One thing that you swear by in your weight-loss journey?



  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    TRACKING. Honest, accurate TRACKING.

    Tracking is how I keep honest about how what I put in my mouth and how much I move affects my weight and my health.
  • geneticsteacher
    geneticsteacher Posts: 623 Member
    Have lost 24 lbs, 18 left to lose. It took 1 1/2 years - I took a year off after the first 20 lbs and ate at maintenance, concentrating on protein, due to surgery.

    Biggest help was daily logging and a food scale.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited March 2016
    Moving more. Lots more.

    When I get out and move with extra walks or hikes, I also use my stationary bike more often and some home based strength training. Then, because I know I'm doing well in that, it keeps me logging everything.

    Moving definitely motivates me to pay strict attention to my CICO. I want to lose the rest of my excess weight so that movement becomes easier and I can do even more.

    I've lost quite a bit and have about 100 lbs to go. I would be closer to goal but I was in (successful) maintenance for several months last year for devastating circumstances.

    I was always a very active person until my injury and illness. I just feel better overall both mentally and physically when I move a lot.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Honesty. If you're not honest with yourself about how much you're eating, exercising and lack of knowledge you might as well buy yourself a scooter, dye your hair a bright colour and get a tumblr.

    (Disclaimer I have bright hair and a tumblr)

    was like wait what.... I too have bright hair and tumblr and like to think I'm pretty honest with myself about those things.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    weighing weekly. It breaks the process down into mini goals so I really have something to work toward and helps me see the big picture. I never had a problem weighing daily, but in my opinion this is so much better. Plus, am I really going to weigh every day in maintenance? not likely. But I can handle once a week at the same time each week forever.
  • karenlwashburn
    karenlwashburn Posts: 123 Member
    Staying busy physically at work keeps my mind off food. If I work from home or at home it's a lot easier to think about being hungry and being on a diet. If I go to work I take grapes or ice water and I too busy to think about when I get to eat next.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    - What is one thing that helped you stay on track while you were losing weight?
    One thing that kept me on track was having my own reason for it. Not what my doctor said, not what others said, not what I thought was the 'correct' answer, but my own reason.

    Also, that it doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing venture. It's ok to start slow and build. You're changing established eating habits, and that takes a LOT of time to get to where it feels normal.

    - How many pounds did you lose so far & how many more to go?
    Lost 50 pounds, now trying to figure out what my maintenance is.

    - What are your food and workout philosophies?
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen. If you don't have a handle on portion control and what you're actually eating, you will have a LOT of trouble losing weight. Not saying you can't, just that it's much harder. You can't out-run a bad diet. As for a workout, I don't. Exercise isn't necessary for weight loss. Not saying you shouldn't exercise, because it's good for you in other ways, but if you have trouble exercising, it's ok to focus on calories in for now. I'm trying to get back into walking because it helps my asthma, but yeah, all my weight lost was done without factoring in exercise.
  • Stpjudge
    Stpjudge Posts: 129 Member
    In October 2006 I weighed 247 lbs. Between 2006 - 2007 I lost 85 pounds, it is a struggle to keep the weight off but for the most part I have. Here are the top things that help me lose / maintain weight loss:

    1. Exercise -- It burns the calories and I feel healthier and happier when I do it. When I was in strict weight loss mode and making it a habit my rule was that I had to do cardio exercise for 30 minutes each day -- and yes, there were some days when I was on the treadmill at 11:30 pm so I could get my cardio in.
    2. Water -- It fills me up. I only drink water and booze. :)
    3. Logging food -- Mission critical - I suck at estimating my caloric intake. If I'm not logging my food then I'm gaining weight.
    4. Regular weigh ins -- I like 2x per week, just my personal preference. If I'm not getting on the scale then I'm gaining weight.

    When I put on a few pounds, like now, and I'm back to being serious about taking them off, I go back to the basics and everything falls into place.
  • brittalexmoore
    brittalexmoore Posts: 15 Member
    What is one thing that helped you stay on track while you were losing weight?

    I generally try to log my meals 1 day in advanced so that I don't have to figure it out as I go. Plus I get extra calories for walking around all day (I'm in college) so if I'm a little extra hungry, it's not an issue.

    How many pounds did you lose so far & how many more to go? How much time did it take you to lose that many pounds? What are your food and workout philosophies?

    I've lost about 16 lbs. since January, I'm trying to lose about 80 more. I have been working out a bit, but I've decided to put it off for a while because I don't want to be disappointed when the scale doesn't move because of muscle.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Honesty. If you're not honest with yourself about how much you're eating, exercising and lack of knowledge you might as well buy yourself a scooter, dye your hair a bright colour and get a tumblr.

    (Disclaimer I have bright hair and a tumblr)

    was like wait what.... I too have bright hair and tumblr and like to think I'm pretty honest with myself about those things.

    If you want to know what I'm talking about go and look at ThisIsThinPrivilege.

  • Shalynlink
    Shalynlink Posts: 45 Member
    What is one thing that helped you stay on track while you were losing weight? That I don't want to be an unhealthy 40+ year old person. My family is plagued with obesity, heart issues, diabetes. I just want to do better and live my second half healthy.

