Why am I not losing weight anymore ☹



  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    Yes this helps to count the calories but nutrisystem provides the calorie counted food like my dinner is 200 lunch is 210 snack 55 0r 70 breakfast 200 plus protein bars

    Or you could, y'know, cook...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    its one week, be more patient!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Yes this helps to count the calories but nutrisystem provides the calorie counted food like my dinner is 200 lunch is 210 snack 55 0r 70 breakfast 200 plus protein bars

    that's about 700 calories, why would you do that to yourself?!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    The chart!

    And the body weight scale is not a good indicator for such a short period of time. Try looking at it once a month instead. The body can fluctuate several pounds just in water on any given day.
  • shaunjadon
    shaunjadon Posts: 56 Member
    As a person who was on this very forum asking the same question, my biggest advice for you is to trust in the process!!! We all want to the instant gratification of the scale numbers dropping, but unfortunately that is not always the case especially as we move past the first few weeks of our lifestyle change. Losing weight is noted as being 20% exercise and 80% diet, but I have learned its 100% mental. I'm entering my third month of change and I'm slowly weaning myself away from the scale. Look for gratification in other things besides the "dropping sizes" or dropping weight dramatically. I feel like focusing on those things really is a deterrent because weight loss is bound to slow down and plateaus will happen. Be positive. Find your gratification elsewhere. When I stopped focusing on weight loss so heavily, I started to see other changes towards a healthier me. I wear my fitbit religiously and my resting heart rate has dropped from the low 90s to the low 70s in the last few months. I haven't consumed a soda in months and I used to HATE water but its the only thing I drink now. I feel full and satisfied eating 1200-1300 calories per day. My fitness level has definitely improved and I've set goals for myself to progress even further. The weight loss will happen!!! Constantly standing on a scale is like always looking at a clock, if you pay too much attention to it, it will seem likes its taking forever to change!!!! This healthy lifestyle will eventually become second nature. Utilize your tools (food scale, calorie counter, etc) and one day you'll look at yourself and say "WOW is that me?" It may be at 30lbs or it may be at 75lbs....again TRUST IN THE PROCESS!!
  • crb426
    crb426 Posts: 657 Member
    Sounds like you're doing great! That initial big drop was just being balanced by your slight gain. If you keep at it you'll lose again. It's going to be a constant up and down, but with a trend downward more than upward. No worries. :)
  • CelesseBoo
    CelesseBoo Posts: 20 Member
    I'm having exactly the same issue. Big weight loss in first 4 weeks, followed staying the same and now a slight gain. I do however continue to look slimmer and I can only conclude its everything balancing out.
  • JLove115
    JLove115 Posts: 34 Member
    Yes just like shaunjadon said, trust the process
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    Suzanne106 wrote: »
    Give it time. It took me two weeks to lose 2 lbs working out every day 1 1/2 hours a day and eating 1100 calories a day. It will happen just be patient! Good Luck :smiley:

    Just to point out - if you were exercising and not eating back some of the calories, you were undereating.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    When I initially started on this weight loss journey, I lost 10 pounds the first week by eating meals only, and cutting out any candy, chips, and fast food. I would say that maybe two pounds of that was actual loss, the rest, water weight. I was cautioned by my nutritionist not to expect more than 1.5 to 2 pounds a week. I also found that 98% of my problem was right between my ears. Weighing in once a week was stressing me out, and when I get stressed, I eat. So, we changed my weigh-ins to once a month.

    I have been working out a lot, and I have been losing fat and gaining muscle. My weight loss has been slowing down, but I am buying smaller wardrobe pieces. Yay! Be prepared for setbacks due to illness, injuries, and festive occasions, but don't give up.
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    edited March 2016
    "this week I have gained 1 pound so far"

    You haven't gained a pound. Your weight will fluctuate naturally based on sodium levels, water retention, hormones, muscle fatigue, etc. You just have to get used to seeing this and keep doing what you're doing, because it is working.

