(POST 2) BATTLE OF THE BULGE Summer Slimdown Challenge!!!



  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    I have the following people (chosen at random unless you volunteered) to do this week's challenge postings:

    Mon Jun 20 - nlsalvatore
    Tues Jun 21 - lkahr
    Wed Jun 22- andtian
    Thur Jun 23 - DRSRiley
    Fri Jun 24 - jabbogurl
    Sat Jun 25 - MeaganAnn84
    Sun Jun 26 - Soufsidekitho

    All you have to do is copy the daily post, revise it with your info, and message me it - the template for it is on the resources page of the www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge web site!

  • tsmom1128
    tsmom1128 Posts: 151 Member
  • My new attitude is realizing I need to put myself first! Just because someone is having a bad day and they are stressed and want to go out and eat bad, I should not set myself up for failure by going out with them. I've been making changes for awhile now, positive changes with food and exercise and find it hard to go out to eat without eating bad and drinking. I can say the past week, I have given it my all and stayed consistent with my water intake, food and exercise and it shows, I lost 4.5 lbs in a week!!! I have two more weeks of my personal challenge of eating clean foods only and I know I will make it. :smile:
  • prtykekedd
    prtykekedd Posts: 48 Member
    My new thing I tried today was the gym. Our new area gym is now open and I stayed about 2.5 hours today. I didn't realize that much time had gone by until I looked at my watch as I as walking out the door. With that being said....I'm going back tomorrow and the next day, and the next day....I'm pumped again!
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    Newness::: Today I downloaded some new songs and new route while running. Was actually a good run, because I didn't know how much further exactly was left or have the route memorized.
  • summer_of_69
    summer_of_69 Posts: 28 Member
    Today I did something new: I figured out how many calories I would be eating for lunch tomorrow.

    We're having a potluck and they sent around a survey to see what kind of hot dog and fixings we wanted. Initially i was going to do two Hebrew Nationals with meat chili, cheese, and onions and sugary drink. Then I looked up the calories and was horrified. Dropped it down to one Hebrew national, meat chili, onions, no cheese - still like 400 calories. So I dropped it down to veggie dog, veggie chili, onions, no cheese, and no sugary drink - took me down to 192 calories! So that's what I ordered.

    I have to say that I was motivated by my disastrous eating at the last "free foodfest" at work: I ended up with about 6000 calories consumed that day because I didn't plan ahead!

    So that's my new thing to try: counting beforehand, and eating a veggie dog!
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    DON'T FORGET TO SEND ME YOUR WEIGHINS (and waist and hip measurements if you are tracking them)!

    TUESDAY June 21st - Day 36 - "Motivation by personal analysis"

    (today's challenge brought to you by :flowerforyou: lkahr:drinker:

    CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK - Try something new!

    Yesterday we've all been weighing in and can be proud of ourselves, even if we don't have reached our goals. We're all on our way to a better & healthier life!

    Think of how hard we've all worked to be here and actually do something to change our future. Take your excercise diary from the last weeks (with the print report function you can see more days on one page) and add up how many calories you've burnt in the last month doing excerise. Remebering that you need to lose 7,000kcals to burn 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of fat. How many kcals of pure fat are gone just by excercise in the last month? Isn't it motivating? Possibly you might not have lost as many pounds/kg you've calculated, but this might be muscle gain or also the calories over net. But for sure there's nothing wrong with burning them, as the pounds will roll at some time!

    For now after having analyzed your workout calories, set yourself a challenge of how many calories you want to burn till the end of the week/month/ whatever, and try to reach it! Remeber not to be over-optimistic, you can always up your cals, but do try to challenge yourself!

    :-) QUAEL DICH FIT (German for :" Tease yourself to get fit") - Wise Guys - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDs4EZELriw - for the one's speaking German - this song is exactly what the whole loosing weight thing and having a new lifestyle is for me - like a mantra ;-)
    :) ONLY THE STRONG SURVIVE - Bryan Adams - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZoJ-KPDgeE
    I GOTTA FEELING HOW TO - Black Eyed Peas - http://blackeyedpeas.dipdive.com/media/76374
    I GOTTA FEELING - Black Eyed Peas - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CttB6FmMgT4
    *we have people from Australia to Austria of all backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities so my songs will be varied each day to accommodate ;-)

    What's your favorite cardio excercise in your new lifestyle?

