"Muscle building" protein shakes help to LOSE weight?



  • Mikespook
    Mikespook Posts: 7
    You can't compare weight to volume. 1 lb. of anything = 1 lb. of anything else. A pound is a pound. 1 lb. of muscle is much leaner than 1 lb. of fat. It takes up less space, it doesn't weigh less. I believe that was his point...
  • angdrusso
    angdrusso Posts: 42 Member
    This has gone right off the subject! Perhaps someone ought to start a new topic re "muscle v fat "!!!!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    we have a shake at work.
    in the body building section it's "Lean Muscle Meal" in the diet it's "Total Lean"
    100% same product. they changed the diet chocolate name to something girl-y.

    people will not buy the bb ones cause they say "gain muscle" where the diet ones say something about losing weight.

    As I said earlier it's largely hype, when the same product is sold in 2 parts of the same store with the exact same content but the label differs for who it's directed at... wonder if one is more expensive than the other too?