Any tall ladies out there 5'10 and up?!?!



  • Dana_E
    Dana_E Posts: 158 Member
    I was 5'10" before my back surgery, but I'm still 5'10" at heart. Also a veggie. I had a baby last May, got up into the 270's while pregnant. I started my weight loss efforts this February around 220, and now I'm at 207, with a GW of 150-155. I'm feeling really hopeful this time around with losing weight. I usually hit a mental wall after 40lbs of weight loss, but those other times, I started in the 240s, and now I feel like I'm starting where I ended those other times. I feel like I really can do this!
  • Jill4165
    Jill4165 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm 5'9ish and a larger build. I started out at 220lbs at my heaviest and am currently around 180ish. I have been doing lots of strength training and really trying to get my snacking under control. I would love some more tall friends :)
  • curiouscreaturee
    curiouscreaturee Posts: 19 Member
    5'11!!I model so I'm fairly tiny. But heyyyy to all my tall people
  • TammyLML
    TammyLML Posts: 429 Member
    We should totally start a tall ladies group - there are a lot of us here! I'm currently recovering from flu and involved in a long-term fitness challenge group, but would be happy to join, if somebody else can lead/organize. :smile:

    I'm 1/4 inch short of 5'11. Started at 264, down to 230 now and shooting for 199 - at least that is my first goal. More to follow afterward! :mrgreen:

    Latest photos...

  • BettieTurland
    BettieTurland Posts: 1 Member
    I am 6'1 and 63 years old. I started at 340, now 291. I have a goal of 200. I can't exercise because of my knees, but I am making better food choices, and following portion sizes.
  • SwimmyD
    SwimmyD Posts: 96 Member
    The first two pics are from July 2015 - 170 lbs. The next three are from today - 151 lbs. Six months of calorie counting and 3.5 months of swimming hard.
  • frankifitness
    frankifitness Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5 foot 11.5 inches! Lost 3 stone already and looking for a further 2.5 to go. I had a little girl 4 months ago, and want to get back into shape for the summer and for health/life! Add me as a friend for motivation and support! Xxx
  • Sausis
    Sausis Posts: 4 Member
    SwimmyD wrote: »
    ...Six months of calorie counting and 3.5 months of swimming hard.
    @SwimmyD: I think you are my body twin! I started from the bottom of your post and, as I scrolled up, I was thinking: Ooooh my feet look exactly like yours, also same hips, same torso & shoulders & arms. Then I read your post and see that you're a big swimmer- me too! Best workout ever :)

    Great to see all the other tall women here. I'm 5'10/11 and have been maintaining at 135-140 for a few years, down from around 190 lbs.

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • bs1965
    bs1965 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello fellow tall ladies
  • ALG775
    ALG775 Posts: 246 Member
    kitaemma wrote: »
    I'm 6'1", around 205 now, in a size 8 and don't have a specific goal in mind. At one point I was 185 and a size 4 but now with lifting weights I don't think that's realistic. I'll probably end up somewhere around 195 and be happy to maintain there. Although as some of the ladies pointed out earlier at my height and weight I'm technically overweight, and still will be even at my goal.

    I'm also 6'1". I started out at 245 and am now 213. Aiming for 200 for now. Maybe a little less- although not as excited avout onderland. 200 land would also be good! Enjoying fitting into all my clothes! And want to be able to eat a fair amount at goal :smile:
  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 706 Member
    Woo, nice to see a tall girl thread. :) Used to be 5'10" until my spine started compressing - now 5'9". Started at 158, went up to 162, now down to 150. Trying to get back down to the weight I was at when I joined the military - 135.

    Just so much fun with a munchkin in the house who wants nothing but Macaroni and Cheese.
  • SwimmyD
    SwimmyD Posts: 96 Member
    Sausis wrote: »
    SwimmyD wrote: »
    ...Six months of calorie counting and 3.5 months of swimming hard.
    @SwimmyD: I think you are my body twin! I started from the bottom of your post and, as I scrolled up, I was thinking: Ooooh my feet look exactly like yours, also same hips, same torso & shoulders & arms. Then I read your post and see that you're a big swimmer- me too! Best workout ever :)

    Great to see all the other tall women here. I'm 5'10/11 and have been maintaining at 135-140 for a few years, down from around 190 lbs.

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    @Sausis I'm glad I have a body twin out there! Getting shoes is a bummer eh? I'm 12AA! I also find tops difficult because of my arm length - I have the wingspan of an albatross! However it helps in the pool!!

    Love, love swimming. I didn't really get into it until my 30s, and I was out for 14 years. I just made a comeback at age 50. My goal is to join a masters team by next season. The big calorie burns from hard swimming have made a huge difference in my weight and fitness level.

    It's great to see all the other tall women here, all working to be in the best health health possible! Go tall ladies!!
  • DebBahr
    DebBahr Posts: 110 Member

    Not quite as tall as most of you but thought I'd jump in. Here are my stats.

    SW 220
    CW 174
    GW 160 - might want to go a bit lower once I get there so maybe 150
    50 years old
    5' 9.5"
  • queenbee5933
    queenbee5933 Posts: 11 Member
    I am 56 yrs old 5'9 or 5'10 (measured at both in doctor offices). I started at 300lbs in Nov. Kind of slacked off until January. I am now at 283lbs. My immediate goal is 250lbs. From there I set another goal. One step at time right?!
  • moonchildisme
    moonchildisme Posts: 83 Member
    Hi 6 foot 4 my heaviest I weighed 350+. I am now at 224 and hoping to lose more still. I have seem to hit a wall but not giving up!!!!
  • SwimmyD
    SwimmyD Posts: 96 Member
    edited March 2016
    wendsg wrote: »
    Woo, nice to see a tall girl thread. :) Used to be 5'10" until my spine started compressing - now 5'9". Started at 158, went up to 162, now down to 150. Trying to get back down to the weight I was at when I joined the military - 135.

    Just so much fun with a munchkin in the house who wants nothing but Macaroni and Cheese.

    Ya, I shrunk too! From 6' to 5'11"
    Nice to see so many tall women of all ages!!