Hi any Aussies here?

knuddo Posts: 3
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I'm from Canberra & trying to lose weight for my daughters up and coming wedding... have followed the calorie goal Religiously however am still not losing any weight :o(
Any tips you can give would be grand
Cheers ... Cath


  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Hello from Melbourne!

    My tips -

    Drink your water

    Exercise a couple of times a week for 30 mins

    Eat your exercise calories

    if you want chocolate, eat it. Just make sure it's within your calorie 'budget'.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Oh yeah...

    And look at your macros... I was going way over in carbs and fat so have now reigned them in utiliising more protein.

    Strength training is also important for long term weight loss - your muscles will be strengthened rather than be broken down with excess cardio.
  • knuddo
    knuddo Posts: 3
    Thanks ... will do... I need all the support I can get...
    You're doing very well
    I havent lost anything & I exercise everyday (cardio for an hour) at the gym
    Was thinking of going to Jenny Craig and doing this as well
  • Chrasschick
    Chrasschick Posts: 7 Member
    Hey this is Cassie from the NT!!

    Not too many Aussie friends yet, starting the 30 day shred on Monday, if any Aussies want to join me, I would love that!! the time difference between me and my MFP friends means I will start it about 10-12 hours earlier than tem :(
    Anyways, it starts Monday and will last the 30 days! I am excited as they say they Garauntee results and a dress size in a month!! Hard and intence but very awesome by the end of it!!

    Please join me if you can!! We just encourage each other to do it every single day.

    Cass xo
  • joanneeee
    joanneeee Posts: 311 Member
    sydney here! it might help people give you suggestions if you open up your food diary :smile:
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Welcome to mfp! There are a few Aussies on here :) Tips...Make sure you eat lots of protein, drink at least 2 litres of water every day, and be consistent... don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Strength training will help, and some cardio...Planning and logging in advance helps a lot.
    I went to uni in Canberra!! Can't believe how much it has change (I left 8 years ago)
  • knuddo
    knuddo Posts: 3
    thanks ... sorry, I'm a newbe... how do I do that?
    Open my Food diary?
  • trish028
    trish028 Posts: 4 Member
    Im from Melb, I am a newbie only started yesterday and looking for some motorvation
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I'm in Adelaide, welcome and feel free to add me!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hi Cath, welcome aboard, there are lots of us Aussies here (I'm in WA). And welcome to Trish too!

    You can open your diary by going to Settings/Diary settings and make it public.

    A few thoughts for you:
    - sometime it takes a bit of time for your body to catch up with the hard work you are doing. Keep doing what you're doing and see how you go in a few weeks time.
    - are you eating enough? I know we are all conditioned to think we have to starve to lose weight, but I've been pleasantly surprised to learn that I can eat plenty (of healthy food) and lose weight steadily. I eat around 1400 - 1600 NET calories a day (that means eating my daily allowance of 1450 plus most of the calories I burn through exercise, might be up to 2000 all up)
    - if you are exercising lots, you need to add this into your diary and eat at least some of these calories. Otherwise your body may not be getting enough good fuel to keep it going.

    Good luck and don't be discouraged if it takes a while to get there, none of us put weight on overnight and unfortunately it isn't going to disappear in the a few weeks.
  • sjh71
    sjh71 Posts: 2
    Hi There

    I have been dieting for 7 wks now and lost 6.2kg.

    Over the last 2 wks i have only lost 400g and i think this is down to having little or no water, so yes do drink your water.
    I have also done little exercise these wks also, i did not do alot anyway but i tried to walk 3-4 times a wk for 30 mins.

    I have always kept a food diary but only just found "MyFitnessPal" i think by making sure you write down everything you eat keeps you aware of what is going into your mouth and begin to make choices.
  • lynnmarsh52
    lynnmarsh52 Posts: 116 Member
    I'm not technically an Aussie - I'm a 'Pom', but I live in Perth - so do I still count???!!

    I always struggled losing weight until I joined MFP over a year ago. I was a size 16/XL at the start, I'm now a size 10/S and still going! Although I don't particularly want to lose anymore weight, just want to tone up. So, I'm currently at the end of week 3 of Insanity and getting fitter and more toned every day! I love it.

    Everyone can feel free to add me - I understand about the time differences! Most of my 'friends' are either US/Canada or UK!

    Hope everyone is having a good day!

  • Kittykatch
    Kittykatch Posts: 4 Member
    Hey Knuddo - Thanks for getting me on to this last weekend. I reckon it is really going to help. It's great to see so many aussies online - it is great for support when we talk more the same language. Happy to add people as friends too - more useful then facebook heh?
  • jaca
    jaca Posts: 25
    Yep another aussie here to. Feel free to add me. if you want.
  • nicmacc
    nicmacc Posts: 35 Member
    Drink heaps of water and plan, plan, plan! If I plan ahead I try and stick to it then. I am from Canberra and that is hard to down litres of cold water during this freezing weather but I drink it luke warm that helps me.
  • nicmacc
    nicmacc Posts: 35 Member
    Love your comments on your profile about fatty boom bah! Good luck from a fellow canberran!!
  • Cornock
    Cornock Posts: 254
    Bump for later. I'm a Canberran too!

    Welcome, you'll find plenty of support and advice here. :happy:
  • rat70
    rat70 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm in Canberra too! Friend me - I'm new here! :happy:
  • Monty8
    Monty8 Posts: 2
    Im from sydney...my advice for quick weight loss is to stick to small & early dinners, may wanna try soups for a few nights in a week...chicken vegetable will give you both protein & veg and keeps you full for longer. Try to be under the goal set by mfp & ofcourse excercise. I'll say about an hour each day...mix of cardio & strength. I managed to lose about 18 kgs in 3 months and Im just a couple of kgs away from my goal...hope it helps
  • em0307
    em0307 Posts: 33 Member
    Hello fellow Aussies!

    Living in Temora NSW and always looking for new friends to motivate and support - feel free to add me!!!
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