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I got weighed at the doctor's office yesterday and thought that I had hit a plateau but I didn't. I dropped again. Thinking back over these past few months, there are such changes. Now everything that I eat is weighed or measured, I enjoy a nice brisk walk, hitting the treadmill, a Jilliam Michaels DVD or another DVD....and it is paying off.

    Trying a new food will be easy as I love trying new things. Just have to decide what it will be

  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    thats an awesome challenge....i will have to do that...you did a great job...
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I MADE THE WEIGH IN! Time to change my goals for another time! Keep it goin'!!

    M y fave new workout for cardio is hula hooping. It's not all fun and games people. It's hard to keep that dang thing up!
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    I have been averageing about 350 cals per day in exercise calories. Some days it is higher and some days it is lower. I will up my game and aim for 450 calories per day in exercise for at least five days a week. I think I can do that but it is going to take some commitment as things are going to start getting really busy at work.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Great challenge!! I went back over the last month and looked at my calories burned weekly. I was between 2,000 and 2,500 each week. So I am going to challenge myself for the next month to burn between 2,500 and 3,000 calories a week.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    wow! according to calculations burning 2.2 pounds of pure fat by burning 7,000 calories doing exercise;

    I may have lost almost 3.5 pounds of the stuff off this bod since May 24th!

    I feel sooooo much better, my clothes already fit way better, and i am on my way to using the cute

    summer clothes that have been hangin' around since 2 summers ago LOL!!!

    I am excited beyond belief and looking forward to the next 4 "BOB Challenge"

    weeks ahead. I missed my goal weight by 3 pounds this time but I am not discouraged at all,

    if anything, more driven!

    Congrats to all of us! We are rockin' this place:glasses:

    Happy first day of summer to all in N. America!:flowerforyou:
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member
    LAST CALL! DON'T FORGET TO SEND ME YOUR WEIGHINS (and waist and hip measurements if you are tracking them)!


    WEDNESDAY June 22nd - Day 37 - "GIMME A N-S-V WHAT'S THE SPELL?!?"

    (today's post brought to you by :flowerforyou: andtian :drinker:

    CHALLENGE OF THE WEEK - Try something new!

    Reflection/Introspection: Monday we tried a new workout, and yesterday we counted our calories and realized how much we have burned over the past month.

    I want us to do some more reflection. Let’s look at other changes from the past month. Not the kgs/lbs off, but the NSVs (non-scale victory).

    These small things keeps me going at times. For me, when I don’t think I can workout or feel like going out to get something “unhealthy”, I think of a NSV and it makes me want to do the “right/good” thing. A NSV can be a compliment; something fits better; you got through a workout without huffing and puffing as hard as before; you didn’t press pause even though your body was screaming; you are walking further than you thought you ever could; you are actually loving veggies. NSVs are something we should keep track of too. It should be celebrated just as every kg/lb off is, because when the scale is not our friend, these small things serve as a reminder how far we have come and how much better we are doing lifestyle-wise. Personally, I’m trying to keep track of at least one NSV a week.

    So, think of your own NSV(s) and may they inspire you to get your body moving. :smooched:

    :glasses: (from prplangl4: I challenge EVERYONE to start tracking 1 NSV each week - log it when you do your weighins each Monday if you want to keep it simple!):love:

    MOTIVATIONAL SONGS OF THE DAY- I like Carnival type of music, so yeah :tongue:
    :happy: Zumba -Waka Waka http://youtu.be/SdSGAxVUQqA
    :happy: Waka Waka (official song) http://youtu.be/pRpeEdMmmQ0
    :happy: Mardi Gras- iko iko http://youtu.be/Z4QY4Ls6rP0
    :wink: jin ga lo ba by fat boy slim - http://youtu.be/FmpEJQAYOyI
    *we have people from Australia to Austria of all backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities so my songs will be varied each day to accommodate ;-)

    I would like to send a shout out to prplangl4 (Kristy).:drinker: Thanks for keeping this group going, for keeping track of all the weigh-ins, posts and everything else you do. Thanks!

