I know what im supposed to do....but cant seem to do it!

Hi all! I'm a mom of 4 who can feel the big 40 starring from around the corner. I have struggled with weight for many years now and i just cant seem to do what i need to do. I wake up every morning with the best of intentions and the knowledge to get me there. BUT for some reason i convince myself that a piece of cake is ok. I am looking for some fitness pal friends who want to check in on each other, to keep us motivated. Somewhere we can be honest about our mistakes and how to fix them! Bring on the accountability cause i really need it


  • Msanitag
    Msanitag Posts: 48 Member
    I hear ya! You gottake keep your eye on the prize. Remember how much you dislike starting over. Fall in love with your body again even if it's not exactly what u want it to be, but the more you love it now, the more you'll treat it with much more care. Before you make an unhealthy choice, ask yourself it's worth it. I work hard all week long and I fall off on the weekends, but recently I just keep reminding myself what's the point of all this hard work to mess it all up for a bad meal that won't get me closer to my fitness goals. Add me if you like :) good luck
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2016
    Maybe try to find out if what you need to do is what you believe it to be. Maybe losing weight isn't as hard as you think. Yes, you can have a piece of cake - but maybe not the whole cake... at least not in one go ;) I've had tons of good intentions, but they took me nowhere. I had to make eating well a part of my way of living.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    You don't have to take an all or nothing approach. I have no idea if you have many or fewer less helpful habits or not, some find it helps to take it one change at a time. Others take a week or two to understand what they have been doing to bring them to this point. You will need to learn what makes you tick without draining yourself too much to chase around after your family.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    For me it was exercise that got me there. When I realized how far I had to run just to burn off the calories from a Big Mac, Fries & a Sweet Tea (about 8 miles) I have never eaten a Big Mac or Mc Fries again. It gave me the mind set that I am working too hard to screw myself over. I know you probably don't have much time but you need to find it somewhere stroller run/walks etc. My only time is before the sun comes up. I crave it and it keeps me motivated. Best of luck.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    Wait! Stop!

    A piece of cake is OK! There is nothing wrong with a piece of cake.

    However, you'll need to make up for that later. You'll have to have a smaller portion at dinner. Or have a salad with a lot of veggies instead of a turkey cutlet or whatever.

  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    You have 4 kids, so you are really busy. Do you have a good menu plan that supports your goals? Do you have much junk in the house?
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    I'm assuming that the cake is with your friends. If it's with your family, then make it easier on yourself and get it out of the house. Pay more to only buy small bits that the family will chow down in one sitting so that there is nothing left for you. Then if you have a craving, you have to make the choice to drive to the store. And again, only get small portions.

    I literally bought 2 Swedish fish this week. I was craving them but 114cal a serving was more than I wanted to spend for 5 fish.
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    Riabee79 wrote: »
    Hi all! I'm a mom of 4 who can feel the big 40 starring from around the corner. I have struggled with weight for many years now and i just cant seem to do what i need to do. I wake up every morning with the best of intentions and the knowledge to get me there. BUT for some reason i convince myself that a piece of cake is ok. I am looking for some fitness pal friends who want to check in on each other, to keep us motivated. Somewhere we can be honest about our mistakes and how to fix them! Bring on the accountability cause i really need it

    If you want me to be that kind of person, and you can be honest when you log, i will be that kind of person...in the friendliest of ways :)

    i am not a mom, but i did lose 125 lbs, and i'm toning up for my wedding in august. Friend me, if you'd like!
  • JenHuedy
    JenHuedy Posts: 611 Member
    edited March 2016
    The only thing you NEED to do to lose weight is eat fewer calories than you burn. Forget about everything you "know" you're supposed to do and start by logging everything you eat. Then take a good look at where you are at now. Which foods are the calorie hogs? Can you cut back on them? Replace them with something else? Maybe replace a high calorie bread with a lower calorie wrap for one meal. Replace half those chips with some cucumber slices or carrots. Keep the things you truly love, just eat less of them. Weigh out a serving or even half serving of ice cream or cake if you love them. Eat in a way that works for YOU.
    Keep it simple and make gradual changes. Don't make it harder than it needs to be, and don't turn it into an all or nothing thing. And if you have a bad day and fall face-first into the cookie jar, don't beat yourself up. Just dust yourself off and keep going. Its what you do 99% of the time that determines your results. One screw up won't undo it all.
  • drednite31
    drednite31 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello there, I understand I am struggling myself. I am telling myself one day at a time
  • lisa0527
    lisa0527 Posts: 49 Member
    Lots of good ideas on this thread. I'll add the one that I found most helpful. Make sure you have at least 400 calories for breakfast, and be sure it's low glycemic index (low in simple sugars and carbs), and that it contains fat and protein. I've settled on oatmeal with walnuts, blueberries and 2% Greek yogurt, but there's lots of options. Willpower is a bit of a myth. If you're hungry, sooner or later you'll eat, and it's very difficult to control what you eat if you're hungry. Then you'll have the worst of all worlds...you'll be hungry most of the time AND you won't lose weight. So make sure you don't start the day hungry. Make sure you have a snack mid morning and mid afternoon. Avoid hunger!