What do you typically eat for a 1200 calorie diet?



  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    I dont have much issue sticking to 1200.

    Breakfast - Greek yogurt (100-130 calories) - but I am not a big breakfast eater.
    Lunch - This really varies but can be a sandwich and fruit, ground turkey with rice and veggies, leftovers, etc but is usually around 300 calories
    Afternoon Snack - varies but can be fruit, granola, yogurt, popcorn, anything really - usually around 150-200 calories
    Dinner - varies greatly but I keep around 400 calories
    Evening Snack - banana, frozen yogurt, apple, graham crackers, etc - around 100-200 calories

    I add in more snacks on the days I work out but dont usually eat all of my exercise calories (I burn 600+ most days based on my HRM)
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    My diary is open. Friend me if you'd like.
  • btoblake
    btoblake Posts: 9 Member

    I've been working on how to snack within a 1200 calorie diet.

    Kashi bars are an easy backup plan, most are under 150 calories, the flavors vary, and I can keep a box by the door and at work.

    A cup of bone broth and a miso soup packet = 60 calories in a nice warm mug A well made bone broth has a startling dose of protein, so I've been substituting it for water.

    Hummus and cut veggies also make a good snack meal, especially when I'm too busy to eat.

    For dinner, I stick to small servings of normal home cooked foods. A wonder pot is fantastic and easy to vary, the flavor coming from the tomatoes and basil and onions and garlic is great. Last time I added broth, which worked just fine.

    I love a good crock pot meal, it's easy to get a lot of flavor out of meats and veggies and herbs, and a good leftover stew is a chance to get creative.

    A chinese cook half convinced me that people in the US are making a huge mistake with veggies, because we don't stir fry them in a nice sauce. I've repeatedly considered looking into authentic Chinese cookbooks, so many of their recipes are healthier and more tasty, that it might be worth the trouble of nudging my family to change habits. Most body builders I know end up defaulting to a set dinner that's like chinese light, a serving of rice, a serving of chicken, a big spoonful of veg, and a different dinner every night.

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    btoblake wrote: »
    I've been working on how to snack within a 1200 calorie diet.

    Kashi bars are an easy backup plan, most are under 150 calories, the flavors vary, and I can keep a box by the door and at work.

    A cup of bone broth and a miso soup packet = 60 calories in a nice warm mug A well made bone broth has a startling dose of protein, so I've been substituting it for water.

    Hummus and cut veggies also make a good snack meal, especially when I'm too busy to eat.

    For dinner, I stick to small servings of normal home cooked foods. A wonder pot is fantastic and easy to vary, the flavor coming from the tomatoes and basil and onions and garlic is great. Last time I added broth, which worked just fine.

    I love a good crock pot meal, it's easy to get a lot of flavor out of meats and veggies and herbs, and a good leftover stew is a chance to get creative.

    A chinese cook half convinced me that people in the US are making a huge mistake with veggies, because we don't stir fry them in a nice sauce. I've repeatedly considered looking into authentic Chinese cookbooks, so many of their recipes are healthier and more tasty, that it might be worth the trouble of nudging my family to change habits. Most body builders I know end up defaulting to a set dinner that's like chinese light, a serving of rice, a serving of chicken, a big spoonful of veg, and a different dinner every night.

    A 2-finger KitKat bar has a 100 calories and is cheaper than the kashi stuff. Might be a good option for a snack. A hot cup of milk with dark cocoa powder and splenda makes for a good 100 calorie warming evening snack.
  • navyjen
    navyjen Posts: 1,043 Member
    typical day
    breakfast protein shake w pb2
    am snack greek yogurt 100 calorie kind/ 100 calorie english muffin with pb
    lunch chicken and roasted veggies
    pm snack cashews or a fruit or a protein bar
    dinner - lean beef or turkey burger small portion organic fries or sweet potato and roasted veggies
    9 pm protein shake after workout
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Get on skinnytaste, emilybites, skinnymom or any of the other tons of lower calorie food blogs. I'm sure you'll see something to inspire you. I rarely make the same thing twice personally. I like cooking, but I don't like it enough that I want to do it every day either, so I usually make enough for dinners for 3 days or so every time I cook.

    Lunch...I used to make mason jar salads and did love this but have gotten lazy and just buy salad kits now generally. I like Taylor Farm salad kits...I eat 1/2 the bag for lunch each day and buy different types to keep it interesting.

    If you are looking for really easy, you could do salmon for dinner instead of your usual chicken or, a personal favorite of mine...get some turkey kielbasa from Target and slice up with red potatoes, salt and pepper, and veggies (I like bell peppers, onions, zucchini, yellow squash) of your choice. Works in a skillet or wrap in foil and throw on the grill to let it all cook together. A big serving can be made for under 300 calories easy. We always top it with some sirircha :-) It's an awesome way to use left over veg.
  • caseypcarlin
    caseypcarlin Posts: 40 Member
    From there you can make a sandwich (I use carb-friendly wheat bread that's 70 calories for 2 slices). Add lettuce and tomato slice for next to nothing, even a tsp of light mayo will only add 35 cal. You can do a whole tune sandwich for 190 cal. Add some greek yogurt for 100 cal and you're good to go!

    I love Killer Dave's thin sliced good seed bread for 70 calories a slice. Twice the calories of what you mentioned but so so good. I also like to make tuna salad with half mayo half greek yogurt to help cut calories with little to no difference in flavor. A sandwich with that is certainly more than 190 calories, but I don't eat breakfast because I'm just not hungry until 11 or noon.

    I make blanched broccoli or green beans for my lunches and usually have either canned tuna/salmon or hard boiled eggs and some carrots.

    Mini Babybel light cheese wheels are so good and have quite a bit of protein per serving.

    I always have an apple in the afternoon and then I get quite a few calories to play around with for dinner, and I ALWAYS have at least one square of dark chocolate after dinner.