Just Curious.....

So I have a friend who raves about HCG for weight loss. Has anyone else out there tried it? What are your opinions? I'm sort of considering it but I think I may just be feeling desperate to lose. I know it can't be good for your body.


  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    Will you lose weight - yes. How can you not eating just 500 calories a day. I have no idea if the shot actually does a dang thing - it's the 500 calorie a day diet that makes you lose!!! Will you keep it off - most likely not (some do, most don't).
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I do NOT endorse diet pills, fad diets, etc. I think they are completely unhealthy & not sustainable long term.
    If you want to lose weight, do the grunt work. Do something that you can maintain for life. Are you going to do the HCG diet for the rest of your life? No. Therefore, it will NOT work long-term. Short-term? Possible (albeit, not healthy). However, in a months time, you will gain that weight back, then some.

    There is no magic pill or fad diet to losing weight. It's calories in vs calories out. Portion control & exercise. The end.
  • Rhondast
    Rhondast Posts: 93
    I'm on the shot, and not hungry at all...It's proven to me, this round, that it's my choices I make. Which I well know.
  • Jenna1971
    Jenna1971 Posts: 28
    I had a friend do the diet - she lost a ton. But once she hit her goal weight she did not know how to maintain. All the weight is back. The weight didnt come on overnight, so we cant expect it to go away over night. I wish it would though! It has been a slow journey for me and I still have 40 pounds to go....
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Yes, starving yourself will make you lose weight, but the minute you start to eat like a normal person again you'll gain it all back and possibly more. That's the downfall to starvation I suppose. That, and major headaches, and no sense of accomplishment whatsoever because you took the easy way out.
  • tippett610
    tippett610 Posts: 67 Member
    I actually did the HCG drops and yes you do lose the weight and you don't feel hungry or tired. It does work! I did gain about 5lbs back once I was done with the drops, but I didn't do Phase 3 the way I was suppose too. You have to follow it exactly - to reset your metabolism.

    It wasn't to hard to do, and it did work. I would do it again.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Yes, starving yourself will make you lose weight, but the minute you start to eat like a normal person again you'll gain it all back and possibly more. That's the downfall to starvation I suppose. That, and major headaches, and no sense of accomplishment whatsoever because you took the easy way out.

    I love when people call it the easy way out,how is eating 500 calories a day easy? It seems alot harder than those of us that eat 1200 or more lol
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Yes, starving yourself will make you lose weight, but the minute you start to eat like a normal person again you'll gain it all back and possibly more. That's the downfall to starvation I suppose. That, and major headaches, and no sense of accomplishment whatsoever because you took the easy way out.

    I love when people call it the easy way out,how is eating 500 calories a day easy? It seems alot harder than those of us that eat 1200 or more lol

    I think what she means by "easy" is a "quick fix". Instead of doing it in a healthy way, eating the right amount of food and exercising, you're taking a shot & essentially depriving the body of what it needs in order to function. Is it easy to only eat 500 calories a day? Of course not (however people on HCG claim it is because hunger is not an issue with the shot) but it IS a "quick fix".

    It's the same with all the "get rich quick schemes". Nobody wants to do the daily grind and really establish themselves, work their way up the corporate ladder & reach the top, ending in financial success. People want to rob banks, win the lottery, buy into scams, etc.

    Do the work it takes to lose weight, become wealthy, be successful, etc.

    there is no quick fix .... quick fixes are temporary.
  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
    Yes, starving yourself will make you lose weight, but the minute you start to eat like a normal person again you'll gain it all back and possibly more. That's the downfall to starvation I suppose. That, and major headaches, and no sense of accomplishment whatsoever because you took the easy way out.

    I love when people call it the easy way out,how is eating 500 calories a day easy? It seems alot harder than those of us that eat 1200 or more lol

    I just think that hard work, sweat, and learning portion control are much more difficult, yet more rewarding than simply starving yourself and pumping yourself full of a hormone made of urine.
  • Rhondast
    Rhondast Posts: 93
    I gained about 20 pounds back, but it's cause I had extreme things going on. I didn't have time to cook, had to eat on the run, or in a hospital. (my step dad got sick, my little dog had constant vet visits. Everything blew up around me.) I got into cake decorating, gained 5 more pounds, and went back on it....no headaches. I just need to be paid so I can go protocol food shopping. I maintained the size 11 jeans that I was. I went from size 16 to size 11. I'm on a higher dose. I feel energetic.
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Everybody WANT'S IT NOW! No matter if its in the form of fast food, information or getting from point A to B. Loosing weight is no different. No one wants to work hard and bet little and sometimes no results BUT that's the REAL way you loose weight and KEEP it off for life.

    If something isn't going right then we just look for the QUICK FIX. Although this diet is technically healthy I guess, I do not believe in messing with your body like that. Doing something like this to get thin is no different than eating garbage crap and gaining weight.

    Why is being in shape such a status symbol? BECAUSE IT'S NOT EASY!!! This may work for the present but taking short cuts will always back fire in my opinion.