Ready to quit even trying



  • wratty
    wratty Posts: 17 Member
    I'm in reasonable health yes. I had a year out after an AC Joint operation and piled on a lot of weight, (nearly 10kg).

    I'm not aerobically great, but am getting better.
  • worsthorse
    worsthorse Posts: 73 Member
    you should give up - you should give up your current, crappy eating plan!!

    1300 calories for an active 45 year old is a pitiful amount - You are underrating 6 days a week (and, if you're not losing then you are overeating on the other day).
    • Plug your stats into MFP and set a moderate (1lb per week) loss - with your activity level I'd guess you should be eating somewhere around the 2000 cals mark?
    • Weigh and log all your food accurately, for a couple of weeks at least, before making further changes
    • Track your exercise as best you can but be cautious - MFP database and most gym equipment significantly overestimate calorific burns
    • Eat well, stick to mainly "unprocessed" foods but ensure that you allow yourself some of your favorite foods on a regular basis (withing your calorific goals)

    EDITED - I can see from your exercise diary that you are doing 5x5 SL, Starting Strength or similar - Good for you, these are brilliant programs and will benefit you even when in calorific deficit. But, they are meant to be very hard work and are designed to be done in calorific surplus and as such if you are going to do it at a deficit - it should be very slight and you personally would benefit from significantly upping your protein to aid recovery (and probably fat as well).

    this is what i would have said, so of course, i think it is brilliant and clear... though i'd log and track food for a month before i made any changes. i would also assume that you are underestimating your CI by twenty percent and your CO by at least that much because that's what most of us (and the equipment we use) does.
  • lshipley1
    lshipley1 Posts: 36 Member
    You're probably not eating enough calories. Your body is in starvation mode probably. Try upping your calories.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    DON'T YOU EVER GIVE UP! You can do this!
    Seriously, if I can do this, anyone can.
    I must have missed it, but how long have you been at this?
    If your body composition is changing, good is definitely happening.
  • wratty
    wratty Posts: 17 Member
    DON'T YOU EVER GIVE UP! You can do this!
    Seriously, if I can do this, anyone can.
    I must have missed it, but how long have you been at this?
    If your body composition is changing, good is definitely happening.

    Thanks - started (or should I say re-started) beginning of Jan. So yes I know I shouldn't expect miracles. I forgot that I had taken measurements when I started, so after checking myself when I found my note - I feel a lot better about it. :)
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    this is a lot of work but worth it. I want to give up all the time but it is what it is. Being fat is hard also. I had rather watch what I eat and fit in my clothes and feel better about myself. I think it is the cards I was dealt and have to do best I can with it. There are a lot of healthy good foods out there so that does help. I also like biking and hiking so that is a plus.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    lshipley1 wrote: »
    You're probably not eating enough calories. Your body is in starvation mode probably. Try upping your calories.

    No. let's not start this nonsense again. Sorry to be blunt but if you do a little research you will see the massive error in this statement and, if you'd read the whole thread, you would have seen that we've discussed and put that issue to bed.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Look, it's your choice but in your position I'd reset loss to 0.5kg (maybe even less) and eat those extra cals.

    I'd forget about the weight on the scale (I've not weighted myself for months) and focus on how bada$$ I was in the gym, how each workout my lifts were improving.

    Live with that for a month and I guarantee you will feel 100% better, you'll look better and you will not be scared to up those cals again.

    A few months down the line and you'll be in the best shape of your 40's.

    This bears repeating!!

    10 kg = ~20 lbs? That's not that overweight. Slow your rate of loss. Focus on fitness gains. Eat to fuel your workouts. Get stronger and kick *kitten*.