    My fave quote:
    "Do what you know is right and the number on the scale will eventually follow."
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    shaunjadon wrote: »
    As a person who was on this very forum asking the same question, my biggest advice for you is to trust in the process!!! We all want to the instant gratification of the scale numbers dropping, but unfortunately that is not always the case especially as we move past the first few weeks of our lifestyle change. Losing weight is noted as being 20% exercise and 80% diet, but I have learned its 100% mental. I'm entering my third month of change and I'm slowly weaning myself away from the scale. Look for gratification in other things besides the "dropping sizes" or dropping weight dramatically. I feel like focusing on those things really is a deterrent because weight loss is bound to slow down and plateaus will happen. Be positive. Find your gratification elsewhere. When I stopped focusing on weight loss so heavily, I started to see other changes towards a healthier me. I wear my fitbit religiously and my resting heart rate has dropped from the low 90s to the low 70s in the last few months. I haven't consumed a soda in months and I used to HATE water but its the only thing I drink now. I feel full and satisfied eating 1200-1300 calories per day. My fitness level has definitely improved and I've set goals for myself to progress even further. The weight loss will happen!!! Constantly standing on a scale is like always looking at a clock, if you pay too much attention to it, it will seem likes its taking forever to change!!!! This healthy lifestyle will eventually become second nature. Utilize your tools (food scale, calorie counter, etc) and one day you'll look at yourself and say "WOW is that me?" It may be at 30lbs or it may be at 75lbs....again TRUST IN THE PROCESS!!

    Well stated, I love this!
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    I'm having a similar problem... I'm 6 weeks into my lifestyle change, but I've plateaued for two weeks now. Being patient isn't something I'm very good with, so I bought a food scale at the beginning of the week ($12 on Amazon) and I discovered that I was seriously underestimating some of my cals. For example, I logged a small sweet potato as 5oz when really it was 10oz! That's a 121 cal difference, which can definitely add up. I'm not sure if it's what caused the plateau or not, but it helps that I feel like I'm doing something different. Good luck!
    ^^ That. For kicks and giggles, I measured something in a cup, then weighed it, and the difference was off enough where if I went by measuring cup I would have been eating more calories than I thought I was. A lot of the posts you'll see from people having issues with loss will consistently tell people to weigh, and log as the weight, not by cup for better consistency.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear, so you may lose one week, and not lose for a couple of weeks then whoosh, you've lost 2-3lbs. Weight fluctuates during the day, and from day to day due to water/food weight, sodium intake, hydration, and hormonal changes.

  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    Suzanne106 wrote: »
    Give it time. It took me two weeks to lose 2 lbs working out every day 1 1/2 hours a day and eating 1100 calories a day. It will happen just be patient! Good Luck :smiley:

    Thank you! I'm trying to be patient but it's hard. I know I didn't get this big over night and I'm not going to lose all this weight over night. I should be happy with losing 15 pounds in 1 month it just makes me nervous when I see the numbers go up after I'm working so hard. I don't want to gain the weight back.

    Oh, hun, you've gotta prepare yourself for the long haul! If you're not content with 15 lbs in a month, what's going to happen when you've slowed down to a couple lbs a month? Weight loss is a little tedious- you just have to readjust your thinking and realize this process is not just about the scale. Glad you read those links about how you won't always lose weight consistently. I don't have the link, but you might also look up an awesome thread that was called something like, "Why is it better to lose weight slowly?" Best to you :)


    That was awesome of you, @queenliz99 ! I'm not the handiest with links.
  • Onamissionforfit
    Onamissionforfit Posts: 90 Member
    It happens. It does seem like you stop loosing but you don't it's just temporary. Keep going and it will fall of it happens to me and once I got through it the fat started melting off. It doesn't hurt to increase activities when this happens.
  • JLove115
    JLove115 Posts: 34 Member
    What kind of exercises is everyone doing?
  • Aukeilagirl
    Aukeilagirl Posts: 147 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    Also, counting one and two and three weeks...are you about to get your period?
    I haven't had a period in 5 years. I just got my IUD removed so I could be getting ready to start my period but I don't know.
  • Aukeilagirl
    Aukeilagirl Posts: 147 Member
    JLove115 wrote: »
    What are you doing as far as exercise? Getting moving is an important piece.

    I walk 30 minutes a day at a steady pace. I think I should up my activity.
  • Aukeilagirl
    Aukeilagirl Posts: 147 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    Suzanne106 wrote: »
    Give it time. It took me two weeks to lose 2 lbs working out every day 1 1/2 hours a day and eating 1100 calories a day. It will happen just be patient! Good Luck :smiley:

    Thank you! I'm trying to be patient but it's hard. I know I didn't get this big over night and I'm not going to lose all this weight over night. I should be happy with losing 15 pounds in 1 month it just makes me nervous when I see the numbers go up after I'm working so hard. I don't want to gain the weight back.

    Oh, hun, you've gotta prepare yourself for the long haul! If you're not content with 15 lbs in a month, what's going to happen when you've slowed down to a couple lbs a month? Weight loss is a little tedious- you just have to readjust your thinking and realize this process is not just about the scale. Glad you read those links about how you won't always lose weight consistently. I don't have the link, but you might also look up an awesome thread that was called something like, "Why is it better to lose weight slowly?" Best to you :)

    Thank you. I need to get in the mindset that this is not a race.