Starting over.......AGAIN!!

Good Morning!! My name is Anitra and I am here attempting to get my life back on track for a 2nd time. I had done really well, lost a bunch of weight and was doing a couch to 5k program when I suffered a really bad fall wherein I broke my hand to the point I needed surgery. So I had my surgery, recovered but then became terrified to do anything. Well I believe I have finally gotten my groove back and I'm here and ready to lose the weight AGAIN! Feel free to add me as a friend. I am here to motivate anyone who motivates me!


  • Dawn810511
    Dawn810511 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi Anitra! I'm back for my third time. Lol. First time I started I just thought dieting is too hard, pretty much thought it wasn't for me. So I quit voluntarily. Bad choice, of course I realize that now that I'm older,I'm 34 now. Second time around,I did first. But this time it wasn't my fault. I got healthy cold turkey! I cut out everything that was bad for me. I lost 10 lbs by myself. Then I got sick, very sick. I suffered and still suffer from stomach issues. When I threw all those new healthy foods into my stomach, it went crazy. I got to the point where just drinking water threw me on the floor in pain. I was down to 127 I believe. So I lost 30 lbs just not the way I wanted to. I finally went to the doctor when my husband said he thought I was on my death bed. The doc gave me some antibiotics and within 2 to 3 weeks,I was back to eating. But this time around I wanted to eat everything and a lot of it. So here I go again, much more careful about food, and sitting at 163.2. Good luck. Sorry my post was so long. Lol.
  • shawnaleigh210
    shawnaleigh210 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Anitra! Adding you! ;) The more friends we have to encourage us, the better. Best of luck to you! :)
  • LessToLoveTexas
    LessToLoveTexas Posts: 35 Member
    I too am back for my second go around. I've been wanting to lose weight since I put it all on during my first pregnancy NINE years ago... I've tried a few times and done pretty good, but ended up giving up and reverting back to my "old ways". Well I turned 29 last month and realized that my goal of losing my excess weight by the time I'm 30 is not going to be attainable if I don't start now. I mean, I'm not getting any younger... I've been at it for exactly two weeks and have done pretty well so far. I have a LONG way to go to get to my "happy weight" but I'm going to try my hardest and could use all the encouragement and pushes along the way!