Which is the most horror movie you ever saw?



  • Dekayla13
    Dekayla13 Posts: 64 Member
    I loved Babadook! Creepy! If you have Netflix contracted was pretty good.
  • Raechel120
    Raechel120 Posts: 659 Member
  • Peter_Brady
    Peter_Brady Posts: 3,750 Member
    dcresider wrote: »
    The Night of the Living Dead - 60s version. Zombies are more scarier in black and white. LOL!

  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    The Exorcist (still sends a chill up and down my spine)
    The Ring/Ringu (I saw the American film first, so I suppose I found it scarier due to the element of surprise)
    The Shining (those two little girls always give me the creeps and I think of them every time I walk down a long hotel corridor)
  • SpiffmeisterLee
    SpiffmeisterLee Posts: 8 Member
    Babadook, the audition (1999), it follows, cabin fever(the original not the new remake), high tension, the martyrs (original not new remake).

    For new ones avoid the forest, the visit, and the remakes of cabin fever and the martyrs.

    I love, love horror movies the cheesier the better but there really aren't many good ones lately

    Freaking It Follows scared the crap out of me! Lol!
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Just saw "The Other Side Of The Door"
    Had some good jump outta your seat parts! :smiley:
  • Iggy585
    Iggy585 Posts: 104 Member
    Trying to think of ones I didn't see mentioned.

    I nominate 1408. Total mind *kitten* and very well done.

    I remember liking White Noise as well. Another creepy one.

    I prefer the psychological horror movies not slashers.
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    lisa9805 wrote: »
    poltergeist (new one)
    the chosen
    knock knock
    hold your breath
    evil dead (new one)
    finders keepers
    rob zombie ones

    if u like sick and twisted any of the human centipede ones lol

    the new evil dead was very good. def recommend
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    Babadook is just annoying, well the kid in it is and the mum is it is just too flakey.

    Child play films started out well but like any horror film series, they just went down the funny angle. Apparently there was a remake recently, no idea what it's like though.

    I haven't seen the original but I couldn't get past 20 minutes of the remake. it was so boring
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    Iggy585 wrote: »
    Trying to think of ones I didn't see mentioned.

    I nominate 1408. Total mind *kitten* and very well done.

    I remember liking White Noise as well. Another creepy one.

    I prefer the psychological horror movies not slashers.

    1408 was really good.

    Another psychological one is Funny Games... I don't think I've seen that one mentioned yet.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    I <3 this forum! I love horror movies, but have a hard time finding ones that scare me. I enjoyed the Shining, Blair Witch(don't judge), It, Misery, Psycho(the original), A Nightmare on Elm Street(the original), A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and 3, Carrie(the original-can't bring myself to watch the remake). The Ring, Silence of the Lamb, 28 Days Later, Trick or Treat, the first Children of the Corn. One of the worst was Human Centipede. I am ashamed that I wasted my time on that one. For one of the cheesiest, The Dorm That Dripped Blood, The Leprechaun, and My Bloody Valentine. I also didn't get scared by Rosemary's Baby.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    The Exorcist
  • Zeus727
    Zeus727 Posts: 78 Member
  • Zeus727
    Zeus727 Posts: 78 Member
    I loved Babadook! Creepy! If you have Netflix contracted was pretty good.

    Gotta see babaaaaaaa
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    coolets28 wrote: »
    for me its "I SAW THE DEVIL" korean

    Awesome film, really gory in places.

  • PalePocahontas
    PalePocahontas Posts: 1,130 Member
    I hated sinister
  • deaddolly
    deaddolly Posts: 107 Member
    edited March 2016
    omg....so many to choose from! I'm a horror movie addict. I was raised on the old Vincent Price/Hammer films; my mom loved them.
    Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original), Motel Hell, All the Hostel films, The Saw films, Teeth, any Rob Zombie movie (except for Lords of Salem), the Halloween series, As Above So Below....so many more
    Not much scares me anymore. I never thought the Exorcist was scary. Hate Friday the 13th movies. Some movies are just funny, like The Human Centipede. #1 was pretty good, #2 was my favorite and #3 was stupid.

    Those should be a good start! Happy horror!

    I don't know why so many are scared of gore, like in Zombie's films. For me it's the gore, violence and sex that I like. But, I also like to be so scared that I turn all the lights in the house on. Hasn't happened in decades.
    Agree with others; see the originals first.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Audition, Ichi the Killer, Let the Right One In, The Wicker Man (1972), The Devil's Backbone, Pans's Labyrinth, Ringu, Re-Animator, Evil Dead, Cabin in the Woods, Don't Look Now, Susperia, Alien, It Follows, Night of the Hunter, The Exorcist, Near Dark, Hellraiser, Inside, Martyrs ( couldn't even watch the whole thing ), Under the Skin, Jacob's Ladder, Session 9, REC, Antichrist, The Descent, Tale of Two Sisters, Ju-on, Poltergeist, Phantasm, about anything with Vincent Price or Christopher Lee

    I'm reading about Audition and see:


    Audition has been described as a major influence of "torture porn",[32][33] a term invented by David Edelstein to describe films such as Saw, The Devil's Rejects and Wolf Creek to describe films that offer "titillating and shocking" scenes that push the audience to the margins of depravity for them to "feel something".[34] Audition influenced American directors such as Eli Roth.[35] Roth stated that Audition influenced him to make his film Hostel, with Miike even making a cameo as a satisfied customer of the kidnappers who let customers torture their victims.[32][35] Time opined that Audition was different from other torture porn films as "unlike Saw and its imitators in the genre of torture porn, Audition doesn't go for gore-ific money shots. Miike’s films live inside their characters, taking the temperature of their longings, the ridiculous ambitions they chase so obsessively and their need to experience the extreme to prove they’re alive."[36]
  • lisa9805
    lisa9805 Posts: 303 Member
    I can't find martyrs on Netflix. how can i see it?
    another recommendation would be *would u rather*. i think that's what it was called.
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    deaddolly wrote: »
    omg....so many to choose from! I'm a horror movie addict. I was raised on the old Vincent Price/Hammer films; my mom loved them.
    Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original), Motel Hell, All the Hostel films, The Saw films, Teeth, any Rob Zombie movie (except for Lords of Salem), the Halloween series, As Above So Below....so many more
    Not much scares me anymore. I never thought the Exorcist was scary. Hate Friday the 13th movies. Some movies are just funny, like The Human Centipede. #1 was pretty good, #2 was my favorite and #3 was stupid.

    Those should be a good start! Happy horror!

    I don't know why so many are scared of gore, like in Zombie's films. For me it's the gore, violence and sex that I like. But, I also like to be so scared that I turn all the lights in the house on. Hasn't happened in decades.
    Agree with others; see the originals first.

    Lords of Salem was weird AF... definitely do not recommend lol