HELP! Calorie deficit but not losing!

Ok, I'm in need of some help or suggestions. I started at 120 lbs, with a goal of 115 in mind. I've now reached 115, and have changed my goal to 110 lbs. However, I can't seem to move the scale anymore! I track every single morsel of food that enters my mouth, and also run daily (I don't eat those calories back). What am I doing wrong?

For reference, a typical day consists of:
Breakfast - 3 egg whites, 1/4 cup of broccoli, black coffee
Lunch - either a can of tuna or a Quest bar
Snack - Handful of sugar snap peas
Dinner - Varies but typically a protein (chicken, pork, turkey) and vegetable, tonight will be a turkey "sandwich" on a cucumber instead of bread.
Over 100 oz of water throughout the day and a daily vitamin

Please, please, please offer your suggestions! I'm getting desperate as I have a vacation coming up in 37 days and need to be bikini ready!!!!



  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited March 2016
    How many calories is that per day? What is your deficit? Are you weighing your food? How long has it been since you've lost?

    Also, I'm finding it hard to believe that you are not "bikini ready" at 115 but you will be ready at 110. I'm not saying don't have goals, but a hyper-focus on 5 pounds . . . . probably isn't going to do wonders for your state of mind.
  • Equus5374
    Equus5374 Posts: 462 Member
    You don't have much to lose, so it's going to come off very slowly and with difficulty. That's just reality. I'm not sure why you're "desperate," will your vacation be canceled if you don't weigh a certain amount? How 'bout just enjoying the vacation and not get so caught up in how you look? Desperate is never a great place from which to start or continue weight loss (unless it's an urgent medical condition); it should be a long-term mindset.

    You say you're "tracking" everything, but how? Are you weighing it? When you don't have much to lose, weighing everything becomes of the utmost importance. If you don't already, get a food scale and WEIGH everything. Do you know what your "handful" of sugar snap peas weighs? You might be surprised in the calorie difference between what you estimate and what it actually weighs (by which you can determine a more exact calorie count). I'd suggest opening your diary, if not already, and really tightening up your logging by weighing everything. And finally, cut the desperation. That's not healthy.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    edited March 2016
    I don't know how tall you are, but I am the same weight. I look the most "bikini ready" when I'm lifting weights regularly. I have to occasionally take time off from it for a medical condition, and in that time, I weigh the same, but my body does not look as good. I would suggest looking into a lifting program like Stronglifts 5x5.

    As far as you not losing's pretty difficult once your weight is already low. One or two high calorie days can wipe out a week's deficit. People who weigh 115lbs just don't burn that many calories! If you're insistent on losing scale weight, I'd suggest weighing food and logging as accurately as possible.

    ETA: how long have you NOT been losing weight? Are we talking a week or two, or months?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You don't say anything about your height, what BMI is your goal weight, why are you going lower, maybe 110 is too low?
    If you're not losing weight, you're not in a calorie deficit. What is your calorie goal? What do you mean by track every morsel? Do you weigh everything you eat/drink? Do you double check entries in the database before you log them? Do you do cheat meals?
    Check if you really are losing. Day to day fluctuations can easily mask weight loss if you're only weighing weekly. Have you recently changed your exercise routine? TOM?
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Those last 5 pounds are always a b*tch to lose. I wish I had solid advice to offer you, but all I can tell you is to be patient, because the less you have to lose the slower it comes off.

    How tall are you? Maybe 115 pounds is the perfect weight for you.
  • krissykillstheweight
    krissykillstheweight Posts: 131 Member
    Sounds like you might not be eating enough.. Especiallyy if you are very active?
  • leahsmolinski
    leahsmolinski Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'2", so I don't think 110 is too low of a goal. And I should clarify, i'm not "desperate" in that I won't enjoy vacation at 115 lbs, I'd just like to feel totally comfortable in a bathing suit. If I don't get there, fine. It's just a goal I have.

    I started in January, and have lost weight up until about 3 weeks ago. Now i'm just stuck. My goal is1200 calories a day, but have an office job and can't move around much during the day (outside of running for about 1/2 hr a night). I am pretty typically under that 1200 calorie goal (1000 - 1100 usually).

    I think you're all right, I should start weighing my food. Estimations can sneak up on me!
  • katiebean
    katiebean Posts: 110 Member
    115 is pretty small (although you don't say your height). Why not try and focus on body recomposition - lifting some weights etc? This might give you the body you want without actually losing any more weight.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I am 5'2", so I don't think 110 is too low of a goal. And I should clarify, i'm not "desperate" in that I won't enjoy vacation at 115 lbs, I'd just like to feel totally comfortable in a bathing suit. If I don't get there, fine. It's just a goal I have.