    How many pounds did you lose so far? 19.4 lbs since Jan 1st 2016

    How many more to go? 10 lbs to go

    What are your food and workout philosophies? Eat super clean (just not processed) 80/20 rule b/c you gotta live! Lots of water and only eat the crap food that you LOVE (for the 20 part). You have to love your workouts so if you don't - find something you do. I run and LOVE it (except for my weekly track workouts..I hate them but they are so helpful)
  • ald783
    ald783 Posts: 689 Member
    Moderation, taking it slow, and not making weight loss the center of my universe.

    I've lost 115 pounds which took me about 3.5 years. I'd like to lose another 10-15 but have been stalled at my current weight for the past 3.5 years. I don't mind this weight though so I'm OK with maintenance also.

    For me, tracking will always be important. I don't need to track 100% of the time or weigh/measure everything at this point, but a reasonably careful estimation goes a long way. I don't call anything a "cheat day" but I have days or occasions where I know I'm going to go overboard and over calories and that's fine. It's all about balance.

    I work out 4-5 times a week.. running, kickboxing, HIIT, lifting.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    Making full dishes that I really like and freezing them in portions. I have so many that I can just heat and eat, and they all have calorie counts on them (and are also pre-loaded into my recipes). I never "don't have enough time" to eat well.
  • johnkinsela87
    johnkinsela87 Posts: 4 Member
    The one thing I swear by is MFP. Logging everything I eat along with regular exercise had me lose 9.5 lbs in 3 weeks. I want to lose at least another 43 lbs by Christmas.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    What is one thing that helped you stay on track while you were losing weight?

    Logging 100% of everything I eat and drink in MFP; often I pre-log a day in advance. This stops me from mindlessly partaking in social eating (you know, when you're at work and it's someone's birthday so they get treats - and similar situations).

    How many pounds did you lose so far & how many more to go? How much time did it take you to lose that many pounds?

    I've lost 58 lbs so far. I have 42 lbs to go to reach my first goal (240 lbs to 140 lbs). I started changing my eating habits on Sept 1/15 and then started using MFP and then started exercising. I'm averaging 1.96 lbs lost per week.

    What are your food and workout philosophies?

    I like to eat nutritionally dense foods, because my allowed calories are only 1310 per day. I hate feeling hungry, so I make my meals count; i.e. I will always take protein, good fats and complex carbs over anything full of sugar. Why have one cookie for 200 calories when you can have a slice of toast with cheese and tuna and not feel like you're starving 10 minutes later?? For workouts, do what you like. No one will stick with an exercise they hate. I love lifting, tennis, and now Focus T25 (ok, that one is a love/hate, but it's only 25 minutes - I can do anything for 25 minutes!!). I hate treadmills and ellipticals, so do my best to avoid those.

    No "cheats". First, I hate the term. Second, you can't "cheat" on something and expect it to work. Third, if I want something in particular that's higher calorie, or am going out for a nice dinner, I plan ahead so that I can do so without going over; either by adding extra exercise or making other meals in the day a bit smaller. Sticking to the plan works - I'm proof of that :smiley:
  • Mydailytrack
    Mydailytrack Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks everyone.. Read each of your replies.. Every response made sense! I'm so motivated now..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,039 Member
    What is one thing that helped you stay on track while you were losing weight?

    How many pounds did you lose so far & how many more to go? How much time did it take you to lose that many pounds? What are your food and workout philosophies?

    The tenacity of a Jack Russell terrier.

    25 kg lost ... maybe another couple to go. Not sure yet.

    Approx. 8 months.


  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited March 2016
    What is one thing that helped you stay on track while you were losing weight?

    Logging my intake and watching the scale (and mirror) to make sure what I'm doing is effective.

    How many pounds did you lose so far & how many more to go?

    30 pounds lost so far. Not sure yet how many to go because my goals are BF% and aesthetics, not a number on the scale. I'd estimate somewhere in the neighborhood of 15-20 more pounds to go, though.

    How much time did it take you to lose that many pounds?

    A little over six months so far.

    What are your food and workout philosophies?

    Food: Everything in moderation. I exclude nothing from my diet and eat anything/everything I enjoy - just some of them in smaller portions than before and some in larger portions. I aim to hit my protein and fat macros and let the rest of the calories fall where they fall (within my calorie goal, of course).

    Workout: I do things I enjoy (weight training, walking/running, bicycling) and try to be consistent about it. I try to be sensible and avoid pushing too heavy/hard/fast/far because if you're injured, you're not exercising.
  • endlessfall16
    endlessfall16 Posts: 932 Member
    Probably more than one thing. The desire to be healthy so I can be around long to do certain things. Bonus, see how much better I can play tennis.

    13 lbs since February 5. 20 lbs more to go.

    No workout. It's too boring. I PLAY tennis.

    Food wise, like anything else, all foods aren't equal. Choose wisely. Moderation doesn't do it for me. It's a turn-off to be cut off in the middle. :)
  • janicekdavis484
    janicekdavis484 Posts: 19 Member
    What is "Weekend banking of calories"?