Water aerobics

Hi! Has anyone used water aerobics during their journey? I have been going to classes twice a week, alternating with cardio at the gym (elliptical or treadmill). Did you find water aerobics effective in terms of strength/resistance training?


  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I did/do, hence my username. I've progressed to other classes now too but aqua was a great way to build my stamina and get fit in a safer way to start.
  • RivendellMuskoka
    RivendellMuskoka Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I have been doing aqua cycle 3 times a week and find it terrific for both an upper and lower body workout. It's a much more intense work out than any aqua fit classes I have attended. My chiropractor says my core and hips are much stronger as a result. I've been doing this for weight loss and fitness, but I'm also expecting it will really help this spring when I take up cycling again (which I've been away from for decades)!!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    edited March 2016
    I've subbed for instructors in water aerobics classes and honestly, it's the most unattentive class I've ever taught. There seems to be more personal yakking in water aerobics classes (as a whole) than any other aerobics classes I've seen.
    Strength training includes progressive resistance and I've not experienced that with water aerobics classes.
    Personally, I believe there are better options for the same kind of effort. Of course unless people who take the class need to because of joint injuries or obesity.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    I've subbed for instructors in water aerobics classes and honestly, it's the most unattentive class I've ever taught. There seems to be more personal yakking in water aerobics classes (as a whole) than any other aerobics classes I've seen.
    Strength training includes progressive resistance and I've not experienced that with water aerobics classes.
    Personally, I believe there are better options for the same kind of effort. Of course unless people who take the class need to because of joint injuries or obesity.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Uh, yeah, at the time I started it I was around 250 with knee and foot issues. And as I got more fit I moved on to other things. Not because it wasn't good, but really because I moved and didn't have access to that gym anymore. I did try classes two other places- one was even the same chain - but they were not as good.

    The classes that I liked had energetic instructors that were often in the pool and they used aquabells and pool noodles...cardio, but also strength movements like mermaids and superman. One of the regular drills was to get the entire class moving quickly around the pool one way then have everyone turn and change direction so you were working against the current that was created. Then when it switched the other way you turned and went against it again...so pushing your entire body against the resistance of the moving water. One big thing that was regularly emphasized was to engage your core as you worked.

    Long way to say "yes". :)
  • whatshequilts
    whatshequilts Posts: 8 Member
    I have been doing aqua for a couple of months and love it. I take a class weekly and then spend about 3 or 4 alternate days in the pool as well.

    For me it has been a life saver. I also do gym workout 3 or 4 times a week. Sometimes I overdo those gym workouts and my joints are not happy so I can still get my workout in by going in the pool and having a pain free experience (I have Rheumatoid arthritis, and also 4 ankle surgeries in the last 18 mos from a fall) so it's easy for me to overdo in the gym.

    In the pool, I do a lot of water jogging, and for strength training along with using the water Dumbbells and noodle I have also added weights on my wrists and ankles. I look up a lot of videos on YouTube to give me variety

    The class I go to there is only 3 of us in there and there isn't a lot of chit chat so that helps.
  • weightlossmayhem
    weightlossmayhem Posts: 18 Member
    I love water aerobics but it all depends on your instructors. I have water bootcamp twice a week and it kicks my butt. My instructor doesn't let us slack or start chatting because if we are talking we arent working hard enough and have to di sprints. My other classes are good too but i like the intensity. I have lost weight and gotten stronger. But you get what you put into it.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I did aqua fit as my introduction to a healthier life. I had never exercised before.

    I found it challenging and it most certainly improved me- cardio and strength. You can benefit for as long as you can add intensity, faster runs, higher jumps, etc.
    It improved my flexibility, balance, and posture too.

    Unlike @ninerbuff's experience, every instructor I have had has had a no socializing policy. If you get too chattery you are asked to move to the side of the pool so they don't distract.
    Those who attend the classes just to socialize are soon weeded out.

    Cheers, h.