Help? :(

I am having a hard time sticking to my calorie goal. I find myself feeling more hungry even after having a snack. I'm 234 and I really want to get below 190. Any advice? Maybe an accountability partner?


  • katiebean
    katiebean Posts: 110 Member
    This might not be the advice you want but I sometimes get the same and I just try and ignore it. I tell myself "you've just eaten and you'll get to eat again in another couple of hours" and distract myself and usually the hunger goes away.

    You might also be feeling hungry if you're calorie deficit is too strict. How tall are you and what's your calorie goal? Are you eating back exercise calories etc?
  • triciasaunders5
    triciasaunders5 Posts: 17 Member
    katiebean wrote: »
    This might not be the advice you want but I sometimes get the same and I just try and ignore it. I tell myself "you've just eaten and you'll get to eat again in another couple of hours" and distract myself and usually the hunger goes away.

    You might also be feeling hungry if you're calorie deficit is too strict. How tall are you and what's your calorie goal? Are you eating back exercise calories etc?

    I'm 5'8 and my calorie goal is 1340 because I was consuming 2340 a day.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    katiebean wrote: »
    This might not be the advice you want but I sometimes get the same and I just try and ignore it. I tell myself "you've just eaten and you'll get to eat again in another couple of hours" and distract myself and usually the hunger goes away.

    You might also be feeling hungry if you're calorie deficit is too strict. How tall are you and what's your calorie goal? Are you eating back exercise calories etc?

    I'm 5'8 and my calorie goal is 1340 because I was consuming 2340 a day.

    Did that calorie goal come from MFP? Did you say you wanted to lose 2 pounds a week? If you choose a less aggressive goal, you will get more calories per day.
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    It could be the foods that you are eating are not fulfilling. Try picking foods that will keep you feeling full longer. Drink lots of water!! Are you exercising? Are you still losing even though you are going over your calories?
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    What are you snacking on, what is your food intake like. Your diary isnt open.

    There are some things I eat that make me want to keep eating.

    But my $0.02 - - 1000 calories deficit is a BIG change- Why dont you start smaller- like a cut back of 500 cals- and get used to that, then 750 cals and get used to that. Along the way you will find that maybe you CAN have a 1000 cal deficit and not be hungry. If you took away 1000 calories from me cold turkey I would be miserable and wouldnt succeed. You have to think BIG picture here with realistic goals and time frame.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Try a "water slam." When I'm snacky but I KNOW I've had enough calories, I will drink two or three large classes of water (room temperature--not refrigerated or iced) absolutely as FAST as I can-- like so fast it makes me a little nauseous. The water fills me up, and the unpleasant borderline nausea refocuses my attention from "MAN, do I want to eat!" to "oh, MAN, there's NO way I could eat right now!"
  • aubreytoe
    aubreytoe Posts: 35 Member
    Try switching your goal to 1lb a week instead of 2. I know that taking longer to lose the weight is not what anyone wants to do but if you aren't eating enough, you might fall off the plan anyway. And make sure you are drinking a lot of water.
  • katiebean
    katiebean Posts: 110 Member
    edited March 2016

    I'm 5'8 and my calorie goal is 1340 because I was consuming 2340 a day.
    Perhaps this is too low, I'm 5'3 and eat around 1,500 and usually lose about 1lb a week, sometimes a little less.

    Try and eat filling foods. Try and eat foods high in protein and fat that will keep you fuller for longer. Put as many vegetables into a dish as you can. I like to do this to make my plate look full without adding too many calories, plus the pure volume fills me up too.

  • 42firm03
    42firm03 Posts: 115 Member
    How long have you been trying to keep yourself at that goal? If you are miserable the goal is too aggressive, IMO.

    There is no rule that you must eat at a 1000 calorie/day deficit. Especially if you find it miserable. If I were you I would change my goal to 500cal/day deficit and get used to that first. If you want to try a stretch of more aggressive after you 'get your legs under you' then you can try a bit more aggressive goal when your groove is in full swing. By then you can have done some personal research on what keeps you satisfied and you'll find greater success. And less misery!
  • kristixo
    kristixo Posts: 38 Member
    I agree with all of the above posters. Cutting your calories by 1000 a day is probably too aggressive to start. Try to gradually cut them. Start with 500 and if that feels ok, cut back further to 750. At that rate, you should lose a pound a week. Slow and steady :) Good luck!
  • MaGrl523
    MaGrl523 Posts: 101 Member
    Follow a snack with a glass of water! And change you deficit that will help with feeling hungry!
  • worsthorse
    worsthorse Posts: 73 Member
    three thoughts. first one: too much too fast. you are hungry because you've cut your calorie intake by forty plus percent. there's no way around that. you will find it much easier to sustain a 500 calorie deficit for the long haul, which will help you keep the weight off, even if it takes longer.

    second:exercise. if it isn't part of your program, why not try creating a calorie deficit through increased activity?

    third: slow and steady wins the race. there are an awful lot of people on this site that lost a lot of weight really quickly and then gained all of it back. and the reason seems to be the same almost every time: rapid weight loss from extreme calorie deficits is unsustainable over the long run, because it really sucks to be hungry all the time.

    better to take a year to lose weight and build good eating and exercise habits than to lose a bunch of weight in four months and gain it back in the following six.

    good luck. you can do it!
  • triciasaunders5
    triciasaunders5 Posts: 17 Member
    three thoughts. first one: too much too fast. you are hungry because you've cut your calorie intake by forty plus percent. there's no way around that. you will find it much easier to sustain a 500 calorie deficit for the long haul, which will help you keep the weight off, even if it takes longer.

    second:exercise. if it isn't part of your program, why not try creating a calorie deficit through increased activity?

    third: slow and steady wins the race. there are an awful lot of people on this site that lost a lot of weight really quickly and then gained all of it back. and the reason seems to be the same almost every time: rapid weight loss from extreme calorie deficits is unsustainable over the long run, because it really sucks to be hungry all the time.

    better to take a year to lose weight and build good eating and exercise habits than to lose a bunch of weight in four months and gain it back in the following six.

    good luck. you can do it!

    Thank you! I changed my goal to 1.5 pounds per week so now I can have 1540. I try to walk for 30 mins 3 times a week for now but sometimes it is hard to do because of the cold. I appreciate all of the replies.