any pregnant women out there?



  • Tiffani3089
    Tiffani3089 Posts: 44 Member
    My sis was overweight when she got prego.. she only gained 5lbs during her whole pregnancy .. she basically did end up losing weight(not from morning sickness either-shes a lucky duck and never got that) after all was said and done just from eatting much healthier during.. My niece was born just under 7lbs and is now a very smart 2 yr old.. very healthy as well. I have never been prego but I ask a lot of questions with friends and family who are/have been and read up a lot. I found a really good little article a while back for a friend of mine who always uses the "eating for two" excuse to eat obscene amounts of food.

    I think you will be just fine and wont gain too much if you keep it healthy.. Good luck and Congrats! :D
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    I gained 11 pounds with my baby. (two years old now) and she was born at 7.2lbs and was healthy. Very easy pregnancy and birth with no complications. You'll be fine. Congrats! My hubby is begging for another (was deployed for the whole pregnancy and first 6 months of her life) but I said no way until I reach my goal!
  • tukrainets
    tukrainets Posts: 119
    i've been wanting to be at my goal before getting pregnant and i thought my weight hindered me becoming pregnant so after 1 year of trying with nothing we decided to give this happened :) but i'm fine because i work full time now so after baby is born i'll be home and be able to go on walk more often.. i'm really excited..
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Ya my husband and I tried for 7 months and then I gave up! Then ended up pregnant the next month. Weird how that happens...
  • I just found out last week that I too am pregnant. I have two children ages 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. We had two miscarriages last year and we both decided to try and loose some weight and lo and behold I find myself pregnant. I had a funny feeling this was going to happen :o) With both of my pregnancies I gained only 15 pounds each and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight two weeks following.
  • tukrainets
    tukrainets Posts: 119
    I just found out last week that I too am pregnant. I have two children ages 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. We had two miscarriages last year and we both decided to try and loose some weight and lo and behold I find myself pregnant. I had a funny feeling this was going to happen :o) With both of my pregnancies I gained only 15 pounds each and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight two weeks following.

    congratulations!!! :)
    i have a 3 yr old boy and whent his baby is going to be born, they will be exactly 4 years apart! :)

    do you have any symptoms? i'm worried, according to my DR i'm 6 wks preg but i have no symptoms... :(
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    I only gained 15 lbs with my youngest son. Sometimes my obgyn would be a little concerned because I'd lose a pound here and there sometimes... but I assured her that I was eating plenty, just a lot healthier!! So she was fine with it and very supportive. It's definitely doable when you're heavy to start. Packing on a bunch of weight is not good for the baby. Good luck, and CONGRATS on your pregnancy!! :)
  • I just found out last week that I too am pregnant. I have two children ages 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. We had two miscarriages last year and we both decided to try and loose some weight and lo and behold I find myself pregnant. I had a funny feeling this was going to happen :o) With both of my pregnancies I gained only 15 pounds each and was back to my pre-pregnancy weight two weeks following.

    congratulations!!! :)
    i have a 3 yr old boy and whent his baby is going to be born, they will be exactly 4 years apart! :)

    do you have any symptoms? i'm worried, according to my DR i'm 6 wks preg but i have no symptoms... :(

    Every pregnancy is different. With my first I had extremely sore bb but with my second it wasn't nearly as bad. This time around I am feeling Nauseaus (sp) which I never experienced with my first two. Some women sail through with barely any symptoms and others get hit pretty bad so consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Congratulations!!!!
  • AshCain
    AshCain Posts: 13
    Honestly, it is possible to only gain 11-15 pounds. Some of it you won't be able to help sincee it will be baby & fluids. But I think what the doctor is referring to is gaining fat. Which you can keep at a minimum by choosing healthy snacks and not eating everything in sight because you think you can. Remember its only about 300 extra calories a day that you need.
    When I found out I was pregnant, I couldn't eat a vegetable to save my life in the begining and put on 15lbs from week 7-12, but after that I slowed down because I was able to eat healthier and I made sure I got some exercise in like walking or volleyball.
    Post-partum, make sure you breast feed. Thats the best way to lose baby weight and when doctor allows begin light workouts again.
  • maryskey
    maryskey Posts: 4 Member
    I am due mid-Feb 2012 with my 15th child. I just lost 19 lbs and still wanted to lose another 16 or so. I typically only gain 15-18 lbs per pregnancy... but I have had 18 pregnancies in 18 yrs with 13 live births, so those extra little "baby pounds" stuck around longer and added on to each other with each successive pregnancy.
  • maryskey
    maryskey Posts: 4 Member
    Just replying about the breastfeeding and losing weight thing. It doesn't work for all women that way. It definitely doesn't work that way for me, LOL. In fact, I have to increase my caloric intake after pregnancy in order to continue producing enough milk! If I reduce my calories, there goes my milk! I've breastfed 12 of my 14 children... so I am not a newbie at it. ;-)
  • i am eating healthy and as soon as my DR gives the ok for me to keep going to the gym, i'll be active. the reason i say between 11-15 lbs is because my BMI is in the 30 range and for that scale its not healthy to gain more than 15...

    i understand what you are trying to do, do whats healthy for you with your doctors aproval and make yourself happy...your body your doctor and your baby will let you know if your under doing it.... i was 110 and striveing for 103-101 my goal was 1100 calories, everyone said that was too few cal's but if you do the math and track my every everyday movement like i have knowing exactly what i needed to eat/burn 1100 is only 15 cal's under where i needed to be. i was just baffled as to how i drop 5 pounds just like that and then gain it all back in a can guess....haha add me.... :)
  • shvrngrl
    shvrngrl Posts: 205 Member
    Not sure how you plan on gaining only 11 lbs when the baby itself will weight almost that. 25-35 lbs is a normal weight gain for someone starting at a healthy weight. Feed that baby!

    I know its crazy right!!

    That is the recommended weight gain for women with a BMI over 30. I think in my first pregnancy my starting weight was 185 putting my BMI at 32 and I gained 15 lbs in the first trimester!! My doctor scolded me for it!
  • glp724
    glp724 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm not pregnant, but I have been before!

    I was overweight before each pregnancy and easily maintained a moderate weight gain. My first was a 25 lb weight gain, and all of it was gone within 6 weeks. With my second, I gained just 10 lbs (9+ lb baby!), so within 6 weeks I was 15 lbs BELOW my prepregnancy weight. I didn't exercise excessively or watch too closely what i ate, but I also didn't scarf down 2 pints of B&J every day either.

    This type of modest weight gain isn't recommended for all expectant moms, but talk to your doc about what a healthy weight gain will be for you. Pregnancy doesn't doom you to 60 extra pounds, but some weight gain is expected and healthy. is a great site for expectant moms and has meal plans you can follow and boards full of moms-to-be who can work an eating plan right along with you.

  • cellofish
    cellofish Posts: 8 Member
    I only gained 19 lbs with my second pregnancy. I was overweight to begin with so I was being careful and doing pregnancy aerobics. The baby was 7 pounds and plenty healthy. I think you just need to try to be healthy and active if possible and everything should be fine.

    One thing that is great about having a baby is that if you plan to nurse it is an awesome calorie burning machine!! Nursing takes way more calories than being pregnant so if you can nurse and eat healthy and slowly become active the weight will just fall off. But then you have to be careful when you stop nursing!!
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