Do you limit Fruit?

I am new to MFP and calorie counting so this question may have been asked already.
I come from a background of doing low carb diets, mainly ideal protein, so I have cut out fruit completely in the past because I was told it was high in sugar.
My question for you calorie counters is do you cut back on fruit? I'm having an apple, orange, banana and half a grapefruit most days, is that too much? I'm only allowed 1200 calories a day but it's the only place I get my carbs from because I have eliminated grains for now. However, since I only have 1200 calories I'm finding 1/3 of my calorie intake is coming from fruits. Because I am short, under 5 feet I find it hard to lose weight so I'm finding that when I cut back on carbs I tend to lose and it keeps me motivated when I lose.

I also workout 4-5 times a week, twice with a trainer so I do get some exercise calories on some days which I use as well.



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I dont, but if I was eating only 1200 (I'm not) and 1/3 of my calories came from fruit I would starve to death.
  • Michaelg235
    Michaelg235 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I never limit fruit basically that's my go to move when I want chips or something apple or chips I'll take the Apple
  • sugom2
    sugom2 Posts: 93 Member
    Hello, I am also under 5 feet and have found that I loose more weight if a do include fruit into my diet. I also watch my carbs. What I have found to work is fruit in the morning with my smoothie (I choose to use Shakeology as my choice of smoothie because of the additional nutrients--some people rag on it). During the work week, I eat high protein and vegetables at lunch and dinner also includes high protein ad veggies. I don't eat bread or pasta and if I do, it is limited to the weekend. Eating this way I have lost 20 pounds and moving on to my next 15 to maintain.
  • Trinique34
    Trinique34 Posts: 53 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm not starving at all. I have an apple at 10 am with 20 almonds, a banana with lunch (normally 4 oz of chicken and salad) and 1/2 a grapefruit and 1/3 Avocado around 3 pm, dinner is protein and two veggies, yesterday was asparagus and mixed veggies, then for my snack I might have an orange. My concern is if this will prevent me from losing weight since I just started and it's all trial and error for me. I'm just a bit confused since I've done low carb for sooo long. But now I want to do it the healthy way.
  • sylkates
    sylkates Posts: 173 Member
    edited March 2016
    I don't. I only believe in CICO, and it's working for me so far. Fruit easily fits into my calorie limits.

    I do tend to eat fruit instead of the old sweet junk food I used to eat. It is more filling than that.

    I also tend to ignore macros, since I have no medical conditions that necessitate keeping track of fiber, saturated fat, sugar, carbs, or fat. I go over on sugar pretty often since I love fruit and dairy, but I'm careful about keeping my teeth clean and the doctor hasn't mentioned anything alarming, so I think it's OK for me. I also go over on fat pretty often since I love nuts and avocado. Maybe I shouldn't be so reckless but it seems to be OK so far.
  • Michaelg235
    Michaelg235 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I dont, but if I was eating only 1200 (I'm not) and 1/3 of my calories came from fruit I would starve to death.
    Looks like a half detox

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Trinique34 wrote: »
    I'm not starving at all. I have an apple at 10 am with 20 almonds, a banana with lunch (normally 4 oz of chicken and salad) and 1/2 a grapefruit and 1/3 Avocado around 3 pm, dinner is protein and two veggies, yesterday was asparagus and mixed veggies, then for my snack I might have an orange. My concern is if this will prevent me from losing weight since I just started and it's all trial and error for me. I'm just a bit confused since I've done low carb for sooo long. But now I want to do it the healthy way.
    Okay then. That sounds nutritious enough when considered on the whole.
    Low carb can be healthy as well, btw. I eat very healthy by most standards. And lower carb.

    I'd need more calories, and more protein, but I'm taller. If it's working for you, then go for it. The fiber is great!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I like fruit, but if 1/3 of my calories were coming from fruit I would want to make sure I was meeting all my other nutritional needs (like protein and fat).
  • Trinique34
    Trinique34 Posts: 53 Member
    sugom2 wrote: »
    Hello, I am also under 5 feet and have found that I loose more weight if a do include fruit into my diet. I also watch my carbs. What I have found to work is fruit in the morning with my smoothie (I choose to use Shakeology as my choice of smoothie because of the additional nutrients--some people rag on it). During the work week, I eat high protein and vegetables at lunch and dinner also includes high protein ad veggies. I don't eat bread or pasta and if I do, it is limited to the weekend. Eating this way I have lost 20 pounds and moving on to my next 15 to maintain.

