
BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
edited March 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
So, I've lost 10 pounds out of my 20 pound goal. I'm not seeing any definition to the areas that I wanted some definition to though, which isn't surprising since I only do cardio (and of course my calorie deficit but that has even less to do with toning than cardio does). So now I'm looking for some exercises to do to build strength, endurance, and tone up (particular my thighs and my stomach area) as I lose fat. I already drink a protein shake daily because I never hit my protein goal so I don't think I'm losing any lean muscle, I just don't know how to ... Build it up or whatever lol. Any suggestions for exercises, exercise programs, etc etc would be greatly appreciated

Edit: Also, I know many people say that women don't build big bulky muscles unless they really want to, but I just wanna kind of toss in there that that is NOT what I'm going for. Just wanting to slim down and tone up :)


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    You may like Strong Curves, by Bret Contreras. It is a book but he has also made the workout templates available online (google "strong curves pdf".) There are four programs: 1 full body lifting program for beginners, 1 full body lifting programs for advanced trainees, 1 full body bodyweight [i.e., no weights] program, 1 lower body only lifting program.) Check out the templates to see if it appeals to you.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Just as a point of order toning doesn't really exist, muscles get bigger or smaller and fat reduces to show muscles


    Read this:

    Get a programme
    Strong Curves Brett Contreras
    New Rules of Lifting for Women or the new one Stronger

    Structured online programmes


    If you can't bring yourself to do free weights yet then do a decent bodyweight programme

    But it all comes down to calorie intake for fat loss so don't forget your calorie counting
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    So, I've lost 10 pounds out of my 20 pound goal. I'm not seeing any definition to the areas that I wanted some definition to though, which isn't surprising since I only do cardio (and of course my calorie deficit but that has even less to do with toning than cardio does). So now I'm looking for some exercises to do to build strength, endurance, and tone up (particular my thighs and my stomach area) as I lose fat. I already drink a protein shake daily because I never hit my protein goal so I don't think I'm losing any lean muscle, I just don't know how to ... Build it up or whatever lol. Any suggestions for exercises, exercise programs, etc etc would be greatly appreciated

    Edit: Also, I know many people say that women don't build big bulky muscles unless they really want to, but I just wanna kind of toss in there that that is NOT what I'm going for. Just wanting to slim down and tone up :)

    So to clarify a few things. The only women who really get big and bulky, are generally on anabolic steriods. Some might appear a bit bulky based on muscle structure and body fat %, but that is very controllable (meaning, you don't need to cut down to 14% when you can stop at 18 or 20% if you like the look better).

    Next, protein shakes don't bulk muscle. They are a supplement to help you reach your protein goal. And considering you struggle to hit the MFP protein goal and do all cardio, some muscle loss is more likely. Ideally, protein should be around .6 to .8g per lb of mass (not the MFP default of 20%).

    @Rabbitjb addressed the rest and her post is very solid.
  • annamaple
    annamaple Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in the same boat and just started using the free Nike Training Club app to work on definition. It has some great reviews and workouts (with videos) to follow based on goals of getting lean, toned, or more muscular that don't require much equipment. There are even area specific (e.g. Legs, core) routines. Check it out if you have the time to do a few non-cardio workouts a week.
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the suggestions!

    I definitely do my calorie counting on here to make sure I've got the deficit and to keep and eye on my macros. That's how I knew I wasn't getting enough protein before, which is why I started with the whey protein so that I now reach my protein goal. I glanced around for the strong curves pdf and found a 50 page sample of the book. It looks pretty interesting, so I'll definitely look into that when I have more time. I'll also check into Nike Training Club app. I'm so glad you said this! I remember I used to have it on my phone, but I wasn't serious at the time, so I ended up deleting it
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    How many grams of protein are you getting?
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    MFP tells me to get 60, and I've been pretty good about getting right around 60 for the past couple of weeks. I'm usually around 61-64. Before I was sitting at like 20 grams a day if even that, which was super pitiful. Do I need more?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    MFP tells me to get 60, and I've been pretty good about getting right around 60 for the past couple of weeks. I'm usually around 61-64. Before I was sitting at like 20 grams a day if even that, which was super pitiful. Do I need more?

    While losing weight, to maximize the potential to maintain muscle you want to aim for roughly .6 to .8g per lb of weight. Most women i know are 100 to 125g. Also, having a small to moderate deficit with a progressive overload lifting program is needed to contribute.
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Holy whoa. Well then I'm wayyy off!

    By deficit, you're talking about the calorie deficit right? And what's a progressive overload lifting program? Would that be to start lifting weights at some small amount and progressive add more?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2016
    Holy whoa. Well then I'm wayyy off!

    By deficit, you're talking about the calorie deficit right? And what's a progressive overload lifting program? Would that be to start lifting weights at some small amount and progressive add more?

    All the programmes I posted up there involve progressive overload

    Yes he means calorie defecit

    And I agree with the minimum protein recommendations too ..mine is 100g minimum
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    All the programmes I posted up there involve progressive overload

    Yes he means calorie defecit

    And I agree with the minimum protein recommendations too ..mine is 100g minimum

    Oh okay! I didn't know that's what they were called, so thanks!

