Hello everyone!

CocoaDrea Posts: 11 Member
Adivce from people who have lost 40 or more pounds or that are on that weight loss journey as of now. Especially shorties,like myself lol. Add me. Would like some motivation!


  • marykay1999
    marykay1999 Posts: 10 Member
    I have lost 68 lbs. so far. I credit that loss to the types of food I eat and physical activity. I eat protein and carb together (but I limit my carbs b/c I find that I gain weight when I eat what MF pal has as my goal). I also increased my vegie intake drastically when I started in Jan. 2015. I limit my processed foods such as pre-packaged due to the high sodium content and when I do eat pre-packaged, I check the sodium in it. I limit my sodium to 1500mg-2000mg. max. Everyone is different though and over time you will find what works for you. Good luck on your journey; I am sure you will be as successful as I have been. Just do not get discouraged when you do not have losses or hit a plateau because our bodies are constantly adjusting throughout our changes. Find workout that you enjoy. I will make it more pleasurable and you will want to do it then rather than dread it! One last thing, take it one day at a time; it took more than a day to gain it so it will take more than a day to lose it!
  • marykay1999
    marykay1999 Posts: 10 Member
    You can add me if you want.
  • CocoaDrea
    CocoaDrea Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you so much! I've made a pretty good turn around in what I eat. Just trying to stick to it this time. I may have to try the carb /protein together. I definitely try to watch my sodium & sugar intake now. I think they may be the culprits. Like you said though, it's about what works for me. I'll learn more as I continue. And once again thanks for the advice & kind words. It's appreciated.