Hi there + Feelings on Low carb?

nedmoylan Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everybody,

My name is Sinead, from Galway Ireland. Have been a member of my fitness pal for ages but I guess I never took it seriously. Since seeing a lot of posts on social media about low carb, I have decided to give it a try. I'm not too keen on the high fat aspect unless the fat is a healthy fat such as avocados and nuts. Anyone out there taking the low carb and or high fat route? I would love to hear your thoughts.


  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    Hello and welcome. The "high fat" part of LCHF is ALL about healthy fat...healthy fat is the only kind of fat we eat. I suggest you check out the main low carber forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketofiles tend to hang out. There are even some members in that group from Ireland, Scotland, the UK, etc.:

  • Billy323
    Billy323 Posts: 182 Member
    I just eat low carb and never jumped on the high fat par. It works fine for me. By low carb I shoot for sub 30g of carbs per day.
  • scrapjones
    scrapjones Posts: 9 Member
    I eat all the carbs... they are awesome! 215g a day right now, and I'm losing Body Fat...
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    edited March 2016
    Carbs are not bad for you, it's one of the primary nutrients you will get your energy from. If you plan on doing cardio or weight training you should definitely eat all your carbs as they will provide energy to your muscles and carbs post workout will help your muscles recover and grow. There have been numerous studies where high carbs diets have been proven to fuel workouts longer than regular diets or high fat diets; the longer you workout and more energy you have the more calories/fat you will burn and the harder you will train (thus becoming stronger faster). Instead of doing a low carb diet consider choosing your carbs wisely like complex carbs from potatoes, beets, beans, rice, etc and simple carbs from fruits instead of carbs from processed foods like cereals, bread, pasta etc. Although those carbs also supply energy natural foods will provide you other important nutrients than things like cereal, bread or pasta won't. Fruits and complex carb foods are good for your body and help balance out your macros, they are full of anti-oxidants that help fight aging, diseases, etc.

    I don't know why it has become such a fad of diets being against carbs, carbs are your fuel! They are good for you! Unless you have a medical condition that advises you against eating carbs I wouldn't cut out carbs same way you wouldn't cut out healthy fats. Cut out bad and unhealthy carbs but keep the good ones! All nutrients play crucial parts to your health, what matters is what kind of foods those nutrients come from. So sure dropping bad carb sources will help but keeping them from good sources will also help you.