PICS - Another I'm not losing what I think I should post, am I putting on muscle? Critique me please

LER67 Posts: 31 Member
edited March 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Yes, another I'm not losing weight thread and yes, I've seen the flow chart.

Background. late 40's, started my journey Jan 2016 weighing 271 (5'10") with a goal of being at 200 by June 1, 2016. Lost 21 lbs on my own in about 5 weeks. I then started a shred program from an on-line trainer and in 4 weeks I've lost 7.4 lbs. In the last two weeks I've lost 1.8 lbs.

What's troubling me is I've never worked harder than these past two weeks. Didn't take a single day off exercising last week (I think I took one day off the prior week). My workout routine ranges from cardio to strength training, to lunges, planks, exercise ball, to walking 4 miles on my off days.

My calorie intake averaged 1,333 per day last week, my diary is open please critique. My macros are pretty close to where they need to be for my dietary requirements, I have a kidney disease and can't exceed 100g of protein a day and really should keep it in the 80-90 range but that's very difficult. I weigh pretty much everything I eat. The only things I don't weigh is brown rice, spinach, banana in my smoothie for instance. Reason I'm comfortable using a measurement on these items is I'm always under my daily calories so say in a banana's case. Being off 50g (which would be on the extreme side because I'm usually putting a banana in workout smoothie that I split with my wife) isn't going to push me over my daily calories, nor will an extra few grams of spinach. Everything else (even raisins) I weigh. Also, I do not eat back any of my workout calories.

So just looking at it from a CICO perspective, I should be losing more weight than I am, right? I am hitting the weights pretty hard though; I shoot for a goal of barely being able to do the last rep in my last set. Could my muscle gain be out pacing fat loss if that's even a real thing, no expert here obviously.

So here are some pics (the pictures labeled day 29 were taken today) and thanks in advance for any feedback, I greatly appreciate it:




  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    so even when you are "not" losing, you are losing almost a pound a week? I think you just got too use to the high loss right at the first, a pound a week is not too shabby at all. It is doubtful that you are gaining muscle eating that few calories (and everyone is going to tell you you need to eat more). It is highly possible with the higher intensity of your workouts that you are holding onto water as your muscles recover. But the progress is fantastic so don't give it up!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    No, the likelihood of you putting on muscle eating as little as you are is minimal. Putting on muscle, even for men, is difficult, and in your specific instance, late 40's male, even harder. If you were 18 it would be a little different. As a late 40's male who is around 230 right now, I can identify with your situation. I eat a whole lot more than you 2100 a day which is my maintenance calories for 175 pounds, and I still lose at about a pound to a pound and a half a week. Some weeks less, some weeks more. You look to be losing fine, but I would suggest you consider eating more since it seems you are on point with weighing food, so assuming the database entries you are using are correct, the minimum for a male is 1500 calories to have a good chance of getting the required nutrients. As stated, you may be retaining a lot of water to help your muscles recover. Also, as hardcore as exercising intensely every day may seem, progress happens on rest days. That is when muscles have a chance to repair the damage they have sustained from the exercise. Not taking rest days unnecessarily stresses your muscles, hinders repair, and can if continued lead to injury.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    I see inches gone. When I started lifting my scale didn't budge until on week, it did. In 7 weeks I've only lost 7.6lb (3.1 was in 1 week alone) but I've lost 9 total inches. More inches than pounds.
    Get a tape measure and keep going. I see a size change even if it's not a weight change.
  • Onamissionforfit
    Onamissionforfit Posts: 90 Member
    It has taken me a year and three months to loose half my body fat and the scale still reads the same. Scales are deceiving and not accurate. I built muscle. You may have too. I see the difference in the pictures and yes there is a difference. Loosing body fat takes a long time. You are doing fantastic now keep going you will get there. Champions are made overnight and it fat lose was easy everyone would do it. Nobody said it would be easy we just need possible. You are doing it and looking great.
  • Onamissionforfit
    Onamissionforfit Posts: 90 Member
    I ment Champions aren't made over night. Ahh this dang phone.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2016
    Are you taking medication for kidney disease?

    Also I don't see that you are weighing all of your food. I see logging problems with a majority of the food on your diary. I know what you said about the the banana and not sure why you would not weigh that even if you put half the weight of it on the diary. The peanut butter, peanut butter powder, oats, rice, re fried beans, dressing, avocado (is always 45 grams?) cumcumber, these are not weighed.

    For the banana (the smoothie) you split with your wife, put it in the recipe builder and choose 2 servings and put one on your diary.

