How to maintain

Hi all I've lost over 3 and a half stone now and haven't got much more to lose before I need to maintain. It scares me as I'll be scared of putting weight back on. Have you got any tips or advice on your successful maintaining stories. How for you work out how many calories you need a day to stay as you are. I'm guessing it's all trial and error. Any tips and advice would be lovely. Thank you


  • feisty_bucket
    feisty_bucket Posts: 1,047 Member
    For me:
    1. have a metric (bodyfat %, visual size of gut, whatever)
    2. if I need to cut, add 3500 calories to my balance and then get rid of it over the next week or so (assuming "calorie banking" technique on MFP).
    3. reassess, repeat as needed
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    If you know your average rate of loss, just do the math to calculate roughly how much you'll need to maintain. And yes, there is trial and error...but really, the difference between losing and maintaining is a preverbal handful of basically an extra snack or two or a bit larger serving at dinner, etc.

    You also have to understand that maintaining isn't going to be exactly XXX Lbs...nobody weighs exactly XXX Lbs...body weight isn't static so maintenance is really a range, not a fixed number. For example, when I went to maintenance almost three years ago I averaged 180 Lbs...but it would fluctuate anywhere from 178 - 183 Lbs day to day...but when I tracked it on a trend line you could see that I was essentially maintaining weight.

    You should also be prepared for a bump on the scale going to maintenance. As you've been dieting, your glycogen stores are in basically a constant state of depletion (not completely, but they're not full either)...when you eat to maintenance, your glycogen stores will top off (this is a good thing)...glycogen is basically fluid which has mass, and thus weight. You also have to consider that you will be eating slightly more so you will have more inherent waste in your system which also shows on the scale.

    I basically do the same things now in maintenance going on three years as I did while losing...I eat a diet that is rich in whole food nutrition with the occasional treat here and there and I exercise regularly. I have slightly more latitude obviously, but for whatever reason people tend to think they can just go back to the way things used to be, and you can' doesn't work that way.
  • gember85
    gember85 Posts: 114 Member
    Good advice both thank you ☺ x
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Although I do have my numbers charted to near perfection to calculate my maintenance, it's just a function of enjoying playing with numbers. In reality when I go through phases of maintenance I don't really focus all that much on that number. The main thing I go by is my scale. I weigh in daily and enter my weight into an app that calculates your trend weight and evens out the natural fluctuations. I give myself an acceptable range of 1 kg (about 2 pounds) over and 1 kg under my desired weight, and if I see my weight steadily climbing towards the upper limit, I eat slightly less, if it's steadily going down, I eat slightly more. It's much less complicated than it sounds.

    Since it's a moving average of 20 days, you will almost never see a sudden jump in your trend due to a few bloated days and panic, but you will be able to notice the general direction your weight is moving.

    I'm currently losing weight, and you can see from my chart that the general direction is down and is predicted to continue going down (the dotted line). In your case, you will want it to be nearly horizontal.

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Maintaining is same mentality as losing, except you get to eat some more...don't be scared of it. Keep doing what you did when you were losing but enjoy the extra calories.
  • gember85
    gember85 Posts: 114 Member
    Thank you for the advice and yeah will be nice enjoying some extra calories ☺ x
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    Look up reverse dieting. In a nutshell, it's slowly adding calories back week after week until you stop losing weight.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited March 2016
    Lost three and a half stone - so you have under-eaten by approximately 171,500 calories to achieve that.
    (Well done by the way!)

    Are you scared that you will accidentally over-eat that many calories without.....
    A/ Noticing
    B/ Intervening

    It's exactly the same maths game whether maintaining, losing or gaining - just the goals differ.
    Just set a goal range or upper intervention weight and enjoy your success.

    Really there is no substitute for trail and error and then making adjustments based on actual long term trends as opposed to short term fluctuations.
  • gember85
    gember85 Posts: 114 Member
    I suppose I'm scared of putting back on and tbh I've got use to what I eat now that I can't imagine being able to eat more calories now. I like the idea of increasing bit by bit till my weight don't move. Am I best to increase my meals or add more snacks to get more calories x
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    That's the best part about all this.... do whatever makes you happy. Just stay within your calorie goals. For me, I increased my snacks. :)
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    There is no "best" - bigger meals, more snacks, different choices (e.g. not diet or low cal options), whatever you enjoy and will be sustainable.