Flab to Fab!

MelanieDawn_80 Posts: 25 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Not really new here....more like a long time lurker.

I reset my weight loss ticker in December when I finally found the motivation to start Round 2 of my journey. Since the beginning of my journey, I'm down 100 lbs and have 45 more to go - looking to make new friends to help hold me accountable as well as help others with their journey. Here's to getting lean in 2016!


  • lseib6994
    lseib6994 Posts: 10 Member
    Congratulations on the loss of 100 pounds. You look great.
    I hope this app helps me to lose weight.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.

    Have a great day