    That was the critique on the diary.

    With that said, you are going to have weeks where you have little to no loss. And with not weighing food 100%, may not be the culprit, but since you are logging X calories and thinking the math should add up, I see it does not.

    And relying on heavy heavy amount of exercise to loose your weight is something you should reconsider. NO rest days. No calories to refuel your body is a recipe for disaster after a while.

    But you have not stalled out yet and loosing a big chunk in the beginning is normal and do not forget your body will hold on to a lot of water when putting it through the stress you are with no rest. Believe it or not, you have to eat something to loose weight and eat something to fuel those workouts.

  • Onamissionforfit
    Onamissionforfit Posts: 90 Member
    You should take rest days and fuel your body. The body needs fuel to keep going. Another thing don't over think it and stress it.
  • LER67
    LER67 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for the feedback so far and please keep it coming.

    Yes, I've had a couple people mention my calorie intake to me, may have to consider adjusting it, actually due to work obligations it will go up over the next few weeks naturally. Which is I suppose one reason I've been working so hard on weight loss these past few weeks; I'll be leaving the comforts of my home office, my scale, my gym etc. and traveling for business and I wanted to maximize these past couple of weeks to get ahead of the next weeks that will be challenging.

    Also, I'm working a lot harder now than I was in the early stages of my weight loss (mostly just walking). I understand if I was down to losing my last 10 lbs that losing it would be difficult, but really for my body type, I probably have another 60 to go to get to ideal. 200 was just my phase I goal.

    Thanks again.
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    edited March 2016
    You can't rush these things, and weight loss doesn't drop in a straight line. Sometimes you lose more, sometimes you lose less. Many people lose a bunch in the beginning, and then it slows down dramatically.

    You're comparing 4 weeks of data. I have 70 weeks of data, myself, and I can tell you anywhere between 0.5 to 1.5 lbs per week is great, and considered by most to be a healthy rate of weight loss. It looks like you're doing just that. Some weeks you may even gain weight, and then lose a bunch the next. I was able to lose my 60 lbs (which was 30 lbs past my goal weight, and my "I never-in-a-million-years-ever-thought-I-could-be-this-weight" dream weight) and have been maintaining for the past 9 months, by eating and exercising exactly the same way I did while I was losing, only now I get to eat more.

    I think the important thing is to not over do your diet and exercise, and try to live in a way that you can do it indefinitely, so it won't feel like work and you end up quitting. So if you don't enjoy exercising, don't exercise so much. If you love ice cream, make sure you figure out how to incorporate that into your calories, etc.

    Good luck
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    LER67 wrote: »
    Thanks for the feedback so far and please keep it coming.

    Yes, I've had a couple people mention my calorie intake to me, may have to consider adjusting it, actually due to work obligations it will go up over the next few weeks naturally. Which is I suppose one reason I've been working so hard on weight loss these past few weeks; I'll be leaving the comforts of my home office, my scale, my gym etc. and traveling for business and I wanted to maximize these past couple of weeks to get ahead of the next weeks that will be challenging.

    Also, I'm working a lot harder now than I was in the early stages of my weight loss (mostly just walking). I understand if I was down to losing my last 10 lbs that losing it would be difficult, but really for my body type, I probably have another 60 to go to get to ideal. 200 was just my phase I goal.

    Thanks again.

    You did not gain it in a few months, so take it easy on yourself. And traveling? I get that. I used to travel and now work out of my home, but you cannot get ahead of weight loss. It will come by being diligent to your DEFCIT, keep the food diary as accurate as you can and most of all be patient and take a deep breath.

    You got this, I can tell how important it is to you that you want to succeed. It will come.

    Come back with your success story... :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    edited March 2016
    If you started working harder or new program lately, your muscle are probably retaining water to protect them from the damage caused by exercise and aid in recovery.

    That said even 1.8 lb over two weeks isn't bad and weight loss is not linear, mostly due to water retention and undigested food in our system.

    It is possible you are seeing some newbie gains, but that would not be more than a lb or two at best, in that time frame. Is is difficult to build muscle, especially in a caloric deficit.
  • Velekai
    Velekai Posts: 8 Member
    Just remember about 1-2 pounds a week is about where you want to be as far as loss except for the first few weeks. After that losing too fast is bad for you heart! You have done amazing so far just stick to your guns. Don't forget to rest those muscles or you could end up in PT recovering instead of making strides.
  • LER67
    LER67 Posts: 31 Member
    edited March 2016
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Are you taking medication for kidney disease?