    Thanks so much for sharing this. I do tend to eat some carbs on the weekend and limit fruit, but for me to lose weight I have to cut back on carbs during the week. Otherwise I don't lose a thing, even with exercise.
  • Trinique34
    Trinique34 Posts: 53 Member
    sylkates wrote: »
    I don't. I only believe in CICO, and it's working for me so far. Fruit easily fits into my calorie limits.

    I do tend to eat fruit instead of the old sweet junk food I used to eat. It is more filling than that.

    I also tend to ignore macros, since I have no medical conditions that necessitate keeping track of fiber, saturated fat, sugar, carbs, or fat. I go over on sugar pretty often since I love fruit and dairy, but I'm careful about keeping my teeth clean and the doctor hasn't mentioned anything alarming, so I think it's OK for me. I also go over on fat pretty often since I love nuts and avocado. Maybe I shouldn't be so reckless but it seems to be OK so far.

    What is CICO?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Trinique34 wrote: »
    sylkates wrote: »
    I don't. I only believe in CICO, and it's working for me so far. Fruit easily fits into my calorie limits.

    I do tend to eat fruit instead of the old sweet junk food I used to eat. It is more filling than that.

    I also tend to ignore macros, since I have no medical conditions that necessitate keeping track of fiber, saturated fat, sugar, carbs, or fat. I go over on sugar pretty often since I love fruit and dairy, but I'm careful about keeping my teeth clean and the doctor hasn't mentioned anything alarming, so I think it's OK for me. I also go over on fat pretty often since I love nuts and avocado. Maybe I shouldn't be so reckless but it seems to be OK so far.

    What is CICO?

    Calories in/Calories out. aka dieting, aka, counting calories. What most folks on MFP are doing.
  • James12315
    James12315 Posts: 30 Member
    I only monitor calorie content mainly. I love eating fruit and will eat 1 or 2 a day but I also love other foods so in a way I do limit them but only because I prefer to balance my diet out with meat and veg also.
  • evayna
    evayna Posts: 66 Member
    I would starve without fruit :neutral: Especially considering I just finished my lunch and have already had:
    1c. Strawberries- 54 cal
    1/2c. Black Berries - 30 cal
    1c. Red Grapes- 90 cal
    1 Golden Delicious Apple- 56 cal
    1 Clementine- 35 cal
    Vita Coco Coconut Water/Pineapple- 120 cal
    For a total of: 385 of 1200 Calories

    So it's a pretty substantial part of my diet! :smiley:
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I do not, personally. But DH is sugar sensitive and does limit fruit.
  • MamaMc3
    MamaMc3 Posts: 213 Member
    I don't limit fruit because I like the sweet taste, and I'd rather eat fruit than candy! :) I think you have to find what works for you - if you are starving, try replacing some of the fruit with protein. If you're doing ok, just enjoy it! :)
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    edited March 2016
    . . . if I was eating only 1200 (I'm not) and 1/3 of my calories came from fruit I would starve to death.

    Amen to that!

    ETA: I don't limit my fruit. If I want it and it fits into my macros for the day I have it.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Trinique34 wrote: »
    sylkates wrote: »
    I don't. I only believe in CICO, and it's working for me so far. Fruit easily fits into my calorie limits.

    I do tend to eat fruit instead of the old sweet junk food I used to eat. It is more filling than that.

    I also tend to ignore macros, since I have no medical conditions that necessitate keeping track of fiber, saturated fat, sugar, carbs, or fat. I go over on sugar pretty often since I love fruit and dairy, but I'm careful about keeping my teeth clean and the doctor hasn't mentioned anything alarming, so I think it's OK for me. I also go over on fat pretty often since I love nuts and avocado. Maybe I shouldn't be so reckless but it seems to be OK so far.

    What is CICO?

    Calories In vs. Calories Out. For those of us trying to lose weight it should be CI<CO.
  • elivelez62
    elivelez62 Posts: 19 Member
    I stay within 25 g of sugar a day. I substitute fruit for flavored yogurt once a day.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I dont, but if I was eating only 1200 (I'm not) and 1/3 of my calories came from fruit I would starve to death.

    This is how I feel.

    I don't limit fruit (I naturally tend to more in the summer and a lot more vegetables than fruit), but I focus on getting enough of other things and that tends to mean I eat 1-2 servings of fruit in the winter and 2-3 in the summer.

    Really, it's about preference and what is satisfying to you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited March 2016
    If 1/3 of your calories is coming from fruit, I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that you're probably not hitting other nutrition requisites. Fruit is great and all, but there's a lot more to proper nutrition than just fruit and veg.

    I don't limit fruit per sei, but I put far greater emphasis and importance on vegetables...usually 2 servings of fruit per day...occasionally 3.