PCOS weight loss struggles

Fawkes7673 Posts: 1 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Amanda and im 24 years old 270 lbs suffering from PCOS. I was always a thin, active kid but once I hit puberty it hit me back with a vengence. Despite trying for more than a decade to keep my weight and PCOS symptoms under control I've only gained weight even though I prefer healthy foods as a rule. I used to love being active but now because of my weight and disease most kinds of exercises cause me so much pain. Screw that. I'm the master of my body and I WILL make it work for me instead of against me no matter what my hormones try to do! What I hope to get from this app and this community is some motivation to work through that pain and try to get healthy again. Any tips would be greatly appreciated especially from any others who suffer from hormone issues. Thanks and have a healthy day!


  • becka1219
    becka1219 Posts: 11 Member
    I have PCOS and an under-active thyroid. I also have problems with my lungs that require me to be on oxygen 24/7. I've been on MFP since Nov. 2015 and I have lost 35 pounds. It is possible!!!! I log everything I eat. I eat at a deficit and since March 1st. I've been walking every day. Feel free to friend me. It is possible to lose weight even with serious health challenges!
  • perilousbard
    perilousbard Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Amanda! I also have PCOS (only found out in December). I understand the frustration and admire your fighting spirit!

    Some things I've found helpful is pushing to be active every day, even if it's just walking during my lunch break. Eating a mostly vegetarian diet with whole grains. I take Inositol to help with insulin resistance issues. Working with a doctor to find the right birth control to help regulate my hormones helped immensely.

    You might like to join the PCOS community on here: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/3070-p-c-o-sis

    Also, feel free to add me!