    <Kristy here> "thanks andtian - and thank you to ALL of you for your thankses:flowerforyou: ...I get lots in emails but don't usually say thanks...SO THANK YOU!!! YOU GUYS KEEP ME GOIN and brighten up my life" :blushing: :drinker:

    :huh: What’s your NSV for this week?

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE - www.wix.com/prplangl4/battleofthebulge
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Ok so it looks like if I calculated correctly I have burned about 3.95 pounds of fat in the past month!!! Yay. What a great challenge and a great way to put things into perspective. As many of you know I get a little frustrated because I seem to lose inches but dont budge the scale on some weeks--this kind of lends credence to the "it is awesome to lose inches" mantra. Thanks for that.
  • summer_of_69
    summer_of_69 Posts: 28 Member
    My NSV today is that I went to the gym and to the pool today for the first time in a year! I ruptured my achilles tendon last year and had surgery just about a year ago, and even though I was recovered enough at least 8 months ago to start doing some gym/swimming, I had not. But this week is the week I decided I need to do something other than just run 3x/week, so I'm adding two days of weights and/or swimming. I'm psyched that I hadn't forgotten how to swim (I had just learned last year when i got injured)!
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    My NSV today is that I went to the gym and to the pool today for the first time in a year! I ruptured my achilles tendon last year and had surgery just about a year ago, and even though I was recovered enough at least 8 months ago to start doing some gym/swimming, I had not. But this week is the week I decided I need to do something other than just run 3x/week, so I'm adding two days of weights and/or swimming. I'm psyched that I hadn't forgotten how to swim (I had just learned last year when i got injured)!

    Good for you!!! That is the one thing I miss about gym membership--the pool!!!
  • lost 8.7 lbs of fat from exercise. Its kinda weird seeing all your hard work every day go into 8 lbs, but hey that's 8 lbs i wouldn't have to lose later i guess, and its like 1/3 of my total weight loss so its helpful.

    oh and for my nsv i guess im down to like 3 pairs of shorts because the rest of them just keep falling off all of the time... pretty soon im going to have to go shopping.
  • multiplex
    multiplex Posts: 8
  • multiplex
    multiplex Posts: 8
    When you have visitors or have to leave town for holiday or vacation, do you try to stay on track? How do you plan ahead for it if you do?

    If I have visitors I am more likely to stick to my food and exercise routine; however I find it much harder on the road for vacation. When I travel for work I have no problems, but every year we take about 3 weeks to go see family and we are in the car traveling for 2 1/2 days then at family houses where they do not eat or exercise the way you do. Last year we went to Florida and Puerto Rico. Both places I managed to get exercise in and tried to stick to my healthier food--didnt always work you cant insult the mother in law. This year may be a little harder because of the type of trip we are taking. Last year we spent little time in FLA, but while we were there we did things like the Metro Zoo in Miami (which just let me tell you, you can not finish easily in one day if you walk), and when we were in PR I hiked in the rain forest almost every day. So... to make a long story longer, Yes I try to stand strong, but I dont always make it but I also dont beat myself up about it either.

    Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.

    For road trips, I make sure to pack healthy snacks to eat during travel. That way, I am armed against unhealthy food options that one encounters along on the road/at the airport, etc. Once at my destination, I will scope out the area for a grocery store and buy fruits, veggies and healthy snacks to keep in my room....all the better if my hotel room has a refrigerator. If not, I can be very creative with the ice bucket! I've adapted this approach to both personal and business travel.

    When visiting friends/relatives, who are certain to offer all sorts of specialty/rich foods, I don't refuse their hospitality, but rather practice portion control...eating everything in moderation. Not to say, certainly, that some times I just blow it (we all struggle with food temptations, otherwise we wouldn't be here!!); but, all in all, this has worked pretty well for me.
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