Feel like going to the fridge and binging on junk food

Help meee! i feel like binging on crap !
BUT i have only eaten 200 calories today so i guess it wouldn't be too bad... right ?


  • krissiebeeonion
    Go EAT something Good First!!!!!! You are hungry and your body wants fuel not junk!
  • TheDeviation
    TheDeviation Posts: 149
    200 Calories? You need to EAT. Not BINGE!
  • mabbett1990
    lol so a little rice crispie square wont hurt???
  • TheDeviation
    TheDeviation Posts: 149
    lol so a little rice crispie square wont hurt???
    Your stomach may just completely give out on you. It may not be able to handle any level of food. ;)

    How about cottage cheese? Maybe throw some peaches or pineapple on it.