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Who doesn't have a goal weight?

It's such a common thing here, and I get it. I just realized the other day, though, that I'm not striving for a certain weight. I think I'll just know when I'm happy with my body, but even then I don't think I'll ever stop this fitness stuff. I think there will always be something to strive for. That's not to say people with goal weights don't feel the same way about continuing to improve. I'm just wondering who else has no goal weight.


  • I'm hovering a couple of lbs above the top of my healthy weight range at the moment, so I have a vague goal of getting somewhere within that range, but no definite goal. At this stage, I'm taking it a couple of weeks at a time and seeing how I feel.
  • clutchitalian
    clutchitalian Posts: 39 Member
    no goal weight....just want the muscles huge and the bf% low..........
  • mkh858
    mkh858 Posts: 93 Member
    I don't. I want to feel good that's my goal. I want my children to know that eating healthy and Excercising is something normally done. The weight is coming off and it's great but I want to get off the floor without struggling. For my height is says I need to be 150lbs. If that weight means being healthy then that's my goal weight.
  • Kie_Hughes
    Kie_Hughes Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm not bothered about what I weigh as long as I look shredded and feel good
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I have an *I hope this ends up being a good weight* number but no solid set in stone number. I just want to get to the point where my main goal is not fat loss due to skin/clothing fit issues. But I have been at that number since my mid-20s which is 10 years of being overweight and one pregnancy ago so it's possible that the number is completely wrong for my goal.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    My BMI puts me firmly in the 'overweight' category, and my bodyfat hovers around 20%. My goal is to get a hell of a lot stronger than I am now.

    Not shredded, not concerned.
  • MikaMojito
    MikaMojito Posts: 680 Member
    I have a goal dress ;-)

    Ok, I do have a vague idea what I'd like to weigh but that weight would still count as overweight. I'll just take things as they come. Lower my weight until I feel it's enough. I recently showed my boyfriend a picture of myself when I had a BMI of 21.5 and he asked if I absolutely HAD to go that low again. He won't stop me if I want to but I see no need to get to a weight I might not feel happy at, just because the numbers say so.
  • Nope, think I set my goal in the supposed healthy range for my height, but I felt and looked good 7lbs above that several years ago. Will see how it goes. I'm focusing on shorter term goals for now, so I don't lose sight of what I'm trying to accomplish - if I constantly thought about the 'end goal' from a weight point of view it would be a miserable process. I'm not just doing this to lose weight.
  • NEOHgirl
    NEOHgirl Posts: 237 Member
    I have a general range in mind, but nothing specific. My dietitian & i agree that anywhere I feel happy & strong below my max level for a healthy BMI, (& where I can get off my insulin resistance medication) will be a fine maintenance point.
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    I plan on getting 10 or 15 pounds into the healthy weight range around 140(65 inches). I was happy at 160 in high school, so it will just depend on how I feel. My main goal is to get off of my blood pressure and diabetes meds(1 down 2 to go). The weight is just a side goal.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    If anyone asks I will say my goal weight is 85 (healthy BMI rounded to nearest 5) but really I'm not too fussed. It's not set in stone.

    A lot of people seem to set their goal weight to where they felt good or happy.

    I can't really do that since I can't remember how I felt 14 years ago when I was in high school.
  • amclain93
    amclain93 Posts: 64 Member
    I kind of have a goal, but its very tentative. I'm five foot one, so my weight is supposed to be like 90-110 or something. I am currently almost double that, and i cant picture myself losing 100lbs, so i pretty much just plan on losing until I'm comfortable and then maintaining.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't really. I have a tentative goal based on a desired body fat percentage, but I don't intend to be done then, as I'd like to build some muscle. (I do think the lack of a firm goal is one reason I've been fine hanging out for a year just a few lbs above my supposed goal, but as I've been making fitness improvements I'm okay with that.)
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,013 Member
    I don't have a goal weight, I plan to be within the healthy BMI for my height, but setting a number just doesn't work for me - I plan to go on how I look and how I feel.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    No goal. But I like my current status. If I went any lower it would be a lot to maintain that a low BF %, if I go higher, I'm ok with it as long as my BF% didn't creep up too much. The mirror is my guide.
  • SeanNJ
    SeanNJ Posts: 153 Member
    BF%. Whatever my weight happens to be when I get there, so be it.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I have a certain aesthetic, dress size, LBM, and BF% in mind. All those things suggest a certain scale number (range). So, yes, the scale number plays a part in my goals, but it is not the most important goal. It's just one metric of many for me.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I've never really had a goal weight. Originally I just wanted to be less fat. Now, since I compete, I focus on building the physique to compete. I know approximately what I will weigh the next time I compete, but how I look is more important. There will always be things I seek to improve along the way as well.
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    I did have a goal weight, but i've smashed it and now i'm just seeing how I go.
  • jlc102980
    jlc102980 Posts: 137 Member
    No goal. I want to get into the healthy range for my body (as per my doctor). Once I get there, I'll see how my body looks and re-evaluate. I'd like some muscle tone, of course. And I don't want to be so rail-thin that I look like Skeletor. When my brother lost a lot of weight, all I saw when I looked at him was a skull grinning back at me. It completely freaked me out...and since we have body types, it made me realize that my "goal" would be a moving target until I get to the last few pounds.