you are going to workout like that, maybe try and get in the extra cals earlier in the day.
  • BrayyNicole
    BrayyNicole Posts: 56 Member
    I would eat back some, but you dont have to eat back all of them..

    Im having the same problem today, so I just put in a handful of almonds for later =)
  • I leave whatever calories I have left after 8pm. It isn't good to eat past that anyway, and if I do get hungry I have something to drink as opposed to eating things.
  • sgiacherio
    sgiacherio Posts: 50
    liquid calories! Consider enjoying a nice glass of chocolate milk :) it may just feel like a treat while helping you use up some of those extra cals without feeling like you need to eat a huge meal. Also, if you know you are going to workout like that, maybe try and get in the extra cals earlier in the day.

    I think that this is very good advice!
  • IamLyssa
    IamLyssa Posts: 21
    No no no don't eat them all at once..never, esp be4 bed time. If you have calories left over that's okay. I never meet my target and i am fitting back into my old clothes..I eat a lot of veggies and i get full but that is how i don't meet my calories..I def don't think you should be starving your self, but if you don't feel hungry-do not eat. :)
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    I would say that you are not eating enough and you risk putting your body into starvation mode. This will slow your metabolism, which is counter-productive to the goal of losing weight.

    I would set MFP prefs to allow you to lose 1 lb per week. If you can come in under your allowed calories a few days a week because of exercise, then great. If not, stay within your target and you will still lose 1 lb/wk, which is considered a health rate of loss.

    When I workout and burn tons of extra calories, I generally eat back most, but not all of those calories. About once a week, I might go a little over (less than 200 cal).
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    I don't always eat all of the calories I burn from working out because I generally only have 2 hours until bed too. However, if you know this is happening, you need to first and foremost plan ahead to make sure that you at least eat all of your target calories every day... Not including the ones you burn from working out, I'm talking about your set daily target of 1200 or whatever. Otherwise, if you have too low of a caloric intake, your body can go into starvation mode and make it even harder for you to lose weight. After a workout, it is good to eat some sort of protein so you can help your muscles rebuild since your lean muscle tissue is what keeps your metabolism burning calories throughout the day. If you are burning 500 calories in a workout, I know it is difficult to eat those so I just make sure to eat around 200 calories of a protein shake afterword so my body is at least able to rebuild my muscles.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    I would eat something back. Exercise often makes me less hungry, depending on what it is, but I know I need the fuel. Some good ideas are chocolate milk, nuts or nut butters, and things like guacamole which are healthy but high calories. Maybe even a protein shake or smoothie. Something that is good healthyfood, won't feel like too much to eat but will also help your body recover and refuel.


    ** different things work for different folks-but I've lost 50lbs and every single night I have a bedtime snack (usually a bowl of cereal or plain yogurt). every single night of my life since I've joined. No problems so far.
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Another thing you could do:

    Eat a Clif Bar (250 cal) or something similar on your way to the gym. That will give you energy for the workout and reduce your deficit.
  • kprince89
    kprince89 Posts: 11
    Any way you can anticipate whether or not you'll be working out that evening and up your intake during the day? If not, I wonder if I can buy those extra calories from you and still lose weight .. hmmm
  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    Great ideas everyone!!!

    I am obviously new to all this and learning the whole schedule thing.

    I eat all day long. If I am hungry I eat. I try to eat healthy stacks, fruit, veg, nuts.

    I am doing something similar to the C25K right now. So 3-4 days a week I do run/walk intervals.

    In the perfect world I would get my happy but outta bed early in the morn... Untill then I guess I need to plan better
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    eat some avocado, nuts, eggs, cook with olive oil, have some ice cream or chocolate or a glass of 3 of wine.
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    starvation mode is a myth. of course, you dont want to starve yourself cause that will hurt you in the long run, but if you're eating the healthy way, dont worry about those calories. only eat if you're hungry. a dr once told me "dont eat if you're not hungry. and even go a day without eating if you want... its not gonna hurt you." and he IS A VERY intelligent DOCTOR. however, eating before bed isnt good for you... it will pile the pounds on ya!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eat a good healthy mix of carbs/fat/protein/nutrients until you are full then call it a day.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    starvation mode is a myth. of course, you dont want to starve yourself cause that will hurt you in the long run, but if you're eating the healthy way, dont worry about those calories. only eat if you're hungry. a dr once told me "dont eat if you're not hungry. and even go a day without eating if you want... its not gonna hurt you." and he IS A VERY intelligent DOCTOR. however, eating before bed isnt good for you... it will pile the pounds on ya!!!

    If you doctor told you that eating before bed will pile on the pounds then he's not that great because there is no medical evidence of that.
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    starvation mode is a myth. of course, you dont want to starve yourself cause that will hurt you in the long run, but if you're eating the healthy way, dont worry about those calories. only eat if you're hungry. a dr once told me "dont eat if you're not hungry. and even go a day without eating if you want... its not gonna hurt you." and he IS A VERY intelligent DOCTOR. however, eating before bed isnt good for you... it will pile the pounds on ya!!!

    If you doctor told you that eating before bed will pile on the pounds then he's not that great because there is no medical evidence of that.

    my dr didnt tell me that. i know from my own experience
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