Anyone Breastfeeding/Pumping?

I am pumping still for my four month old and cannot lose an ounce. I am so frustrated and am hoping logging every thing will help me see what I can do. I wanted to see if anyone else logged their pumping sessions and how they went about it. I've heard 20 calories an ounce, I almost don't want to log it but I feel like I should-anyone else?


  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited March 2016
    These days i try to stay out of the forums but this question caught my eye. I know many lose weight like no bodys business thanks to breastfeeding but in my case learning from the first baby and the current one i cant eat however i want and still lose weight. Its definitly a juggling act.... Dont log breastfeeding! I tried logging breastfeeding (i had to pump after she got her first tooth) along with calories with the first one and just managed to throw myself off and either over or under eat most days and didnt lose any weight and production suffered.

    Vs. the second baby i dont log breast feeding, i personally worked to find my sweet spot around 1600-1800 calories. Ive managed to lose around 14 lbs since August (so little because i have too many "cheat days") Find your tdee, subtract the number of calories you would if you werent bf'ing, to lose weight and then add back 100-200 calories. The key is to pay attention to your production. If your producing too little keep adding back calories until your producing what you need to for baby. Pumping already doesnt work as well so let baby nurse when you can to help production.

    Let the calories your body uses for breastfeeding be a mystery number its less stressful.
    Theres also teas you can get from the whole foods section at many grocery store to boost production also STAY HYDRATED!!

    I realize your goal may not be losing weight just focused on making milk lol find your calorie sweet spot, drink as much water as you can stomach, look up those teas, let baby nurse if at all possible when possible.

    There may be better advice out there but i hope this helps
  • MillyMooMummy1994
    MillyMooMummy1994 Posts: 42 Member
    I was trying to figure this out too, i am pumping around 30oz a day. I am eating around 1,700 calories this week as a trial to see how it goes xx
  • ElleMuffin
    ElleMuffin Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I exclusively pump and have struggled with this too. Initially I set my cals to lose 1 lb a week but found that my milk basically disapeared! I didnt take into account how active my lifestyle is as a SAHM to 4 children and wasn't eating back all of my exercise calories either (I wear a fitbit. After working on boosting my milk supply I decided tontry again ans set my cals to "maintenance". This time, I have been losing weight but maintaining my supply. I also eat back all/most of my exercise calories and let my pumping calories be my daily deficit. I think not eating back the exercise calories was the kicker!

    Good Luck!
  • maddieroddie20
    maddieroddie20 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!
  • maddieroddie20
    maddieroddie20 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm right at 30oz a day as well, can't do breastfeeding since baby won't latch. I'm going to try the losing weight mode for a few weeks but if my supply takes a hit I guess go up to maintenance mode.

    I fear in one of those women who will not lose weight while pumping and may have to just ride it out until I wean. I'm just so frustrated as I lost 40lbs before getting pregnant and now have 20 I cannot get rid of.
  • CelesseBoo
    CelesseBoo Posts: 20 Member
    Apparently its 20 calories burnt per ounce of breast milk.

    I have no idea how much my 21 month old takes, but I don't count the calories. I tend to loose in the first 6 months then start gaining again as solids are introduced and nursing gets less. I've found it a lot easier to loose since cycles returned around 18 months.
  • mommabenefield
    mommabenefield Posts: 1,329 Member
    I'm right at 30oz a day as well, can't do breastfeeding since baby won't latch. I'm going to try the losing weight mode for a few weeks but if my supply takes a hit I guess go up to maintenance mode.

    I fear in one of those women who will not lose weight while pumping and may have to just ride it out until I wean. I'm just so frustrated as I lost 40lbs before getting pregnant and now have 20 I cannot get rid of.

    Just remember the more calories you cut the harder it will be to produce, and your weight may stay the same. Dont be afraid to increase calories little by little