    Last question: To lose fat, you're supposed to eat at a deficit. To build muscle you're supposed to eat more ... So to lose fat while building muscle I should .....??? I'm confused on the whole concept. One of the articles said the girl ate at least 3000 calories a day, which I'm not even sure I ate before I started trying to lose weight

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    edited March 2016
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    All the programmes I posted up there involve progressive overload

    Yes he means calorie defecit

    And I agree with the minimum protein recommendations too ..mine is 100g minimum

    Oh okay! I didn't know that's what they were called, so thanks!

    Last question: To lose fat, you're supposed to eat at a deficit. To build muscle you're supposed to eat more ... So to lose fat while building muscle I should .....??? I'm confused on the whole concept. One of the articles said the girl ate at least 3000 calories a day, which I'm not even sure I ate before I started trying to lose weight

    Concentrate on one. But if you are sub 22% body fat, concentrate on losing fat and lift to help muscle retention and getting stronger.

    You can do a thing called a recomp where you eat at maintenance, lift heavy and see minor fat loss and muscle building, but its very slow and sometimes doesn't really work.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    If you're losing fat then you have definitely lost at least a little bit of muscle. It's unavoidable. Also a single protein shake is nowhere near enough to reach a protein goal. Chances are your shake has about 23-26g of protein.

    For gaining muscle you have to be in a caloric surplus. Lose the extra fat then progressively up your calories till you're at a surplus of around 250-350 calories a day. You definitely will not need to be consuming 3000 a day. When I started out at 153lbs 5'11 male. That was my calorie intake to gain. Now at 174 11% body fat I'm only consuming 3300 a day.

    Once you start trying to gain, make sure you use an actual structured lifting program with progression, otherwise you'll never meet your goals. Too many people try to make their own with little knowledge on how to do so. Usually they end up doing 25 sets of curls and 5 different pressing exercises all targeting the same muscle. Generally leg days aren't included.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Last question: To lose fat, you're supposed to eat at a deficit. To build muscle you're supposed to eat more ... So to lose fat while building muscle I should .....???

    A calorie deficit will make you appear more "toned", which is what you said you wanted in your first post. :+1:
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Sweet, thank you all!
  • BalletAndBarbells
    BalletAndBarbells Posts: 334 Member
    @rabbitjb has basically answered all your questions and her comments are sound.
    I personally would recommend SL5X5 but only because that is the program I'm using and I find it easy to follow, easy to fit into the week and you will see quick progress which helps with motivation! I'm a 5ft6" female who has lost nearly 60lbs and I am now trying to get stronger and leaner. It took me months to build the confidence to start lifting and now I really wish I'd started earlier so my main advice would be to go for it now!
    Look up IIFYM for better nutritional breakdowns than mfp defaults - you definitely need more protein. Concentrate on fat loss and maintaining the muscle you have - you need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight and you can't build muscle in a deficit.
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    debsbiggs wrote: »
    @rabbitjb has basically answered all your questions and her comments are sound.
    I personally would recommend SL5X5 but only because that is the program I'm using and I find it easy to follow, easy to fit into the week and you will see quick progress which helps with motivation! I'm a 5ft6" female who has lost nearly 60lbs and I am now trying to get stronger and leaner. It took me months to build the confidence to start lifting and now I really wish I'd started earlier so my main advice would be to go for it now!
    Look up IIFYM for better nutritional breakdowns than mfp defaults - you definitely need more protein. Concentrate on fat loss and maintaining the muscle you have - you need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight and you can't build muscle in a deficit.

    Awesome, thank you as well :)
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Hey all, I have one more question (sorry, I know I've asked a lot already!). The gym in my apartment has a smith machine (I think that's what they're called). Soooo ... Being only 5'5", the bar won't go down far enough for me to do certain things, like the row. So I looked around and found a dumbbell weight lifting routine, and I'm wondering if that's as good as the barbell? I suppose I could buy my own barbell and drag it to the gym with me and just use their weighs lol, but I'm hoping dumbbell lifting is kind of the same???? Or maybe do barbell squats and bench presses and whatnot and then dumbbell rows and deadlifts and such (that I can't do with the attached barbell contraption)????
  • BeYouTiful94
    BeYouTiful94 Posts: 289 Member
    Also, I read something about the barbell contraption not being a "free weight" and something about natural motion paths? Does this matter a lot, and would that make just doing everything as a dumbbell exercise better than using the smith machine? Even for squats and bench presses?
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Just as a point of order toning doesn't really exist, muscles get bigger or smaller and fat reduces to show muscles

    Just a point of order, but the dictionary isn't defined by MFP terms. The first search for the word tone brings up the following on my home page...

    gerund or present participle: toning
    give greater strength or firmness to (the body or a part of it).
    "exercise tones up the muscles"

    It seems to be another in a string of words that some at MFP oppose, even though dictionary's support it.


    The machines generally don't use as many muscles as they allow you to isolate specific areas more. Free weights often use surrounding muscle groups in balance and such, and are often preferred. Not to say that machine work won't help, it will.

    While in deficit there are tons of ways to build some strength. Body weight type exercises, circuit type stuff, and others as well as conventional weight room type work can all allow for strength gains and progressive overload. You can workout while in deficit and still lose weight, and hopefully preserve most of your muscle mass in the process. For women muscle gains are slow even in calorie surplus, so avoiding any loss helps in the long run.