    Also I don't see that you are weighing all of your food. I see logging problems with a majority of the food on your diary. I know what you said about the the banana and not sure why you would not weigh that even if you put half the weight of it on the diary. The peanut butter, peanut butter powder, oats, rice, re fried beans, dressing, avocado (is always 45 grams?) cumcumber, these are not weighed.

    For the banana (the smoothie) you split with your wife, put it in the recipe builder and choose 2 servings and put one on your diary.

    That was the critique on the diary.

    With that said, you are going to have weeks where you have little to no loss. And with not weighing food 100%, may not be the culprit, but since you are logging X calories and thinking the math should add up, I see it does not.

    And relying on heavy heavy amount of exercise to loose your weight is something you should reconsider. NO rest days. No calories to refuel your body is a recipe for disaster after a while.

    But you have not stalled out yet and loosing a big chunk in the beginning is normal and do not forget your body will hold on to a lot of water when putting it through the stress you are with no rest. Believe it or not, you have to eat something to loose weight and eat something to fuel those workouts.
    No meds for kidney disease (polycystic). Only meds I take are for high PB and Dr. dropped that down to 1/2 a dose two weeks ago due to it dropping from my lifestyle changes. The does I'm taking is very low now 12.5 mg!

    Thanks for looking at my diary, the following is an extended explanation not defense. Just didn't want it to come off as defensive that's all. On say the oats, the MFP entry that I've found lists 1/2 cup as the serving size , however, on the product label it lists serving size 1/2 cup (40 grams) so when I prepare I actually weigh out 40 grams, I don't measure out 1/2 a cup. Which BTW I think 1/2 cup of oats is actually about 48 grams. Same with the salad dressing, MFP doesn't offer a gram option, however bottle says 2 tablespoons (32g) so I weigh 16g out and enter .5 serving because MFP doesn't offer a gram measurement. On say avocado, if the serving size is say less than the last time I used it by just a couple of grams I don't bother adjusting, IF the serving size is more than the last time used that entry I'll adjust up. On the cucumber, I say was pure laziness, I saw that the cucumber serving had so few calories (I think 8) that I didn't bother weighing as at the most if the weight say doubled the calorie count it would only increase it by eight calories. Again just an explanation on the items I remember off the top of my head, I'm sure there are similar explanations for the others that the next time I'm logging it I'll remember. Point is, I'm confident my calories are within say a +/- 50 calorie accuracy, and when on average I'm below my MFP suggestion for daily by 257 calories I'm' feeling pretty comfortable with my log. That said, if I was within 50 of my goal every day, I think I'd weigh that cucumber serving :)

    I hear you on the rest, refuel and increasing my intake, need to reconsider here. Needle is going the right direction too. Thanks for your input!
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Good job so far. Rest days are more important in the case of not working the same muscles day after day with the same activities and high intensity. You seem to have a good mix. I wouldn't worry about it unless you just feel tired like you need a rest.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited March 2016
    LER67 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Are you taking medication for kidney disease?

    Also I don't see that you are weighing all of your food. I see logging problems with a majority of the food on your diary. I know what you said about the the banana and not sure why you would not weigh that even if you put half the weight of it on the diary. The peanut butter, peanut butter powder, oats, rice, re fried beans, dressing, avocado (is always 45 grams?) cumcumber, these are not weighed.

    For the banana (the smoothie) you split with your wife, put it in the recipe builder and choose 2 servings and put one on your diary.

    That was the critique on the diary.

    With that said, you are going to have weeks where you have little to no loss. And with not weighing food 100%, may not be the culprit, but since you are logging X calories and thinking the math should add up, I see it does not.

    And relying on heavy heavy amount of exercise to loose your weight is something you should reconsider. NO rest days. No calories to refuel your body is a recipe for disaster after a while.

    But you have not stalled out yet and loosing a big chunk in the beginning is normal and do not forget your body will hold on to a lot of water when putting it through the stress you are with no rest. Believe it or not, you have to eat something to loose weight and eat something to fuel those workouts.
    No meds for kidney disease (polycystic). Only meds I take are for high PB and Dr. dropped that down to 1/2 a dose two weeks ago due to it dropping from my lifestyle changes. The does I'm taking is very low now 12.5 mg!