    I started in January, and have lost weight up until about 3 weeks ago. Now i'm just stuck. My goal is1200 calories a day, but have an office job and can't move around much during the day (outside of running for about 1/2 hr a night). I am pretty typically under that 1200 calorie goal (1000 - 1100 usually).

    I think you're all right, I should start weighing my food. Estimations can sneak up on me!

    110 lbs can be an appropriate weight for someone who is 5'2. Add some strength training into your workout regime. Even if it's just body weight or resistance band exercises for now, if you don't have access to a gym.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member

    Please, please, please offer your suggestions! I'm getting desperate as I have a vacation coming up in 37 days and need to be bikini ready!!!!

    Eat at maintenance.

    Hit the weights room.
  • leahsmolinski
    leahsmolinski Posts: 9 Member
    Anyone have any good resources or websites for weight training regimes to do at home? I do have some free weights ranging from 1lb - 25lbs, an exercise ball, and an exercise hula hoop
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Anyone have any good resources or websites for weight training regimes to do at home? I do have some free weights ranging from 1lb - 25lbs, an exercise ball, and an exercise hula hoop

    You can look up prison or convict training for body weight workouts. There are apps like Fitnessblender and Fitness Buddy that you can look up workouts based on the equipment you have.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Sounds like you might not be eating enough.. Especiallyy if you are very active?

    if that was the case, she would be losing too fast. There's no such thing as "I can't lose weight because I eat too little"
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    What you listed out there is about 500 cal .. there is simply no way you;re eating that little and failing to lose weight.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I would add strength training and eat back a portion of your exercise calories.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    sullus wrote: »
    What you listed out there is about 500 cal .. there is simply no way you;re eating that little and failing to lose weight.

    Agreed. I think the OP is doing a lot of estimating.
  • leahsmolinski
    leahsmolinski Posts: 9 Member
    My breakfast is 61 calories, lunch is 170. Admittedly, dinner is where I estimate with meat portions. I'll start weighing that and see if that makes a difference.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2016
    I am 5'4" and now at 108 goal to go back to 110 after running training is over. but I will be bulking in March so this number will increase.

    The last 5 pounds is not more harder to loose than any other pounds. It takes a lot more diligence to make sure you stay within your deficit by tightening up the logging, by weighing all the food you consume and not leave things off that enter the mouth. It includes if you cook with oil, butter, add condiments, dressings, etc..that you should be including these on your diary. For a short person the deficit is smaller ie calories to loose is not very high i.e. 1200 calories)

    Sometimes those extra bites that yo grab do not get logged. And yes with only 5 pounds to loose extra calories that can easily creep in will derail anyone's deficit at our height and weight when trying to loose.

    I suggest weight lifting (always) but be careful as to their will be scale creeps when you start doing strenuous exercise. You will be essentially creating micro tears in the muscles that need to repair after exercising in order to actually grow. This relies on the carbs you eat to build muscle, so there will be water retention so just be ware. Its all good, just don't want you to be shocked with some fluctuations on the scale. If you have not done so already up your Protein intake while lifting weights.. At least .08gr/LBM or 1gr/body weight.

    As a newbie to lifting, you will start building "newbie gainz" which is a good thing and enjoy it. These will taper off around 5 - 7 weeks and you will just be maintaining your muscles while still eating at a deficit.

    How long to loose these 5 pounds while lifting? That depends how fast you are trying to loose it (how large is your deficit). The smaller the deficit, the better.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    My breakfast is 61 calories, lunch is 170. Admittedly, dinner is where I estimate with meat portions. I'll start weighing that and see if that makes a difference.

    230 calories plus dinner ... what about coffee during the day? or an adult beverage? or a handful of whatever?
  • leahsmolinski
    leahsmolinski Posts: 9 Member
    My breakfast is 61 calories, lunch is 170. Admittedly, dinner is where I estimate with meat portions. I'll start weighing that and see if that makes a difference.

    230 calories plus dinner ... what about coffee during the day? or an adult beverage? or a handful of whatever?

    I only drink 0 calorie black coffee and water. I've even cut out the wine these past two weeks. I have a handful of sugar snap peas in the afternoon at work, but in all honesty, it is less than a cup. Absolutely no snacking at home, no nibbling on the kids food, nothing. I do think it comes down to not weighing my dinner though. I am probably consuming way more than i think i am.