    Thanks for looking at my diary, the following is an extended explanation not defense. Just didn't want it to come off as defensive that's all. On say the oats, the MFP entry that I've found lists 1/2 cup as the serving size , however, on the product label it lists serving size 1/2 cup (40 grams) so when I prepare I actually weigh out 40 grams, I don't measure out 1/2 a cup. Which BTW I think 1/2 cup of oats is actually about 48 grams. Same with the salad dressing, MFP doesn't offer a gram option, however bottle says 2 tablespoons (32g) so I weigh 16g out and enter .5 serving because MFP doesn't offer a gram measurement. On say avocado, if the serving size is say less than the last time I used it by just a couple of grams I don't bother adjusting, IF the serving size is more than the last time used that entry I'll adjust up. On the cucumber, I saw was pure laziness, I saw that the cucumber had so few calories (I think 8) I didn't bother weighing as at the most the the weight doubled the calorie count it would only increase it by eight calories. Again just an explanation on the items I remember off the top of my head, I'm sure there are similar explanations for the others that the next time I'm logging it I'll remember. Point is, I'm confident my calories are within say a +/- 50 calorie accuracy, and when on average I'm below my MFP suggestion for daily by 257 calories I'm' feeling pretty comfortable with my log. That said, if I was within 50 of my goal every day, I think I'd weigh that cucumber serving :)

    I hear you on the rest, refuel and increasing my intake, need to reconsider here. Needle is going the right direction too. Thanks for your input!

    Not everyone will weigh their food the same way, I do see that in your reply and I am def different on the rice, dressing... i am a huge tare button user on my scale.. 50 calories a day +/- I would say that you may be doing better than me on the weighing...

    Again, best of luck with your journey!
  • Eddie__Jones
    Eddie__Jones Posts: 197 Member
    Focus on process goals, not outcome goals.

    Weight loss is not linear. You cannot predict it. You should be pleased with your fantastic progress so far. You were never going to keep that initial pace up.

    Your initial goal of 70 pounds in six months was not realistic. At 2 lbs per week you'd still only be at 50 lbs. lost. problem is closer you get to a healthy weight the slower fat/weight loss becomes.

    Strength training causes water to be stored in muscle for repair.

    You will lose inches, but weigh the same. Your clothes will fit different. Those are better indicators of progress than a number on the scale.

  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Keep at it. You really need to go 10-12 weeks and assess. If you are working harder than ever before I would imagine there's some water being stored on the cellular level for repair. Do your program wholeheartedly. The results will take care of themselves.
  • LER67
    LER67 Posts: 31 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Not everyone will weigh their food the same way, I do see that in your reply and I am def different on the rice, dressing... i am a huge tare button user on my scale.. 50 calories a day +/- I would say that you may be doing better than me on the weighing...

    Again, best of luck with your journey!
    Maybe I'm doing it wrong, please let me know as it would really suck if I've been doing this wrong and consuming more than I think I am. Lets take my salad dressing example (the label is below) I put a ramekin on my scale, hit the tare button setting scale to 0g and pour in 16g of dressing which according to the label (see below) is a 1/2 serving. Then when I log this entry into MFP I select the serving size that is available that closest matches my measurement. In this case MFP options are tablespoons, container, ml or oz. Since the label says 1 serving is 2 tablespoons (32g) I select the tablespoon option in MFP and enter my serving size as .5 since 16g is .5 of 32. Am i doing this right? I use the same strategy on other entries where MFP does not offer weight/grams as a serving size. If MFP offers a gram option I always use that option.


  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    What @eazy__ said. This is a long game. Enjoy the strategy all along the way.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    LER67 wrote: »
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    Not everyone will weigh their food the same way, I do see that in your reply and I am def different on the rice, dressing... i am a huge tare button user on my scale.. 50 calories a day +/- I would say that you may be doing better than me on the weighing...

    Again, best of luck with your journey!
    Maybe I'm doing it wrong, please let me know as it would really suck if I've been doing this wrong and consuming more than I think I am. Lets take my salad dressing example (the label is below) I put a ramekin on my scale, hit the tare button setting scale to 0g and pour in 16g of dressing which according to the label (see below) is a 1/2 serving. Then when I log this entry into MFP I select the serving size that is available that closest matches my measurement. In this case MFP options are tablespoons, container, ml or oz. Since the label says 1 serving is 2 tablespoons (32g) I select the tablespoon option in MFP and enter my serving size as .5 since 16g is .5 of 32. Am i doing this right? I use the same strategy on other entries where MFP does not offer weight/grams as a serving size. If MFP offers a gram option I always use that option.


    Yep, that's right. You could also just put your salad bowl on the scale and zero it before adding the salad dressing.